Tag Archives: Alex Karpovsky


[INTRO: live april 2013: i was not paying JBO to watch this filth, I was watchin it “FO FREE” on the internets. I did not mean to write so much about it, but it is illustrative of J Decadence destroying our people. K Cancer. this is Forty-Two HUNDRED words, so I “recommend” reading it in 4 parts, if i were to recommend reading it at all, hahahaha. jeeez, i hope i didn’t miss any of the Grrlz commentary i have strewn across my various text files, ha.

ok this is long enough to be FOUR posts so just pretend it is, and do not read more than one Part per day, ha. Remember I am in a Hateful Phase until June, which simply means I use Racial Slurs more than usual. But I can assure you it is not Impotent, Tiny-Foot-Stamping Rage. OR Violent Rage.

(I might be stealing “Impotent Rage” from my newest mancrush Matt Parrott.

Sept 2010: Majority Rights Radio: Soren Renner, Matt Parrott, and Kievsky talk about The Tea Party. I think Parrott uses the term here.


Oct 2010: Parrott’s Radio Free Indiana on Reason Radio; Parrott did a alot of shows w Robert Stark and Mike Conner too. I am late to the Parrott Party but the kid is still hot. on this debut show of Radio Free Indiana Parrott has a talk with Kievsky as well. ALWAYS a great guy there. I credit him with turning me onto Parrott. And onto a lot of things. Kievsky is a Great, Admirable, INSPIRATIONAL Man and I am THANKFUL he exists!

Heh. next time I will link to interviews with Andy Nowicki after I listen to them. I know Parrott has an interview with, MAYBE Stark, and def Greg Johnson. Nowicki might be yet another up an coming mancrush. White-friendly, J-Wise, grumpy/curmudgeonly, AND Catholic.

Each of these men should be as Big of Household Names and have as wide a Reach as this following K Cancer which I’m wasting Free Blog Ink on.


( sperg meme macro chan tangent: why has none of the kissless virgins made a meme of this one yet? YOU’RE WELCOME!

- white mans burden lloyd white mans burden











[dec 2012] Of course Jezebel writes 6,000,001 articles a day about The Televitz Show “Goilz”. I initially thought they would LUV it for its Honest Portrayal of Today’s Wimmin, but they like to criticize it too, for not having enough Multiculturalism! There wasn’t a single Person of Colour In The First Season! And Now Leeeeena is guilty of Tokenism because she writes herself getting reamed by a black guy in the

first 2 minutes of the season 2 premiere. She appeases her critics and still gets dissed. You almost feeeeeel sorry for her! It’s just like her character too, just a big “blobby” punching bag ( some other Professional Career Writer at NY Post I believe Made Their Living Writing about Leeeeeenaz “Blobby Body” and how it’s nice to have Real Wimmin With Curves on Televitz. Always the worst Backhanded Compliments with this bunch!) for everyone to hate and make fun of.

(Impromptu POYEM ripping off both Firepower and Bukowski:


will make more money than You,
White Man,
and will be more successful than You will ever be

their children will be more successful than Your children
they will have better Mate Choice than You
they will be more Popular and have more Friends
they will get more Appreciation, Respect, and LOVE

all for writing this POISON

than you will ever get from Working Hard your whole life.

not because they are Smarter than you
or work harder than you

because their useless degree came from a more prestigious Kollige than yours,
because they Sucked K C0q
and because they Networked with a bunch of other Successful K’s.

R U Haaaaaappy about that,

White Man?


Anyway my point was, the show is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALL WHITE, 2 of the 4 girls are BLATANTLY Jish! It is very telling that Blatant Jews are supposed to be Whites, how far this deception has penetrated. And YouKnowWhoish Writers will complain about shows that have an overt (as opposed to covert) YouKnowWho Presence that their YouKnowWho show is TOO WHITE. WOW.

That Being Said (hahaha) the show is more entertaining than an average movie. Maybe we can use it to SHAPE A DISCOURSE (ha) of How Women Should Not Be.

But not NEARLY as entertaining as STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION!

Also, I’m not sure 18 year old girls who had previously made up their mind not to be wh0res will watch this show and then suddenly decide it’s ok to be a wh0re.

So you can’t really say the show is “ruining western civilization/culture.” Just that our Media is in decline and glorifies Decadence. NO SH!T SHERLOCK. this is nothing new.



heh. I was watching the show jgirlz and there was a Touching scene where Shoshanna has doubts about Ray being a loser, and he beats her to the punch, and says, “just come out and say it, you’re thinking it, i’m a huge loser. what is a cute smart young 21 year old girl doing with a homeless 33 year old loser like me.” after she criticizes him for having no ambition or energy and when he doesn’t go to his deadend job he just sits around all day and does nothing and doesn’t want to do anything and is clearly a loser. heh I liked Ray even more at that

point. Actually I think the little jgirl shoshanna is very cute too, I’d defile my race with her. after I’d had two white babies, and noting that she is the daughter of Jew-I-Might-Like David Mamet, who is notable for Renouncing his Leftism and Vocally Coming Over to the Right, which doesn’t happen all that often. Plus “Glengarry Glen Ross” is one of my all time favorites.

Sure, he’s probably still a Ziocon, because he’s a j. nonetheless I like GGGR, I think his jish daughter is very cute, and her TV rel with Harelip Jboy is not overly jish and has something tender and poignant for losers and lovers of all races.

see when you’re a young punk kid you think being BORING equates with being a LOSER. When you get to be an old loser, you begin to appreciate being boring, hahahaha. NO, B!T(H, not an old LOSER. At least Ray HAS a deadend Job! While Shoshanna is just a JAP College Student probably studying Marketing or Human Resources or Education or Social Work or Journalism. They haven’t said yet.

Similarly: Marnie (yes their names are horrible) can’t use her Art History degree because there are no museum/gallery jobs, so she becomes a Hostess for Ass-Grabbing Bankerz and makes more money in a day than she used to in a week. Then she meets a successful young artist who uses great Game on her, saying “I Love all you young girls that give up on your dreams the moment they face any sort of struggle.” of course she loves being insulted and she wants his c0k and he bangs her the same day.

So she’s a slut and he’s got solid game, but in her defense, I think a dream of Being A Curator is a f00king gay horrible jish k!ke dream to have, and there’s actually more honor in “giving up” and becoming a better-paid hostess. even though I don’t particularly like Hostesses or Waitresses EITHER!

Finally: I like when Jessa (told ya about the names!) gets mad at Thomas-John (heh I think Leeeeeeeena is actually smart enough to know what she’s doing here) and calls him BORING. Yeah well at least he works for a living and isn’t a huge whore. She’s way more in the wrong than he is!

so it’s a fun show. Ideally there would be 40 episodes a season so you could really flesh out the details of their Working lives. Right now there’s not enough of that, too much of their decadent sex lives. Except the thing with Ray and Shoshanna is growing the beard as a potentially Good True Love Story, no joke. at this point I don’t even care they’re both huge js.

not that the show, edgy as it may be, will EVER touch the J Question in a satisfying manner.

Also I like how “Adam” is a Huge Hipster Sex Symbol. He combines Angry Sperg Psycho with Decent 4sshole Game and some Bodybuilding. Watch and learn, Angry Sperg Psychos.

heh. there i go confusing teevee with real life again.














[feb 2013]ongoing commentary of GIRLS Season 2, who the f00k am I, half sigma hahahaha.

I like that Ray and Adam are put together because they could become good buddies. I really liked that Ray was verbally assaulted by a white trash teen girl on staten island who called him a kke fggot and says that he lives in his moms basement and doesn’t have a job and his mom bought him

those fggot pants. He says “I’m not a kke, I’m Greek Orthodox!” then a touching scene where Ray watches manhattan from the staten island beach like the bitter loser wannabes he had been mocking, asks the dog “you don’t think I’m a Kke, do you?” and then weeps bitter tears of butthurt at what a loser he is. That was all very, very good.

Or Ray taking great offense when Adam thought he was 40 when he was really 33.

It was great to touch on The J Question, and to have his masculinity threatened by a Girl, HOWEVER I was not as happy about the implication that The People Who Live On Staten Island are All White Trash Racists Jealous of New York city dwellers but they’re too Dumb to Have A Good Careeeeeer

so they just become butthurt racist homophobes and call them Kke Fggots, envious of their success. Didn’t like that implication. Where was the Smart Nontrashy White Staten Island Resident happy with his station in life.

But I had to ask, if Ray WERE a “kke” (ie A J), WOULD he BE such a loser? You ever met a J Loser who was as big a loser as Ray? NO, J’s always have their J Safety Net. J’s who are Sensualist Slackers who Fail College are always guaranteed a cushy Office Job on account of their Ashamed J Fathers, and will ultimately make more monay than You ever will, Ya Stupid Stupid GOY!

Heh. Ok, if K1KOPEDIA sez Alex Karpovsky is j, then he’s j. Well it doesn’t explicitly say. but there’s tons of implicit stuff: Newton Mass, Visual Ethnography at Oxford.

Ultimately I don’t expect Widdle Weeeeena to address The J Question much more deeply, it’s a Mainstream Televitz Show, gods sakes.

The other thing that’s gnawing at me as much as a Televitz show can, is, Why they hell aren’t these people in GRAD SCHOOL? Perhaps even LAW School? Even just ONE of the girls? Well Shoshanna is still an undergrad but she’d be great grad school fodder; and “Jessa” (what a dumb name) is a druggie college dropout, but Hannah or Marnie EASILY Should* be in Grad Skool. Yes I understand it’s a TV SHOW, NOT REAL LIFE, but it could at least provide some good Grad Skool satire, if indeed satire is what she is going for.


The Token Black (Conservative No Less!) was going to Law Skool but he was written off too quickly. Ray mentioned his 50k in student loan debt so we know the problem isnt’ that he didn’t go to kollige, its that he went to a bad college OR got a bad degree OR he’s a lazy loser who doesn’t want to try hard and he gets out of life what he puts in.

If I were a writer on the show, I would have him have a Useless Masters or even PhD degree.

I like that Hannah is writing an E Book and she thinks that makes her A True Writer until she realizes all the other loser wannabe writers are writing ebooks. not that the kkes in the publishing and writing industries are any less losers. even bigger fggots.

So yeah, FUN show because it shows what fggots Brooklyn SWPL Hipsters are, but it could be way better if they went deeper into the J and Grad Skool angles. Or gave Ray his own show. But they prob won’t.


latest episode of girls: hannah gets OCD I like that, both funny and serious; ray’s stock goes down when he gives gay unsolicited life advice to marnie; her stock goes up because she wanted her x bf to be crushed but he became quickly super successful in entrepreneurship; shoshanna is a loser because she cheats on ray with a smooth ngger, they at least make out but in this kke degenerate world he probably goatses her. prob better than the last episode. not a bad show, just kinda losing Cohesion right now. maybe longer episodes

would help. not a bad show? it’s kke poison. but watchable and funny kke poison. ideally everyone in the show would move back with their parents and go to trade school because they have to have internships to get a job at mcdonalds and full time jobs don’t even EXIST anymore. make ALL the jobs part time. part time doctors, nurses, engineers, teachers, truckers, welders, lawyers, accountants, managers, clerks,

health techs, part time everybody. then the companies can save shtloads of money. on like healthcare and retirement and taxes and sht. also, make everyone get a masters degree and do 9000 hours of unpaid internship to get a part time job. none of which pays more than 9 bucks an hour.








. ok here’s a Fun Picture for reading this far:






. PART 3

comments on s2 finale of goils: the show is good for portraying lots that’s wrong with society and kids and goils. ray wants to prove to shoshanna he’s ambitious by going back to finish his phd in “LATIN STUDIES?” disappoint on many levels. now i got the feeling he was a failed grad/phd student,

which was kewl, and i have wondered why these people aren’t IN grad skool, because that’s just what SWPLs DO. But anyone who was grad skool bound knows that “Latin Studies” is not a real phd. Latin AMERICAN studies, or Central American Marxism, sure. but this little detail is a glaring sign that Weeeena didn’t do her homework.

Plus Shosh insisting angrily that Ray needs to go the THERAPY. Ray rightfully says f00k no. he should have said no YOU go to THERAPY. When a wimmin sez this to you, she’s saying, get away from me beta, i don’t care if you go to THERAPY or go die in a gutter. Then if you forced them to THINK about it,

they’d conclude that Therapy is a Magic Bullet that Cures F00ked-up people, because well, that’s What Therapy Is For. In my show, Ray would have already GONE To “Therapy” YEARS before the show started and found out it didn’t work. For Him, hahahaha.

Compare: Adam rushing to Save Hannah From Herself and her “OCDC.” He should* have just laughed and said, F00k you, stay away from me, Go To Therapy and Get The Help You Need, then hung up. yeah the actual ending was cute and sentimental and romantic and that part of me liked it, but I would have liked MY ending more.

Besides, we already SAW Hannah go to the shrink, and you saw how useful HE was. THIS angle would be explored in my show. shrinks are useless and when someone tells you to go to a shrink, they’re just insulting you to your face and you should tell them to FOAD for being a stupid annoying N!993rK!k3.

I like how Adam is so “Beautifully Broken” and he talks REALLY dirty to the girls he bangs. This is great. But the current girl in this episode tries to TRAIN him during his dirty talking sex, like “UM OK, YEAH NO, UM NO, just because I like Your C doesn’t make me a filthy Wh0re”.

I also think Ray made the very right choice when his boss offered him a better job, so Ray could be the boss of the new store, rather than be a f00king f4gg0t GRAD student. funny Ray’s thought process: he thinks going back to Marxist SWPL PhD Skool will make him more attractive to Girl Who

Finds Ambition Attractive…..then when he presents his boss with this ultimatum, his boss just happens to have this little carrot waiting for him (“Well, I wasn’t gonna tell you till later, BUT….”) . NOW, Ray makes the RIGHT choice in choosing that

new job, because he’ll make more money and have a better life than being a PhD. Which, ultimately is really what Shoshanna is asking for. BUT, at the end of the day, she wants MORE, she wants the Wall St Biz Exec or Rich J Docker or Lawyer, that Ray never had a CHANCE at being,

no matter how “ambitious”. She doesn’t want a Latin American Studies Professor (unless proffing at an Ivy), she doesn’t want a manager of a successful small business, she wants a top 1% guy. Period.

I would have also accepted: Ray gets his PhDeeeeeezNuttz and discovers how far that gets him: Him cobbling together several adjunct jobs at Community Colleges, teaching Spanish or History, where he WOULD be more miserable than he was when he was A Big Loser working at the first coffee shop.

Great comment by Weeeeena on the Extra Commentary: (paraphrase) yeah, it LOOKS LIKE Marnie is only back in luv with Charlie because now he’s a Successful Rich Entrepreneur who’s too cool to give her the time of day, but it’s MORE than that; Marnie isnt’ really a “morally bankrupt gold digger”,

she just needed a little time and SPACE to FIND herself, like everyone does at that age, and for Charlie to FIND himself too, and for him to COME FROM A PLACE of being his “confident masculine best.” (/paraphrase)

Well, what if his Confident Masculine Best did not involve him becoming insanely rich overnight?

Yeah, well, as Marylin JRoe said, “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” I encourage all betas to use that one next time some decadent uppity 3!t(h can’t Take A Hint!












While these fun fantasy unrealistic elements give the show a nice light breezy anything-is-possible feel, it does create Plot Holes: whatever happened to Jessa’s Husband? Is he paying her Alimony? What of the Handsome Docker played by Patrick Wilson? Why isn’t Hanna obsessed with him? Oh because when you’re “at that age” you can forget about people really quickly who you were formerly “in love” with. yeah maybe

when you’re 13, not 23. The biggest stumbling block is, HOW DID CHARLIE GET SO RICH OVERNIGHT? because he invested in an “App Business” and now he has 20 hot girls working for him, and probably a crew of MIT Software Engineeers, when he has show NO Business Savvy, no

Computer Science 3 Savvy, when he probably just got an ENGLISH degree from OBERLIN just like the other characters on the show? It DOESN’T ADD UP. You scratch the surface a little and big questions show up. Sh1t why haven’t I “INVESTED IN AN APP” yet?

But the show DOES have potential to be much better. I would like to see: Someone gets a DUI and then can’t get a job. Someone spends a whole season being a huge loser who can’t get a job as an Admin Assistant because there’s too many Masters Degrees out there. Somebody ends up in a PSYCH WARD. Somebody just can’t make it in the real world and they go back to live with their parents in suburbia and then end up

having to take business classes with all the people they used to despise in high school and college. Also, the people don’t WORK nearly enough. They should be working deadend retail, restaurant, and at best office jobs for at LEAST 50 hours

a week to pay for their expensive brooklyn apartments, and then not have time for A SOCIAL LIFE or FINDING THEMSELVES because they go to bed as soon as they get off work because they have no ENERGY. Then they get super depressed naturally, either kill themselves, become a raging

alcoholic and get DUIs, end up in a psych ward, move back with the parents, they all turn into RAY, only 10 times worse because they can’t get hired for a COFFEE SHOP job, all their sexual interests reject them for having no ambition and hating everything, then make it to 30 with nothing to show for their lives. Complete Failures.

And then the epiphany comes to them: maybe being a RACIST isn’t so bad at all.

Or they can just become slightly, incrementally more conservative: taking on Family Values, Shunning the Disposeable SWPL Youth Values, Shunning Promiscuity, Buying Guns, maybe becoming more Religious.

Yeah. Explain Charlie’s Success, and Make the people WORK MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more than they actually do. The MAJORITY of the show should talk place AT work, not 1% of it. Or show them in the job search process: endless resumes, CLs, applications, that never result in interviews; interviews for part time jobs that never results in getting the job.

Them never getting Tail and pining about College Tail and how they wasted their College Days.

Much More Work, Much Less Sex, More Rejection, more Failure, Less Social Life, More Angst, More Anger, More Racism, More Legal Trouble, more Mental Trouble, more Pure Hatred, more Shrinks that Do Nothing, more Religion.

But it is obvious that even though the show is called GIRLS, the MEN are the much more interesting characters.

Maybe if she had just done a show based off her character in her movie “Tiny Furniture,” where she was a loser who moved back in with her mom and was jealous of her younger sister and couldn’t get a better job than being a hostess in a crappy restaurant because she was a fat ugly annoying loser, hahahaha. no but in that movie her mother was a successful rich ARTIST, I would have changed that real quick.

Have Adam and Ray say F00K THIS SH1T then run off together and work on an OIL FIELD, make tons of money, in a few years start their own “Oil Business”, then when they’re 40 and Balding, they will pull College Girls younger and cuter than the ones they pulled before.

(There was an Adam/Ray Friendship hinted at.)

Have Adam NOT run back to Hannah, but say F00k this sh1t, YOU go to therapy, I’m gonna stick with this girl who’s hotter, nice, and way less crazy. She made annoying remarks during Sex at one time, but then I re-educated her with some Sex Talk of my own! and now she behaves!

Have Ray boycott the decadence of Brooklyn and move to Staten Island and bang troglodytes and he discovers it isn’t as bad as he thought. His Elitism, as a 33 year old failure, will not be credible for much longer. if he is really supposed to be 33, then he should have already went thru his “Maybe I should

go back to grad skool” phase and his “I’m gonna try going to a shrink” phase and his Intellectual Hardon I’m-Smarter-Than-U-Cause-I-Read-100-Years-Of-Solitude phase MANNY YEARS ago. He should have been done with all of those by age 30, hahahaha. And should now be ready to be a White Warrior. If he were white and not a k!ke, hahahahahahahahaha.

have the characters move to a more low-rent area of brooklyn, become a racial minority, see nonwhites/nonk!kes behaving badly, come to a Racial Awakening.

become more comfortable using words like “k!ke” or “n!993r” or “f4gg0t” or “sh!tskin” or “bluegum” or “christkiller” or “h00kn05e” or “5hyl0(k”.

Am I looking forward to season 3, you’re damn right I am. You only THINK I spend a lot of time watching, thinking, writing about this show, but I can assure you, I’ve spent WAY more time doing actually USEFUL things. Like WORKING. and CALCULUS. Each SEASON is only 5 hours long. Not talking about 20 hour long Star Trek seasons here. Anyway you have noted my suggestions for season 3. But I have a feeeeeeeeeeeeeling Leeeena won’t listen.

but bonus pts for having that shabbas goy filth peddler j wannabe j f4g john cameron mitchell make a combined chloe sevigny and “hannah and her sisters” joke, maybe. little more than a “reference” which is what passes for humor in this family guy era. kinda a “throwaway joke” that gets snuck in

before the actual scene, he is staring at a photo of chloe and sez “oh chloe, not even the rain has such small hands” which is of course originally a poem by the gentile ee cummings but gets used to great effect in one of my favourite j movies, “h and her sisters”, which leeeeeena has CERTAINLY seen. good for her. j seeing a j movie.

have a huge 5000 word girls post just to flush all this sh1t out already

this show is k poison, degenerate filth, do not PAY k’s to be “entertained” by their k poison which wants YOU and your CHILDREN DEAD.

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HOPE YOU ALL HAD A Good CHRISTmas with your Families. If you have horrible families then I have pity and MERCY on you. But Welcome Back, I will be posting one a day at 5:15 am for the remainder of the YEAR, haw haw haw. This one is TOO LONG once again, I don’t even want to TELL you the godawful number of words.

Totes Off Topic Sweet Youtube Embed:

WILLIAM PIERCE appears on 60 minutes, “interviewed” by mike wallace. do not portray him too flatteringly haha. connecting him with tim mcveigh etc and then they bring out the SPLC etc. Weird seeing the big contrast between the Ziomedia and some of these antiZio people I’ve been interested lately. They get portrayed as racists and crackpots.

Totes Off Topic Urgent Linkage New Blogroll Addition Sweet New Blog Discovery Edition:


Heh and this is only from the past MONTH hahaha. New Short List Addition. Well at least he went to an Ivy (so he says, can’t tell if sarcastic) but he PROB does have a Good Job, if not a Careeeeeer, and I think he might agree with me that Careeeeers ie the College Career Cartel Cult is Gay Bad BS.
Son Of Brock Landers, saw him commenting on Eradica, and his blog his immediately sweet. Heh. Keep an eye on this guy. Been writing for years. Specific Policy Ideas. SWPL Mocking. I have a feeeeeling he might appear in my 2nd Tier, hahaha.
he also does this other blog which is more about WIMMIN specifically. But I have such a Favourable First Reaction to him that Ima put him in my blogroll immediately, that’s how Fired Up I am about him, and you know I don’t get Fired Up easily, it’s my tagic flaw hahaha. A Wonderful Member of the ERADICASPHERE, hahaha.


heh. used my new decadence toy (ie New Laptop Computer, decent quality, GREAT price, present to myself hahaha) to find a stream of episode 1 online rather than wait for netflix, pay for netflix, wait for the disc to be released, then wait the long wait, then get the disc. internet, whatta thing for the bread and circuses. i could become a real shut-in omega virgin here.

I didn’t come all the way out here to the internet just to fool ya: i really enjoyed the pilot episode. It was hilarious IMHO and Jewham shows all her strengths. a good writer for any age, let alone a 24 year old swpl GURL. I will never like the Generation and Subculture she represents, but I’m starting to think she might not love it either, despite being swept up in it, but I think part of that is the Sad Sack Helpless Child LOSER role she plays, which she fits nicely into. the role she was born to play. but i can appreciate that dunham herself is both smarter and stronger and better than that, plus the loser character succeeds at being hilarious. the show nicely captures the unpaid internship postcollege artist swpl brooklyn stuff that is De Rigeur for some colleges, some grads, and it was a pretty popular lifestyle among the students at my university for sure. I never got into it, and indeed now I’m an outspoken critic of it, hahaha.

But I am glad dunham introduces the FInancial aspect right away, since In The Real World, you’re a fool not to. ADDultKidz Not Making Good Money and with $Fifty Thousand of student loans to pay back cannot afford $2000 a month to live in some sh!tty apt. I liked that Dunhams Parentz were cutting her off, and those scenes were all written very well too. I have been underestimating Dunham as a Comedy Talent, she really is one of the FUNNIER Wimmin I’ve seen in a while. Yes they make the “Sex and the city” reference early too, I thought she was too stupid and arrogant to realize that, but no. The men are either beta faggots who are going to get dumped for being too nice, while dunham falls in luv with the Guy With Game: the arrogant 4sshole who uses her as a Harem “FWB”. Here SHE becomes the beta supplicator. Now the guy isn’t really cool, he’s a huge hypocrite and SWPL too, he’s just comparatively more brash than the Total NIceguy who’s gonna get dumped, and that’s why he gets a harem of girls texting him for sex, rather than being cutt off altogether and marching smilingly towards his execution like Beta Boy. NOw he’s still an annoying brooklyn artist, walks around his messy apt in jeans and no shirt. my jew “buddy” alex karpovsky also appears playing himself: the consummate annoying jew, but he’s confident and full of himself and talkative, and does not seem to be hurting for tail like betaboy.

I will give this episode a Full Blown A, it was both a lot more funny and intelligent than I was expecting. I will NEVER kiss lena dunham’s arse though, but I might work for her on a New York Living Wage. This is very close to the SWPL Comedy Of Manners I’ve been looking for and which Whit Stillman is a bit too old for. Noted that Dunham genuinely LOVES Barry and Stillman is much more politically palatable, leaning towards the right as he does. But I think Dunham is waking up to the Decadence of Her Generation, even if she is decadent herself. also she hasn’t made the connection that betas need not be shamed. she or more accurately her hotter franz just shame and dump betas. but we’ll see how this show goes, would like to see more from the betas. plus methinks that it’s “Easier” to do a tv show than to do movies, and if dunham does a lot of writing, then we can quicker get a handle on her style and her substance. Much like you only need to print out 10 pages of a 9,000,000 page blog like mine to get a 90% accurate picture of what it is.

Thankfully Dunham does not seem to preach the smug swpl antivirtues and social justice ™, if this pilot is any indication, which it Should* be.

I don’t have to think these characters are COOL or want to hang out with them – QUITE the opposite! – to admire and enjoy and find the show hilarious and very well-done. It was JUST GREAT when the Semi-“Alpha” Slob told Lena to BEND OVER and then GOT THE LUBE and then grabbed her by the hair and whispered in her ear “YOU MODERN CAREER WIMMIN, YOU’RE ALL THE SAME, YOU THINK YOU’RE SO STRONG AND INDEPENDENT, BUT YOU JUST WANT A MAN TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO AND BEND YOU OVER AND REAM YOU UP THE 4SS.” And by Lena’s Submission we can see this is TRUE!

I just want her to suck it up even one step further and show that it’s Mommy State and Cultural Antiwhite Marxists who have contributed so much to the Social Construction (hahaha) of the Feminized Western (Beta) Male that appears is gonna be such a big part of her show, and I don’t mind having a cold white light cast on these, HOWEVER I want Wimmin to share as much blame and shame and fault as the Feminised Western Men themselves. WIMMIN, YOU GET THE MEN YOU DESERVE!!!

So don’t knock the show Firepower hahaha I am sure that You like Me will get Perverse Enjoyment out of it.

See they complain that the men aren’t manly enough, and while this is true, these wimmin don’t deserve Real Men. The lesson Betas learn is: simply PRETEND to Be A Man and you will get all the pvssy you want. And if all you want out of life is pvssy, it doesn’t really matter if you ever become a real man or not. Wimmin are too stupid and decadent to know or care if you’re a Real Man or you’re just faking it.

Ok I just watched 4 episodes in a row, because I, like Lena, have no skills that can get me hired at a Real Job, and I can more safely say that Widdle Wena has a gift for comedy. I was srsly LOLing, and not just in a mock the decadent unmarriageable wimmin way, but that she also is good at writing jokes and funny dialogue and characters and situations. Jewex Jewkovsky with his Harelip and Obnoxiousness is also pretty funny too. Was not expecting show to be THIS funny. Good 4 Leeeeeeeena! “You can’t SUE me, you don’t have the wherewithal to be at WORK by TEN am, you don’t have a Sueing APP on your iPhone!” honestly there’s a good number of quotable jokes, which you rightfully don’t expect out of a Modern Wimmin. Any I will try not to waste any more precious blogink on this show like HALF SIGMA or CHUCK RUDD or something (heh jk) because there are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE GOING ON RIGHT NOW THAT MOST PEOPLE JUST SLEEP THROUGH.

Also, gladly, SPOILER The Beta seems to be growing a sack and putting his b!tchy GF in her place, taming the wild hamster. might not last but nice to see him get even a minute of redemption. Also the Virgin Girl is Cute, it’s too bad she’s ashamed of being a Virgin because all her franz are huge godless wh0res of babylon. I MY show she would stay a virgin until she nonlegally marries a man she’s in totes luv with then she starts having babies. JEwbabies. all the characters are h33bz and antiwhite. I promise I will not sell out and become soft. But Jokes, especially jokes about SWPL Decadent anitwhite hipsters, are my achilles heel.

Moral of the story: don’t watch too much TV, even fun semi-intelligent TV,

BECAUSE EVEN THE BEST TV DOES NOT COMPARE TO A LIFE WELL-LIVED. GET OUT THERE AND HUSTLE, SON! HUSTLE! (in the manly move and shake way, not the scammy scheisty way wimminz “hustle” men)

Was Playing Around with the Provocative Idea (“NOTION” is a F@ggot Word) that maybe THE LORD GOD has it in His Plan for Some Men to BE Lazy Losers where their Life Purpose is just to Watch TEEVEE and BLOG and be Underemployed, hahaha, so instead of feeeeeeeeeling guilty about it, the men should give thanks to GOD and embrace GOD’S PLAN FOR THEM. More later. Insert “Belus” or “Baldr” or “Perun” or some other EuroPagan God if you’re uncommmmmmftrble with the “Jewish” God, VARGIE VARG. But this is PROB the Great Deceiver trying to Rationalize a Life Of Slothful SIN by making the Sinner think he is doing God’s Work. God wants Men to DO SOMETHING. Which is understandable. Valid.

The guy who plays Nick Smith the Arrogant Alpha in “Metropolitan” Chris Eigeman (sp?) has a Role in Girls, I THINK he is Leeeeenaz FATHER. Which got me thinking, Gen Y is the children of Gen X. SWPL Brahminz the children of WASP Optimates. NEw Yawk Internz the chillunz of New Yawk YUPPIES. Leeeeenaz the chillen of Stillman. And this “newfound” commitment to sustainability and social justice and making a difference and work life balance and stop corporate greed and anything but MONEY might be a “reaction” against their parents’ generation where the primary criterion of how Good Your Careeeer was was how much money you made? But it’s still about status 15and New Yawk Jobs.

Also funny how he is a Conservative WASP in Metro but a wimpy ass liberal jew in Girls. In 5 episodes there’s been No Mention of Jewishness. Are we to just ASSUME that Dunham is a Jewess? One of those secular atheist nonreligious jews of course. they wait till 30 to discover their jewishness hahaha and make their birthright trip. no starz of david or synagogues in the show. all we have to go on is What She Looks Like, ie, pretty jewish looking hahaha. And knowing that Dunham herself is and identifies as “VERY CULTURALLY JEWISH” (I’ll never forget that quote!) And that her character’s name is “Hannah Horvath” and that sounds hella jewish.

In Hipster Brooklyn 2012, SWPL WASPs and SWPL Jews COEXIST very nicely together, at that point, the whites might as well be jewish.

OK Chris Eigeman actually plays Leeeeenaz Intern Boss at the gay pubzogging house.

Been appreciating Emotion more, rather than always championing Logic over Emotion like I used to, and now acknowledging that Emotion has Its Place, and that stuff like STORIES or novels or fictions can and should engage the emotions. Logic wins the mind and emotion wins the heart. which is why we need stories and storytellers and writers who write stories and characters. Dunham has proven herself to be prob the best storyteller of and about her generation, but I’m not sure what her Endgame is. I would like to see Girls end with her soundly condemning the hypocrisy, stupidity, immorality, decadence etc of her generation; her saying these characters are f00ked up and unredeemable unless they REPENT for their Careeeerism and Promiscuity and Hamstering and Narcissism and Constant Abortionz and AntiManness and Antiwhiteness.  [tm I recall the Kvlt Lousiana Metal Band Acid Bath / Dax Riggs using the word “ANTIMAN” in 1994 “The Bones of Baby Dolls” but I am seizing and redefining the word now as my own new synonym for misandry haha hmm i wanted to shrink this parenthetical text down to a very small font because it’s not really important or relevant and it’s stupid wordpress does not have that on their toolbar, chr!st you have to go into the html, which i certainly CAN do, but even BLOGGER had a font size option LIKE JUST SAYIN N STUFF note to self: use <span style=”font-size: x-small;”> bla bla </span>] NO, not repent to God necessarily, but just be sincerely sorry for their mistakes. “MISTAKES” seems to be a stated theme of the show according to Dunham. So do you really LEARN from the mistakes, and I argue that involves being Sincerely Sorry for them, rather than saying, this is just what young people DO. Anyway I am starting to appreciate Stories and Storytelling More, I can relate, I have a bit of that in me, I used to write a lot of stories before I switched to blogging and whining hahaha.

I would not mind being my own Guest Character on the show who comes out and totally judges all the girls and says I would rather move back to my parents BASEMENT than leech 2 grand a month off them, “Working” an unpaid job. But the show is notable for pointing out how stupid and retarded and gay and godawful Internzhips are. Good For Jewham for realizing what a stupid racketscam they are.

Also interesting is when Leeeeeena briefly works at the Touchy Feely Niceguy Jewbeard’s Office (In MY show, the Male protagonist would have struggled for the entire season just to get interviewed for such a “crappy” job, it would have gone to a Young Girl, and he would have said “f00k this sh!t” and begged his Good Family to let him move into their basement for 900$ a month and save some money, haha) and her coworkers are 10 years older, Gen X while she is Gen Y, but they are CLEARLY Less Educated and More Prole and thus Stupider and Crasser and Lamer. Not the Careeeeeer-Track gen X’ers. At the end of the Day, Educated SWPL 24-year-old Leeeeeena is not much different than them. Woulda liked to see this play out more, but of course SPOILER Leeeeena quits the job, and will probably easily find another steady FT easy boring office job by the next episode. She “should” have had to go to a Prestigious Grad Skool to get the Boring Easy Secretary Job she FLIPPANTLY QUIT in the first place!

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