Tag Archives: omega



[Real Time Edit to comment on The Daily Outrage (tm Eradica) of the honestly Immoral, Evil, Appaling CT School Shooting, also pushing this WELL into Long-Post, SEVEN-minutes-of-your-day category:


Go Read Eradica First, I’m just ripping them off. This has become my Biggest Day Ever because I somehow got a trackback on STORMFRONT, was not expecting that. Well, I do like David Duke but I do not participate in any forums.

So the big skool shooting in CT just happened yesterday. We all know I have a Grim Fascination in Shootings like this. I don’t know if there’s actually MORE shootings nowadays, or the MEDIA is reporting on it more. Or the shootings are just BIGGER and elicit somber commentary from Your Prez. I honestly feeeeeel There Are More Shootings than even 30 years ago. MY POINT IS, behind MOST of these shootings, there’s LIKELY to be a WHITE BETA. WHITE Sperg Virgin, White Unemployable Introvert, White Angry Young Man who is NOT getting Young Tail. The key ingredients are: WHITE, Undersexed/Lesser Beta/No Game, and Socially Awkward/Sperg/Introvert/Loner. PROVE ME WRONG. AM I WRONG? YOU CAN’T PROVE IT!

But I like how this one Adam Lanza was outed by his brother as being “SOMEWHAT AUTISTIC”, the Autist Community will prob have a FIELD DAY over that one. That was last night. Seem to be playing that comment down understandably and now saying he “SUFFERED FROM A PERSONALITY DISORDER.”


Not to diminish the suffering of the families whose children were slaughtered or the terror and pain and agony and dread the children and other victims felt as they met their maker in a “pretty” godawful way. Of course, this is just The Lord saying, “You See What Happens When You Take Me Out Of Skoolz! If you let people pray in pub skools maybe I coulda saved these kidz!” Trollery, hahaha.

But I guaranteed if this Autistic Gothic Sperg Virgin Omega Introvert Creepy Unemployable Feminized Western Male* had: Pvssy on the Reg and FT Work On The Reg, he would not have done this. Guarantee, 100%. But instead he’s a total nutcase who kills his own mother and kills little kids. Good Job Moses Hessians, hahaha. Zionist Marxist International Shylox!

So I will have more to say about that later prob. *”Feminized Western Male” tm Chechar.


heh. a trackback for Eradica’s Thoughts, hahaha. This is a great example of “The Daily Outrage” exactly because it is more outrageous than the average daily outrage. I guess you need a good Monthly or Quarterly Outrages and have a nice hierachy of Useless Outrages, hahaha. They talk about ZOG Drones slaughtering 30 innocent children a day for ZOG; Terminator-caliber rocket launchers being wielded by Average Serve and Protect Police Copz! and how all it takes is one Dedicated Nut (tm Bukowski) to get past all this Rocketpower and kill a sh!tload of American Kidz. Another good comment on Beta Rage: Men Who Are Mating Market LOSERS getting revenge against Mating Market WINNERS, by killing the winners’ kids, like Knife Attacks On Children in China. Heh. This is why Eradica is my Daily Newspaper hahaha. Thanks for nicely offering me the writing gig BTW. I do have “extra posts” I could give You. But my concern is that my stuff is not As Serious and Sober in tone as Eradica. I like to have fun and joke around, and also am in many ways a Weak, Feminised Western Beta Male Unwilling to Act. Laziness.

Also I know FP is very against Dumbing Down and 140 character Twitter Soundbites, but I do really like his little “POEMS/AXIOMS” he often leaves in comments, where he reduces things down to their essence. Not sure if he is being facetious, but IMHO this was always The Power Of (Bukowskian) Poetry for me: saying the Profoundest Things in the Fewest Words Possible with very little Ambiguity (unless Ambiguity is what you’re going for in the Poem. But Ambiguity is generally F4ggy anyway, try to stay away from it.)


highly truncated/edited to consrv &emphasise wrdz; block quote on Mikko Aspa from


start ”


seeks to portray urges &interest from predatory &masculine angle. majority of his body of work revolves around themes of degradation &abuse spiced with extensive amount of decay.  aims to destroy any elements of actual person’s ego or mundane being, & transform everything into objects of pure aesthetic value. work focuses often on theme of decay. Be it moral or physical condition of object or its surroundings.  Subjects include  “unprofessional” human nudity &obscene displays of perversions, which seek to distance sexuality from simulations of pro-creation. sexuality portrayed always involves predatory or voyeuristic angle.  zero attempt to normalize deviancy or seek acceptance for bizarre desires. [This] Anti-Social aspect of pornography remains exactly the opposite [of] apologetic approach of “sex art activists”.

…His paintings &illustrations are BLUNTLY NAIVE (heheheh), seeking nothing else than to portray idea of a specific act or object obsessing the creator’s mind…

Aspa considers himself SEER OF DECAY, who accepts &celebrates role of gutter artist… illusion of a new dawn is so distant, politics often enter only as side-product, and most often as uncomfortably and coldly inhumane as the rest of the work.

” end blockqt.

I have a Huge Mancrush on Mikko Aspa, that’s all. Plus get VAST majority of searchterms for his name.

If A Girl is Nice to you rather than all b!tchy and unpleasant, that might mean, “be a charming charismatic man to me, &you’ll prob get to Bangme. You’re gonna have to go out of your way to screw this one up.” which is fine &dandy if you find the girl particularly attractive. but what if you find that you feeeeeeel that you don’t really WANT to bang her? should you make the effort ANYWAY, just so you can get some more bangs in, assuming you haven’t banged 20 Wimmin Yet? (Trying to establish the Average Number Of Wimmin The Average Man SHOULD Bang in his lifetime so as to be a healthy nonpedestalizing nonslave nonbeta, to have the power to make his own choices regarding Mate Choice. I think I said before it was APPROX 20.) I GUESS if you still need to Get To 20, then go ahead &Pay Your Dues, &you’ll prob pull Hotter Tail in the Future. (NO I’m not ROCK SOLID on 20. But I can’t IMAGINE that number POSSIBLY being lower than 10. Even 10 is way too low. 30 seems a little too decadent, EVEN ALLOWING for that Men are Allowed to be More Decadent than Wimmin. So, APPROX 20. CLoser to 20 than to 10, hahaha. So 17. This works considering the Average Nonalpha Male Bangs a lot less than the Average Wimmin does, and a lot less than She THINKS He does, as she mistakenly believes Men and Women are the Same, with Comparable Sexual Experiences! HELL, I bet Average (ie Beta) Modern Males butthurtedly LONG for being able to bang even TEN – that Dangerously Low Minimum I just mentioned above! Leads to a Society of Men Well Below Ten, Grinded Down to Marry Wimmin well Above 20!


Not bad, pretty good, more artsy than hoped, but Tom Hardy was ELECTRIFYING. “Fully Inhabits the Role.” Oscar-Worthy, not that the Oscars are worth much. Tom Hardy is in my Upper Echelon of Current Young Men and this only solidifies that. Handsome as f00k too, and he looks even better in the Bronson role with Bald Head and Flamboyant Moustachery. When feeling Beta, look to him here as Your Alpha. It was a little Clockwork Orangey which is just fine, as that is one of my All Time Favourites. Hardy was VERY impressive, showing some subtle Physical Comedy I wasn’t expecting. This was before he became “A Name” with Inception too. Daniel Day-Lewis-Level Bravura, hahaha.

Don’t want to say the artsiness killed it, but overall it was just a little too WEIRD for me. All over the place. Losing Coherence. I know Refn knows what he’s doing, and in the extras we see that indeed Refn wants to portray the Effeminacy of Being An Artist, and how this very Manly Man had a Feminine side: He was a True Artist, AND completely Bonkers. It might help to know more about The Real Bronson. There’s a nice recording of him doing “monologues” and he does have a very unique way of speaking, although it’s almost completely unintelligible. I can never understand what Well-Enunciating Americans are saying anyway, so I usually watch movies with Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired, which would have helped for this movie.

But about 80% through, I just wanted the movie the end so I watch the extras. Sometimes I Want to like Refn more than I actually do. Even still he’s better than 90% of Filmmakerz.

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very offensive rant today. Anger not inherently BAD. Angry, even so-called “Hateful” Words are GOOD for Expressing  & Releasing Anger, don’t let yrself be SHAMED for it. Is NOT a slippery slope to Violent Behavior. I agree with Femipigs that Violence Is Bad and Wrong. (Even when Tearing Your Fetuses To Pieces!) But that Writing or Saying Angry Words does NOT Equal violence or Advocating Violence. I abhor & will never advocate violence. But I reserve the RIGHT to write about my ideological enemies & call them “hateful” names like f4g, f4gg0t, b!tch, wh0re, Tryhard, PIG, sl00t, c0cksucker, etc. Still would never advocate violence on them or anybody! Also, do not advocate verbal abuse of people, where you’re angrily calling actual people those names. In THAT case it CAN BE abusive & a slippery slope to violence. It’s ok to get angry at people, but keep it in a healthy LIMIT, don’t scream at them or verbally abuse them or call them horrible names for more than ONE OR TWO MINUTES. Or, say “I’m angry at what you did, I think I deserve an apology. Treat me with the respect I deserve, YA STUPID B!TCH,” hahaha.

stay cool, jump in the pool/lake, don’t be a g0dd4m TRYHARD running a marathon out there.

difficult to formulate a final verdict on Pr0nography. Pros & Cons, good & bad, useful & harmful, depends on context/situation. Good for convenient, quick, unemotional release for bound-up men. Serves that purpose ridic well. Not good when men become addicted to, watch all the time. Also kinda degrading to Wimminz. ALSO, & my major point, can INCREASE frustration for Omegas who want The Real Thing & Pr0n seems like a cruel tease for something they desperately want but can never have. Or, at best, the drunk warpigs & seacows they can pull w their low mate value, might not be able to get it up & not as much FUN as b34ting off to the Sexy Pr0n, seems like a cruel Joke, distance bw reality and fantasy, yet that fantasy is a kind of reality for the men in those videos the Omegas vicariously live thru. Next best thing would be hiring an ATTRACTIVE Pross who looks more like one of the p0rno girls, but the PRICE is MUCHHHH higher. Nonetheless I argue this is the much better step into “Real Sex” for the Omega Perv than Soul-Sucking Seacow Sex with “Real Girls.” Gotta take Baby Steps Along the Right Path. Pr0n, THEN to Attractive Pross, THEN to Attractive Realgirls.

Sounds like I’m demonizing/attacking Ugly Girls. HELL NO. Ugly Girls can have Great Personalities sometimes, & be Great People! If anything I’m “attacking” Ugly Drunk Underclass BAR Girls with Bad Bodies AND Bad Personalities, the lowest-hanging fruit, the lowest possible mate value, the very bottomest of the barrel, ie the most likely a Pr0n-Addicted Omega could pull. is also, not coincidentally, gonna provide the LEAST rewarding experience.

So save yer money slowly from your underjob & spend it on a wh0re with a good body at least. Get what you pay for. It’s not going to be cheap. Another prob w pr0n is that you can get it so Cheap, so you thing The Real Thing, even from a NonReal GIRL, will be comparably cheap. F00K no. In A Just world, that Price Diff between Most Cheapest & NEXT/MARGINALLY Most Cheapest S3chx would be much smaller, but OH WELL. ADAPT. WORLD’S NOT FAIR. BUT YOU ARE SMART AND STRONG ENOUGH TO HANDLE IT. ALOT MORESO THAN THE YOUNG WH0REZ YOU B34T 0FF TO. NO HONOR.


Naturally leads to another Important Point in my Everflowing Stream Of Superficial Philosophy Of Morality: It’s lame & g4y to be a TRYHARD, but being a LAZY, NO-ACCOUNT, IRRESPONSIBLE SOCIALIST expecting EVERYONE ELSE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU is EVEN WORSE!


Answer to that will go to the end of the NEXT post at least, haha. &I will be trying to figure it out for rest of LIFE, ha. Not necessarily the Odyssey of a Miserableist either!

So all the Professional Liberals who have the Privilege of Working For Social Justice rather than working for Their Own Survival, oooh, how SELFLESS, what a great way to Do The Right Thing because of Your Born White Privilege! they’re all happy that the SCOTUS did not overturn the health care bill. Like they’re not getting Cadillac Health Care from their Bourgeois Career Employers! Yeah this is just me being BITTER bc I coulda been successful like them but I did not Choose Wisely, haha. So what do ya do. ADAPT. LEMONADE. APPLESAUCE. Stay Away from Soul-Poisoners, who, dismayingly often, are also Wimminz! Be A Little Productive, mostly every day, until You Too have Power & Health Care, then use your new power to do the REAL Right Thing!

Be Yao Ming Face & Not WTF Goatee Guy Face. No POINT getting BUTTHURT about it. But you ARE JUSTIFIED to go through a substantial PERIOD OF BUTTHURT. Wimminz will NEVER let you do that, but Men who know better will! I’ll even give you as much as A YEAR to be Butthurt!

See, don’t you like my Didactic Advice-Giving much more than that of Wimminz? Because it’s REAL and HONEST. I’m not telling you you have to be PERFECT and get everything right on the 9000-point CHECKLIST. “It just wasn’t going to work out, because YOU weren’t fully self-actualized yet. YOU WEREN’T PERFECT.” This is What Wimminz’s advice boils down to. They so clearly don’t know sh!t that it’s HILARIOUS (Yao Ming), but initially it IS frustrating (Goatee Guy). So BE Butthurt for a little while, then eventually you WILL No Longer Give A F00k. & The longer you listen to Know-Nothing Wimminz SHAMING you for being Butthurt & telling yourself “O NOES! I shouldn’t be butthurt”, the longer you WILL be Butthurt. So maybe that is Wimminz’s “secret agenda”, their desired result for you, to MAKE you Butthurt LONGER by TELLING you NEVER to be? Nah, that’s too prescient & meta & smart & while Some Wimminz MIGHT be that smart, I would say, in 55% of cases, that would be Thinking Too Hard for them. Time Burglar from Book Clubs and Cupcakes and Buying Clothes and using Facebook and Career-Worshipping Tryhardism and Pinterest “these cupcakes are soooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee” or tweeting Rachel Madcow SMUG GLIBERAL SWPL Bullcrap.

Gradually Going From:


heh, ideally would have a Perfectly Continuous Morph Animation there, but I’m no TRYHARD.

Men accept Wimminz for Who-They-Are all the time, well, except when they’re pedestalizing & idealizing & romanticizing them. We Men just ask for the same or-even-similar acceptance. NOBODY’S PERFECT, MORON. DON’T BE SUCH A TRYHARD SMUG WORLDCHANGER. You’re no more HAPPY or BETTER than a POOR ANTI-INTELLECTUAL RACIST REDNECK GOD & GUNS BITTER CLINGER “DEY TERK OUR JERBS!”, in fact, you’re probably LESS happy, & a much worse person. Go F1St your own 455, hahaha.


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That will be my starting point but I fully intend to go off on a few tangents. I might even talk about Finnish Funeral Doom Metal because I haven’t started my “off-topic” blog yet. Or my YouTube channel, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Upon listening to Paul and Dr T’s show “Sh!t Tests”, what seemed obvious to me, and which the people weren’t saying but it HAD to be on their minds at least implicitly, was the concept/emo of DESPERATION: How DESPERATE for Pv$$y do you have to be to sacrifice your self-respect and let yourself get taken advantage of?

I was eavesdropping on a conversation the other day where a Young Girl appeared to be debating the merits of Breaking Up with her Boyfriend. I wish I could have gotten more details or even inserted myself in the dialogue without being “CREEPY”, but, it still reminded me of some Power/Life Experience/Demand Differentials and prompted me to recognize a few generalizations that you can either agree with, or get all uppity about:

Regarding Young Couples, it’s USUALLY the woman who DUMPS the man;

The Man USUALLY takes it harder because he has a more pressing fear that he’ll never be able to Pull Pv$$y THAT good ever again, and in many cases, he is RIGHT;

The Woman has a Moral Obligation to Let Him Down Easy;

The Woman wants to Get Out of the Rel more than the Man does; She is less attached/infatuated with him than he is in her; she has invested less than he has; the balance of power tips in HER favour.

These are all slightly different ways of saying the same thing.

Many times, the Woman already has her eye on another Viable Option, if she’s not already sexting photos back and forth with his L04d on her smiling face, hahahahahahahahaha.

“That’s Bitterness! That’s Anger! That’s Little Boy Rage!”

Or that might just be the shrill cry of a short-sighted Sl00t who was burned because she foolishly sexted photos of her with 104d on her face, haha.

But with that “immaturity” out of the way, you can still comprehend my point. The Young Woman has a world of options, and she’s got a case of “The Grass Is Probably Greener”.

The guy, more likely than not, is not “coming” from this same “place” of privilege and has a vested interest in holding on to the “good thing” that he’s got. “Good” in terms of it’s a Beautiful Young Body that keeps him in an Infatuation High. Not Good because she’s giving him the Runaround and Not Respecting him as a Man or even as a Fellow Human Being.

One of my favourite euphemisms for Female Dumping is “I had to LET HIM GO”, as if it’s so PAINFUL for the Woman, but she has to Do The Right Thing for them Both, and both of them will ultimately be happier for it. It’s a Win-Win!

More likely she will be ecstatic in the short-term and he will be crushed and angry and desperate!

I think this all boils down the idea of desperation and options. The man would not be NEARLY so upset if he had a Harem of Options. So what if One Beautiful Young Girl Flakes Out? He’s got others to take her place. Otherwise, the man might feel burned at what he interprets – very ACCURATELY! – at him being REPLACED with a Better Model.  If he has the power – the HAND – to replace HER with a better model, he’s not going to be even 1% as angry. He’ll just keep on doing what he’s been doing: B4nging Young Tail and Winning.

I see this more of a Young Person’s Thing. It’s the difference between Twenty and Thirty between Men and Women. Hopefully by the time he is Thirty, the man will have his Affairs and Life and Career more in order and he too will begin to enjoy the privilege and power of OPTIONS. Enhancing this power is also the fact that Thirty Year Old Women do not have even 1% of the power that Twenty Year Old Girls do. There is a difference in the quality of the SKIN and the FACE and the ATTITUDE that signifies that Father Time has left his inexorable mark. Even if Women do not notice, men most certainly do. Even if they’re not CONSCIOUS of it.

I’m very interested in the idea of The Power Of Options – Sexual CHOICE, in other words – so I like Game Writers like Heartiste who articulate this topic. Of course, Not All Game Writers Are Like That, that’s just a Game-Related interest of mine.

In New Blog, Posts Are About This Long. The type of thing you could give a quick 8-to-10-minute YouTube-length Speech about, so I’ll think about Wrapping it up. I just wanted to Open the topic permanently. I will certainly be discussing it more in the future. Maybe even appending to this very post in the Near future.

One last analogy: You could almost compare it to an Excruciating Job Search. I don’t know Any Man who LOVES the Job Search process. Every part of it is excruciating. But it’s gotta be done. I imagine that once one secured a Halfway Decent Bigboy Job  – although it might not be one’s “Dream Career” that Careerist Wimminz tremble over in hushed tones as if they were in the presence of A Very Sexy Alpha Man-God – but enough to pay the bills and the debt and health care and live in safety outside of an Underclass War Zone, the man might breathe a grateful sigh of relief that he can stop Looking For A New Job, and just focus on doing well at the job that he HAS. He’s already done more than enough Due Diligence and invested enough of himself up to this point. And now Working Hard has become its own reward. The LAST thing he wants to hear is “YOU’RE FIRED!” and then have to start the long hard road all over again from the beginning!

Semi-related is this Eureka Moment I had, where when a Wimminz wants to DUMP a man, they have to NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT which basically includes a Schedule Of “Severance Bangs.” No man is going to take it lightly when the woman essentially says, “You’re immediately cut off, as of right now, from my body, ever again.” Unless he has Options, Hand, Sexual Choice, whatever you want to call it. It would be a lot easier to take (see “Moral Obligation To Let Him Down Easy”) if she said, OK, Since I’m unilaterally ending this and I probably have more options than you – (Essentially She is the Management or “The Employer!” ) – I’m going to Pay Out 50 more Bangs to you, which will end on such and such a date.  (For the sake of example, no sooner than three months in the future. Just because IMHO I think The Fiscal Quarter of Three Months is not too short and not too long and a period of time everybody should be able to live with for most things, hahahahahahaha. Not talking about Cancer or more extreme things of COURSE.)  This would be more Compassionate and Just for the Beta, and I certainly don’t think it would be causing undue Emotional Damage to the Wimminz either.

Yes, this is similar to the notion of Guys “Hooking Up” with Their “Exes”, but I think there’s much more dignity, honor, honesty, justice, etc in the much more unambiguous Contract version outlined above. Yes this is all theoretical because if we could write and enforce contracts like this, we wouldn’t have The Marriage Problem in The West Today. Wouldn’t It Be Nice.

And NO, I’m not speaking from Personal Experience, because I have enough Self-Respect that I will always stand up for Myself even if the Options situation is slightly less-than-ideal – any lack of hand will not coerce me into being a Lickspittle Supplicator! Although I do think, in general, we should have More Sympathy For The Beta, because we’ve all been there or can at least visualize and empathize with Being There.

That’s all for now, Have A Productive, Peaceful, Powerful Day.

And, As Usual, If You don’t have anything NICE to say…..


Pure Narcissism Edit, Next Day: I call it that because this may not add anything Substantive to the original post, but is just me going through my daily writing Preening Ritual: I want to write something, and for a not entirely articulable narcissistic reason, I want to Publish it, although I’m not claiming it’s Awesome Profound writing (although I hope it will be!), so does that still make it Narcissistic?

I would really like to talk about Funeral Doom, specifically Mournful Congregation, but I would also like to talk about something, anything, more “on-topic” first. Because, this is first and foremost, and I should really have a Mission Statement, a Men’s (And Fetuses, haha) CIVIL RIGHTS Blog!

That is my idea of “Humor” or “Comedy”. I was just driving along minding my own business, just trying to get away from the other drivers, when I thought “How’s that for a pickup line for the Bourge Marxist University Activist Pv$$y: I’m a CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST. Or HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST. But just for Men and Fetuses!”

This makes it sound like I care more about Young Tail than I do about Genuine Men’s Rights. That is a unsettling thought, though I admit from the outset that I am abnormally obsessed in Young Tail. This is perhaps what makes me a “Larval” or “Pupae” or “First-Stage” MRA – I’m still too much what Philip Roth in “Portnoy’s Complaint” so pithily termed “Cvnt Crazy” that I can’t see the forest through the trees; my judgment, logic, emotions, and skills are impaired by my Libido; I am a prime candidate for being Brainwashed through my S3xual Desire, etc.

Then I was thinking “Average Modern Western Women Just Don’t Respect Their Uteruses/Uteri.” Though AMWW have the most severe long-term penalties/costs for Sexual Miscalculation, they still seem to act “unnaturally” in favor of the Short Term, ignoring the Long Term Consequences altogether, probably because they have been Enabled in their Poor Choices by: The Average Modern Western Government & Culture & Lamestream (hehe) Media which says they can do no wrong.

But I keep thinking about the Uterus. This Natural Organ is itself a Long-Term Thing, where A Fetus can Grow for 9 months. Yet AMWW are throwing it around like a Horny Young Man Beating-Off into a Sperm Sock: having Babies with extremely “irresponsible” False Alphas.

It sounds like I’m making the Traditionalist, Social Conservative, White Knight, Man Up, Protector/Provider, Captain Save-A-H0 Argument of Women Good, Men Bad; Women are Holy Sacred Cows who must be protected at any cost, and Men are the Brutish Fodder, who, just because Sperm is Cheap and Eggs are Very, Very Expensive, then it only Naturally Follows that Faceless Men should be Lining Up To Die To Protect The Holy Pv$$y, Gladly Sacrificing their Lives, which are clearly Worth much, much less.

Strawman alert! While I do believe Eggs are Much More Expensive than Sperm, and that this IS related to why it’s no big deal for a Boy to Beat-Off 10 times a day & it IS a big deal for Women to Throw Away their Uterus on Thuggish Abandoners, it DOES NOT Follow that I believe Men-As-Humans are Worth Less than Women-As-Humans; on the Human Basis we are Equals. You could have all the Women in the World but you STILL couldn’t produce New Human Life without One Man, One Sperm. In that case, this one sperm would be Priceless, and No One would make the mistake of treating men as Expendable, Disposable, Replaceable Appliances.

As Modern Western Men enter into adulthood, the notion of “Dating” Single Mothers becomes more and more and more of a realistic, and shockingly, even reasonable option. I still avoid doing so on principle. I say Listen To Your Genes. Think With Your Selfish Genes. Many Kind, Loving Beta Men end up Being A Father to Children they have NO Relation To. I’m not saying to Shame these men; to the contrary, I find their Selfless Love very Honourable and Beautiful. But I ALSO Think: Wow, If they’re such a Good Father to a child they’re not even related to, imagine how good of a father they would be to a child that they actually ARE related to! Their Selfless, Sacrificing, Honorable Love has made them DESERVING of a Genetic Heir of their OWN! Yet their time, effort, energy, resources, and love are diverted away from their own genes, and instead used on the genes of the AMWW they’re dating!

I think at this point it becomes more about The Child than the Woman: In other words, No AMWW With Bastard Child is going to be comely and charming and magnetic and infatuation-generating enough to convince even the Kindest Beta Sap to Love Her Kid because SHE’S so awesome. The man is doing it because he has a Good Fatherly Instinct, and my stance is, by that point, he’s Passed The Father Test, and THESE are the kinds of men the AMWW should have had the babies with in the FIRST place.  If they had actually Treated Their Uterus with the Respect it Deserved and really Took the time to Evaluate The Man who was Impregnating Them. They should have Closed Their Legs and Thought for a Minute: Is this man who’s impregnating me Good Long-Term Father Material?

I suppose in those cases, a Good Willy-Nilly Frivolous Abortion might not be such a bad idea. I am still Struggling with my Official Stance on Abortion, this is likely to be Evolving for a while. Although I am probably leaning towards the Pro-Lifer Crowd, hahahaha. But not solely for as much of a Religious Dogmatism as for my rigid SocioBiological Deterministic Dogmatism, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.  Sacred Womb, Golden Uterus, etc.

Reminder that I do want to talk about Chivalry and Troubadours and Courtly Love and the Ideas of Which that started in the Middle Ages with the Arthur Legends and songs and all that. Not today. I’m almost done with my Narcissism Appendment.

Anyway to finish up Today’s Thoughts on Abortion: I think AMWW Are, to put it Simply, Abusing Their Uteri. Really Beating It Up Bad Beyond All Repair. Along with The C0ck Carousel comes the Pregnancy-By-Cads Carousel and the Abortion Carousel, and I’m simply stating my Opinion that the Uterus is something quasi-sacred that should not exposed to Carousels of ANY kind! (But not disproportionately Sacred to Men’s Sperm, or, more accurately I guess, Testicles! )

Of COURSE we have to take Social Class into this, and, rightfully, Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart” has generated fervent discussion in the Manosphere and the larger social/political sphere in the 6 to 9 months since its publication. I haven’t read it, but I watched Murray present the main points of the book on CSPAN Book TV, and have read a lot of Manosphere Analysis onnit, hahahahaha.  Anyway, the point I wanted to throw out there: Are too many of the wrong people Getting Abortions, or, put another way, are the people who “SHOULD BE” Getting Abortions NOT getting them? Are The Underclass Hoi Polloi in Fishtown getting knocked up by Caddish Thugs and then giving birth to babies they can’t support, so they rely on (at best!) The Kindness of Betas, or (more troublingly) an entitlement-happy State? Whereas The Urban Hipster SWPL Bourgeversity-Education “Belmont” types in New York (everyone from “Manjawed Lawyercvnts” to Bon-Iver-Loving Zooey Deschanel Wannabes), who are more likely to be Career-Obsessed and to actually HAVE a Living-Wage Career, are also more likely to Abort the Fetuses, which if they had Carried To Birth, would probably be Less Likely to Rely On The State to Support?

So yes I’m taking these SocioEconomic things into account and not just my Born-Again Catholicism into account when considering abortion.

One last thing for today. I was watching TV, too ADD and angstily libidinous to Read, when I came across a “documentary” on NatGeo about Hasidic Jews, something fairly recent called “Only For God” or “One With God” or something like that. It was an Over 9000-Yard View of a day in the life of “modern” Hasids and left me wanting more, but I found this superficial introduction interesting nonetheless. If I were a Jew I would have made a pretty good Hasid. In particular I remember a Young Man who was born to a Catholic Father and a Jewish Mother. His family life was much more Catholic than Jewish and he went to Catholic Schools until age 18. Then he moved to a Hasidic Community in Brooklyn and jumped in the deep end. Yes it screamed “overcompensation” and “Pendulum swing” but I can relate to that. To an extent.  And then there was a Hasidic Wedding, with a Big Smiling Teddybear Chubby Chumpy Beta Niceguy with a Huge Hasidic Neckbeard getting married to A Nice Religious Jewish Girl (who probably wasn’t as big of a Wh0re as non-Hasidic Jewesses, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! )  My initial reaction was quite positive considering it was a Wedding/Marriage! I especially liked how they kept the men and the women separate at the Reception Party, and then finally lifted the bride and the groom up so they could see each other over the Dividing Curtain. I still have to “process” these Initial Emotions to see if I can find the Deeper Meaning behind them. It probably connects to my newfound appreciation for “Extreme” Religious Devotion and how THAT in turn relates to the Religious, Cultural, and Legal aspects of Mawwaige. Recently I’ve argued that Modern Western Men, should they find in themselves an inexorable desire to marry, that, if they feel they HAVE to appease that urge, to do so ONLY in a Religious/Spiritual sense and NOT in a Legal/State sense.

At any rate, the TV Show was as Superficial and Devoid Of Meaning as you expect from A TV SHOW, but it was better than Wh0redashians, and it did leave me with the lingering feeling that I would probably Get Along Well with these Hasidic Men. Then we could each have 1000 heirs with 1000 18-year-old virgin girls, and Give Thanks To The Lord with Really Solemn Funeral Doom.

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