Tag Archives: Uncle Bern


heh now many posts are time machine, this is jan 6 2013.

[ Feb 17 2013 Real Time News: I am thanking The White God for discovering 4chon.net which is my new fav site of the month. You know I enjoy the Trolly Lulz of Encyclopedia D or 4chan, where everyone calls each other j3ws or f4ggots and makes offensive jokes all the time, BUT I do not like how ED or 4chan has a large population of antiracist liberals who, despite using “politically incorrect hate speech”, still at the end of the day, worship You Know Who.

4ch0n.net seems a good solution to all this, &is full of racial realists, possibly white nationalists, wn sympathizers, antisemites, paleoconservatives, pro-whites, etc, but with a nice sense of humor, keeping the stupid teen jokes and lulz you will prob not find at Stormfront (I do not appreciate how EDers and possibly 4channers have spammed/DDoS’ed/trolled Stormfront in the past.)

Examples of good threads I bookmarked:


funny jew pictures based off the classic template, they do some great things with an already great picture

https://4chon.net heh don’t want them trolling ME/h/res/41969.html

a wyatt mann comics. It took me a minute to get that name. you’ve seen his work before. pretty racist stuff, hahaha.


important discussion on Dr Pierce’s personal life, namely, how good of a father was he to his two sons, did he abandon them, etc. do you have to neglect your own family to be a leader for your race. the role of family within race. IMHO you should prob put your immediate family first, and I HOPE Dr Pierce made peace with his children. note there are some “Antis”, it’s not a Total Echo Chamber CircleJerk.

I want to thank Hyperborea Rising


for being my gateway to 4ch0n, as I found the site in his links list, I think he posts there. He seems like a good guy who posts on both My Favourite Blog Eradica, and also on Varg Vikernes’s Sweet New Blog Thulean Perspective, and I’m not SCAWED to directly link to him, haha.

“Internet Culture” documenters describe 4ch0nnet as a racist, antisemitic 4chan for people banned from 4chan etc, trying to shame it for being racist. However this is almost exactly what I’m looking for at this time in my Awakening.

So yeah I recommend it for any whites looking for a good pro-white forum with lotsa lulz. cutting edge.

note: I do not get into other aspects of “Chan Culture” like Hacking and LulzSec and Security and Script Kiddies or whatever, any of that computer hacking crap; OR anime; OR my little pony; however I can tolerate it. more or less.

note: def not to be confused with 4chon.org, who probably think wacists awe scawy and evil

but yeah there are so many chans out there you’d have to be a total basement dweller to know all about all of them. I am just glad to find one that appeals to Little Racists like me and you! If you don’t know What Chans Are Like, ie Random pictures of Tranny Porn every once in a while, it might be confusing.

Also this blog is somewhat on Autopilot with all the Time Machine Stuff, heh hopefully will fix that within 1 month. or at least add in Non Time Machine stuff like this.

HAVE A NICE DAY, don’t take sh1t, be a strong moral honorable Warrior Man, be a good Little Racist, take care of yourself and your families.


the youtube embeds will prob not appear in the email, but they SHOULD(no *) appear on the actual blog.


The Cap, Don’t Pay for your Kids College, could also be seen as, don’t take out huge loans or any loans for college unless you’re gonna become something GOOD like a CHEMICAL ENGINEER, otherwise the money is WASTED AT BEST and will more than likely KILL you. Lose for the family, lose for the children. Everybody loses. Cap sez the money would be better spent on a SPORTS CAR or a TRAVELING AROUND THE WORLD than on COLLEGE….and HE’S RIGHT.

Cap gives his unvarnished opinion on why BUSINESS and MBA degrees are worthless just like gay marxist quadraplegic turtle therapy (Tm cap) He sez “volumous” instead of “voluminous” thus he deserves to not be gainfully employed enough to move out of his parents basement hahahaha. jk I like The Cap, wish I knew him when I was 16 thru 19. He wants to REHAB DWELLERS. Get Dwellers out of the BAsement! Keep Kidz from Becoming Dwellers in the first place! Humanz are by nature pretty selfish, but IMHO the Most Selfless Kind of Selfishness is Looking Out For The NExt Generation. Not just long term Your Life, but long term THEIR lives too. We can all do it even if we don’t have any children of our own per se. Cap does it, I don’t think he has children. This is how I interpret The 14 Words, and it’s “pretty much” exactly what the 14 words SAYS: SECURING a FUTURE for your CHILDREN. Now I play fast and loose with the White Part because I think all races are entitled to secure a future for THEIR children. But Whites especially, because whites are doing a piss-poor job of it compared to other races.

He just wants to help kids live somewhat good lives and not be slaves. Make the world a better place for the next generation. heh. but now I’m confused, I guess he is pro-accounting but not pro-finance as far as Picking A Major is concerned? I can see accounting but I thought Finance was also Good.

This is what I came here to talk about. Uncle Bern blasts a even-more-godawful-than-usual article form Jezebel, where they have a guest sex advice “writer” Karley Sciortino aka “SLUTEVER”, who is a “professional” SWPL A5SSpreader who plasters the internet with her naked body and intimidates misogynists with the power of her sexuality and how EVERY girl has a period where she sleeps with LOTS of “rock and roll boys who don’t shower”, and how if you call a slut a slut that means you’re just Jelly cuz “YOU’RE NOT GETTING LAID”. and she actually is attractive enough to bang, but she signifies a new high water mark of Decadent SWPL Hamster. Good Lord It just keeps getting worse! Makes Lena Dunham look like Mother Teresa! This is the kind of stuff I’m talking about. She might be putting on an act, but the fact that she is VERY Comfortable with showing her naked body and talking about all her own Lifetime Sex Partners (A LOT), makes me think she IS As Decadent and Rotten and Desouled as she seems. Pass her along to your Wimmin Franz to test them, to see if they Like Her, cause she is a Real Bad Apple. What a Disgusting Cvnt!

I wish she were You Know Whoish instead of apparently Italian! Heh score one for nurture over nature. I think it’s getting closer to 50/50 for that. Harder and harder to tell. whenever I think Nature is stronger, Nurture scores a point. And vice versa. So I’m happy with 50/50 atm.

It also points out that the Jezebel Readership is more “stodgy, frumpy, hardcore feminists who don’t get laid enough” and that Slutever readers and possibly Nonhardcore Feminist Activist but just Average Professional SWPLs are not so Frumpy and just want to Have A Good Time. Do Whatever Feeeeeeeelz good, as long as you’re not hurting…..yourself! But if you do hurt yourself that’s okay to! You’re entitled to a X-year long bender of drugs and c0x and abortionz and it’s nothing to be ashamed of!

Point Is: The Media Elites want you to think THIS IS NORMAL when it is Highly Abnormal and Immoral and Decadent.

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FRE:AC – Free Audio Converter. Tried 3 different ones, searched for “open source” cause I wanted no BS, I don’t like Openness and Cooperation and Charity USUALLY, but it can be a good thing with the software for the user, and Freac is more than Good Enough. Good Job “Code Ninja!” (reducing bitrates from 128 to 96 haha)


NOTE TO SELF / OTHERS: USE A YOUTUBE TO MP3 Conversion PROGRAM rather than the WEBSITES, which are always not working.


trying that one right now, seems to be real good. can set it at low audiobook quality because I only have “small” 4 GB mp3 player hahaha first world probz. If this works, it will be SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE FASTER than the annoying Online Services I’ve used in past. WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THIS BEFORE? IT SEEEEEEMZ TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!



While I certainly have never been Involuntarily Celibate for twelve years like M3, I can relate to him better than 100% of Wimmin and prob 50% of men, having experienced a still-considerable InCel Episode in my life. Then it became Voluntary Uncelibacy as my Charisma Attracted the Quantity of Tail I Deserved; then Involuntary Uncelibacy as I had to beat away hordes of Decadent Skanks once I realized, “HEY, I’M BETTER THAN THIS. I DESERVE BETTER. I SHOULD TREAT MYSELF WITH MORE RESPECT. NO MORE DECADENT MODERN WIMMIN.” And so since Then I’ve been Voluntarily Celibate and Thankful for it. Anyway point is, Wimmin have NO IDEA and they ALWAYS say something STUPID, when the right thing to say is EASY: It’s the Compassionate, Traditional Feminine Thing: “I Am Sorry For Your Pain.” You don’t have to have personally experienced the Pain to say, “I’m Sorry For What YOU are experiencing.” and that’s a HELL of a lot better than Patronizing Advice, which itself is even a hell of a lot better than telling the guy he’s a creep.

M3 or PM also makes the Solid Point that: Getting Sex From Wimmin is Important To Guys. When Wimminz Say, “You’ll Find A Great Girl Someday, when I spread my uterus for all those guys from My Social Circle, that’s just Short-Term, That Doesn’t Mean ANything.” Then The InCel rightfully thinks, If it doesn’t MEAN ANYTHING, Then just give some to ME already! Very Valid.

Firepower and I are different in that I like “writing” just for the sake of “writing” even if nobody reads it. Writing keeps me from going completely mental, hahaha. I’m not trying to change the world. But if I can give one person a sense of “solidarity”, then that’s FAN-F00KING-TASTIC. But I’m not trying to mobilize groups of people to Change The World. If I wanted to do THAT, I wouldn’t be WRITING, hahaha.

HONESTY/FULL DISCLOSURE / (but hopefully not Beta Mincing F4ggy) : it occurred to me that maybe I AM A WANNABE JEW. I wish I was Born Jewish. I am JEALOUS OF JEWS. So I had to examine what exactly it was that I envied about the Jews, and thus discovered maybe 20% of truth to the assertion: I envy their intelligence and their privilege to take pride in their ethnicity while still claiming Victim Status. That last one is the real problem – I have a Dark Beta Side that craves Sympathy and Pity. We KNOW that much is unhealthy. So then I resolved to take pride in my own intelligence and my own ethnicity.

Uncle Bern “needs” to write a New Book, Make Different T-Shirts, Get his own TV Show, Maybe make a Documentary Movie where he goes out into the world and talks to people. Although I greatly appreciate what he does already. Especially reading and commenting on SO MANY BOOKS. ALL HE DOES IS READ, READ, READ, and I can really respect that. Wish I had that attention span, hahaha.


But when I have a Dark Day, I do find it helpful and makes me feeeeeeeeeeeel haaaaaaaaappy just to look at a picture of Uncle Bern’s Bald, Broadly Smiling Face!


Heh. Go buy a Bern Book or t-shirt if you haven’t already, and if you have, then buy more for the  Gimme Gimme Gimme Greed Season, buy books and T-Shirts for your friends and family!

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