Good afternoon, my friends. good to be here. grateful to be alive &not dying. as for my enemies if I have any, well you f4gg0ts can go comment on a blog or write your own blog about what a whiny f4ggot I am, but your f4ggotry is more fggoty than mine!

Like most of you, RIGHT NOW I am/have been watching MSM reports of boston marathon bombingguys. Immediately interested in backgrounds, who are, what’s deal. MSJBC had interview with emotional uncle called them “losers who were just jealous of people who’d settled into society” . heh. butthurt did not get into Harvard, MIT, BostonU, BostonCollege, had to settle for UMass. Shoulda had better ECs haha.

But did not sound like ButtonMashing (tm Firepower) Murkans; older brother saying had no american friends, etc; younger brother having not-necessarily-“loser”-grade academic track; them possibly having military-style training. Knowing how to use guns &bombs &stay cool in face of Manhunt &to basically wage a two-man war against an entire region of millions of people.

Sorry I can’t “add any value” here, other than to say those Chechens look like Albanians, and Whites need to remember that just because these Swarths may have lighter skin than your average Semite, they are still not white.

it is interesting to see the Elephantine Law Enforcement Presence shutting down the entire Boston area, and how one guy with a minimum of training has managed to evade them for so long.

MIT police officer killed. Older brother did boxing, younger brother did wrestling. they were not fat slobs. might have done training in russia or libya? ethnic and religious conflicts in the more central-asia parts of russia. dagestan, kyrgystan. radical violent muslim jihadists with light skin and dark hair. younger kid was “pre med” and got an academic scholarship? how “elite” was their high school? how did they get into the Elite High School? how “elite” is “UMass Dartmouth?” Don’t usually assoc UMass with the More Elite skools in the region, HOWEVER, it’s prob elite enough to catapult Motivate Students to Semi-Elite (ie, Top 5% as opposed to Top 1%, good enough for You or Me!) Careeeeeers. Social Media Presence. Star Athlete and Student for the Younger. Not a Sperg Psycho. One was arrested for Assaulting Gurlfran. heh. just got a huge dump of Bio Info on Fox J3wz. Youtube playlist of “Terrist” vidyas.

Promise I’ll keep this to 1000 wds!

On Mindweapons recently there was a commenter Hipster Racist who now may be Hipster Feudalist and they were discussing hypothetical White Communities where the Nuclear Family kinda melds with the Extended Family, and the theory of “Brood Mares” where prime-of-youth women MIGHT have children by several different men, and men hold enough power to keep the wimmin in line, or banish them from the community. I might be misrepresenting.

Old School Nuclear Family vs New School Nuclear Family; how nuclear families can exist within a larger supportive community, rather than nuclear families being isolated & atomized in Suburbs; just because you have a nuclear family doesn’t mean you can’t be real close to your Extended family and help each other all WIN;

hardcore STEM, trade, skill, and Military training for boys; obviously this will all be done in a homeschool or a white community school, rather than a Jified Pub School designed to get white boys to get bored with math and science and become button-mashing, mcdonald’s eating, porn-fapping, neckbeard sperg kissless virgins who contribute nothing to society and either sperg out, become feelzy emo suicides, or just fat neckbeard losers who lose at life and have no children. or loser children at best, who themselves will because neckbeard losers.

what is the proper role for women. This idea of the BROOD MARE has really stuck with me. real interesting at the moment. I am OPEN to discussing the idea, hahaha. (not on this blog of course.) Hypothetical: perhaps SOME whites are best suited to Monogamy with One Wife, while other whites are better suited towards Polygamy. And perhaps, in a society that produces Winning Strong Children, you could have a kind of “Polyandry” where women are encouraged to be baby-makers for several different men, and then the children raised by a group of women and a group of men. Big reservation for me is that I believe it is beneficial for the child to have a close connection to both their mother and father, that to consider a group their parents.

But I see no reason why Nuclear Families cannot live side by side in Extended Families, creating White Ethnic Enclaves like nonwhites often do. Hire fellow whites, sell your house to fellow whites, heh stop reading me and just go over to Mindweapons RIGHT NOW. This is why he’s Man Of The Year 2013!

SOME take umbrage about Whites using “nonwhite tactics.” Whites are more honest and have more honor than that. I will just reiterate MW’s rebuttal: In an IDEAL WORLD, whites prob would not use these tactics. But we are At War, we are Being Engaged, we must do what it takes to win, we must adapt or die, and you can Go Native Without Going Traitor. Once you secure an Existence for You and Your Children you can get back to a more honorable way.

Also. People on theInternet have big egos &WILL fight bitterly, this is a Natural Law of the Internets. Even among Small, Tight, Mainstream-Vilified groups like Ultraconservatives or White Nationalists. You’d THINK that would be a common enough ground to keep people from calling each other traitors. Now, Traitors and Treason IS important, IS a valid threat, should not be taken lightly, but IMHO the equivalent of “Tripfags” on Chan boards should not go around accusing everyone who agrees with them only 99% of being traitors who Must Hang. COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.


Feelz Guy is a good Meme for me, haha.

gettin back into Nick Cave. HELLUVA Guy. song is hard 2Overplay. Bad4ss.

Have Good Day, secure existence of Your people & a future for Your Children.

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