Tag Archives: miscegenation


bkc blog post? try this. may 24 2013 [technically not LIVE Live, but it’s only a ONE DAY time machine, we can all rationalize that]

started my feels blog for fat NEET losers. It’s actually going very well, better than expected. I do not intend, now at least, to share that here, unless you are a White NEET Neckbeard Loser v9k Virgin who really needs help. And there is ALREADY enough hints out there for the astute STALKER to find it. I just do not want to serve it up on a silver platter to BKC readers right NOW. anyway, that explains why i’ve slowed down here a little bit lately.

Some controversy now on Mindweapon, Hipster Racist vs Chechar? Accusing Chechar of being a “9/11 Liar?” HR not liking the way Greg J or M Parrott deal with 911? HR seems to have been In The Movement/Community for a Long Time. I have mostly enjoyed and have MIRED his comments, but I do not approve of the uncouth language he uses towards Chechar.

But I’ve been realizing that this IS such a controversial Movement, that it’s Not Unlikely that there ARE Actual ZOG Spies Among Us! Or at least JIDF. HR “joked” “I just assume everyone’s a plant.” I had to laugh at that!

Anyway, as for me, I am Just Some Guy On The Internet right now, but I am not a plant. Of course you don’t have to believe that, but that’s just The Truth.

Heh. Reason # 600,000,000,001 I do not allow comments here.

I never 100% understood Commenters who have a Reputation as Being Commenters. IMHO they should make The Big Leap from Commenters to Bloggers! You can be a Coward like me, who only blogs and never comments!

TLDR, I think HR would have an interesting BLOG!

OK I guess he started one just this month: search: hipster racist wordpress dot com. Not bad!

To give you some indication of Where I’m At on the Journey, I have not even bought one of Kevin Macdonald’s BOOKS until yesterday when I bought “Culture of Critique” FINALLY. I have read the introduction to CofC on Chechar’s site, I have listened to many interviews and talks with KMac, I look forward to his talks on the David Duke Show, and the Robert Stark Show, and the Counter Currents Show, I think he should have his Own Show,



I’ve been making a point to read TOO more, and it’s all good, but I never bought a physical book until now.

I’m not even SURE if I’ve moved from WN Sympathizer to WN. Feelsweirdbro.jpg.



I agree with the majority of what WN’s believe in, I’m fairly Racist, I read and listen to a ton of Racialist Blogs and Podcasts and say RIGHT ON MAN, My Anti-Jewishness is pretty VIRULENT, yet I’m not sure that “I AM A WN.” If only because, HYPOTHETICALLY, what if I met a Real Nice and Cute Nonwhite Girl (I Haven’t), or what if a friendly, decent, moral nonwhite man appeared in my Social Circle and I befriended him (I Haven’t).

But yeah. I’m WORRIED that I could Fall In Luv with a Jewish or an Indian Girl, because of my perverted Jew Fetish and my perverted Indian Fetish. And then I question how “perverted” these “fetishes” really are. It’s basically the same Nonperverted Nondecadent thing I want with a White Girl, and indeed I would PREFER a White girl, I just haven’t ruled out Jewish or Indian girls yet. And if that gets me kicked out of the WN-Sympathizing community, then so be it. I’ll still BE white, I’ll still SUPPORT Whites, I’ll still not like Jews.

So there. Full Disclosure. So if WNs want to say what a coward and a j-lover and a miscegenator and a faggot, weakling, loser, antiwhite, traitor, JIDF, plant, mole, spy, fence-sitter, clockwatcher, talker, coward, deserves to die, etc, well I can’t stop them. Maybe they’re RIGHT. WN Ambivalence Feelz.jpg

I wouldn’t mind a White Homeland, but I ALSO wouldn’t mind A Murka where blacks, browns, and mudslimes don’t act like savages – basically acted nice and proper and civil like white people.

Heh. That statement will get me banished BOTH from WN, AND from Educated Enlightened Normalfag Antiracist Society.

So does that make me “A Moderate?”

Heh. I have pondered the “moderate” vs “fence sitting coward” debate before.

New BURZUM album out, I listened a couple times, it’s not bad, but I just want to say to VARG: Keep doing your writing on Thulean Perspective, what you are doing there is AWESOME. And listen to that one commenter who commented favorably about Your Charisma in videos and interviews. He was RIGHT. I watched this interview

and you gotta start making a regular thing out of this buddy. Writing and Blogging is GREAT, but when you got a Great White PERSONALITY as well, you GOTTA show it. Let Your White Light Shine. And the best way to do that is through: podcasts, interviews, vidyas, Face Time, meets and greets, lectures, roundtables, talks, networking. People Skills. Vidyas and Podcasts at the VERY least. Hearing the VOICE is key.

So DO IT, VARG, just make a 10 minute video of you talking to your computer once a month, and put it on your new ThuleanPerspective Jewtube channel. I GUARANTEE You it will be received VERY positively.


But Then again what do I know, I got aroused by an 18-year-old Light-Skinned Khazar-White-Mix Girl once, and I enjoy the music of Leonard COHEN, even though I saw You included him in that gallery of Jews Who Are Ruining The World.

But I agree that Race-Mixing is worth Very Serious Thought. I mean, I’m basing this mostly on HYPOTHETICALS and THEORETICALS and NEUROTIC FEAR/WORRYING/FEEEEELZ. And when it comes to Mating, you KNOW how men can put Prime-Of-Youth Girls on a pedestal, or become infatuated with an idealization, with a fantasy, NOT the reality.

For example, say I started “dating” an 18-year-old Light-Skinned Khazar-White Mix (and how likely is THAT?), was all in The Honeymoon Stage, and THEN I met her filthy devious scheming antiwhite Kke FAMILY, all rubbing their hands together and counting their Jgolds, and talking about how GREAT it will be when The White Man is Genocided. THEN I would say, UM NO, THIS ISN’T GONNA WORK OUT, BABE. LOOK AT WHAT YOU COME FROM. LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE.


Point is, people don’t exist in a vacuum outside of their FAMILIES. And scheming conniving antiwhite J families are, on average, much less desirable than White families.

AAANNNDDD Jews are MUCH better than Whites at seeing Their RACE as Their SUPEREXTENDED FAMILY. See, I was about to say, “Well, if there’s some good Jews out there, doesn’t it follow that there must be some good jewish FAMILIES?”

The whole Jewish Race is like ONE BIG FAMILY!

So, In Conclusion, Becoming More Masculine will prob help me get off the fence regarding race-mixing, and become a better white. And Becoming More Masculine, as it also affects Being A Winner And Not A Loser, is something much better suited to my NEW blog, NOT this one. Because I gotta talk about Being A Loser a LITTLE bit, to pave the way for Becoming A Winner, and I will not have Loser-Talk on THIS blog. I don’t want Feeeeeelz Creep on this blog. But I think, in its PROPER place, it’s not entirely bad.

Aaaaand here’s a great Hourlong Lecture By MIKKO ASPA from Feb 2013 on Noise / PE music:

aaaaannd here’s a great, super-in-depth interview from after 2010 with Mikko on Clandestine Blaze:

ht   tp://killmecreator.blogspot.com/2011/05/clandestine-blaze-northern-heritage.html


RIP Jeff Hanneman, RIP Ray Manzarek, oh wait I forgot Slayer and especially the DOORS were antiwhite, so thus I must be antiwhite, even when I THINK I’m being prowhite.



So as of May 2013, I am back to being an 80%-90% White Nationalist Sympathizer, but the more accurate term to label me might be “trying to be pro-white”, aaaaand I have a godawful weakness for 18-year-old Jewish and Indian girls, even though I PREFER 18 year old white girls. Though it becomes SCREAMINGLY obvious that Miscegenation Is Bad when you think about, at the very least:

a. The Clash of the two FAMILIES

b. The poor helpless choiceless CHILDREN that you would have – you’re essentially DEPRIVING THEM OF A RACE.

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Gon try something new here. tired of time machine & so R U. back to extreme fragments. basically a long tweet. a short post. new & fresh. news o the day. friday march 29 2013. Real Time. def under 1000 words!

gay marriage. really amusing is facebook reaction. tons of wimminz changing picture to pink equal sign on red background. good for you. Most amusing hilarious thing is the GUYS who do the same. i mean the straight guys. seeeeems like they are begging for approval &attention from wimmin: “look at me! See, All guys are not homophobic hateful brutes! (“Fwisky Bwute” tm Eradica) I’m a compassionate caring niceguy! Date me! Date me! (heh tm Chapin)

Now, wimmin are FAMOUSLY very Facebook-Activist regarding anti-homophobia, gay rights, gay marriage, loving gays, having contempt for Family Values Rednecks, and in general,  being huge Facebook Fanz of Mainstream Daily Show Rachel Maddow Alex Wagner MSNBC Librulism, etc. Yet any man who’s Ever Lived A Day In His Life knows that Wimmin Find Homophobic Men more Manly, so you’re not helping yourself Get Laid by Pretending to Support Gay Marriage to show how Tolerant , Nice,  Enlightened andLibrul you are, Ya Beta Neckbeard Kissless Virgin!

Even if the guy is Already Getting Laid, putting up this pic ensures he will get laid worse/less. It can only HURT his Sex Life.

Of course maybe you realize there’s more important things In Life than Your Sex Life (and boy is there ever!) and you’re willing to sacrifice that to show your solidarity.

IMHO this should be a States Issue not a Federal one, and I am quite suspicious of SCOTUS. Compared to some Radical Conservatives or Traditionalists, I have less of a problem with gays, &have even gotten along well with gays in the past. their gayness does not bother me as much as the RAFT of Lame Gay Faggy Librul Swpl Marxist YKWish anti-white Issues SO OFTEN associated with Gays.

I don’t want it to be Slippery Slope to Decadence. IMHO Gayness is not as Decadent as the MUCH more worrisome & prevalent pandemic of young white girls taking n00d photos, racking up High Partner Counts, HookUp, Friends With Benefits, Sex-Positive, Soft Polyamory, No Commitment, No Consequences, FunSexperimentation, Moral Relativism, Open Relationships, The Slut Phase, “Dating Around”, Spring Break, Having Fun, Hedonism, Anal Sex, Weirder Fetishes being Normal, They Think It’s Right Because They’re Not Right,  etc. And even more decadent than all THAT – and contributing to the General Moral Decay, and the Gradual Acceptance of That Laundry List of Everyday Decadence –  is the PORN Poison millions of people watch every day.

But then how many Gays are Radical Conservatives who are against all those?

Heh. “CORNUCOPIA” is not a new word, but I’ve not used it till now, so there it is. In my understanding, refers to the abundance &availability &low price of, at very least, the necessities of life (compare with TSHTF & you have to trade guns’n’ammo & yr 18 year old daughter for One Can Of Beans); but can also IMHO refer to general Mentality of Decadence, Materialism, Cheap Fast Food, Excess, Immoderation, Hedonism, Sensualism, Disposeability. Of people as well as products.

Point is, the Cornucopia spoils &poisons &rots people &makes them really unprepared for when The Cornucopia inevitably runs out.

Heh heh REAL profound stuff, hahahahaha. So Go Read Mindweapons. Go Read Eradica. I’m just having fun over here. Just jerkin the gherkin. but at least i’m not exploiting girls of my race.

Trying to Ruthlessly Eliminate Fagspeak, Snark, Irony, Coyness, Cutesyness, Sarcasm, Weakness, Waffling, etc from my language. Hard habit to break, but slowly getting there.

[search: “my little pony friendship is magic bronies as example of New Sincerity” “what is New Sincerity” “My Little Pony New Sincerity”]

Becoming less of a White Nationalist Sympathizer and more of a White Nationalist, heh heh. I feeeeeeeeeel the “label” is breddy Freeing, maaaaan, and not at all restrictive like most labels. maaaaan. Pretty simple (“pretty” is a fagword, as you may have suspected!) but also pretty deeeeeep, maaaaaan. Not to make a mockery of the cause, but I’m Born White, and nothing’s gonna change that, so I can either be ashamed of it, or be PROUD of it, and protect My Race from harm & shame.  Breddy clear choice, MANG.

But I am still def in the Beginning Newb Stages, a NEWB, need to LURK MOAR.

my tolerance for gays and my Decadent, Jewish Obsession with Sex will not go over well with much of The WN Community. IMHO I can getawaywithit because I do NOT want to have mixed BABIES or nonwhite longterm mates, even though I will totes bang cute 18 year old nonwhite girls (note the youth distinction). Though I certainly don’t find them MORE attractive than 18 year old white girls!

Just trying to be honest with my allies here.  not gonna LIE and say I DON’T find some nonwhite 18 year old girls attractive!

ok enough Meta/Narcissism!

not sure whether “Racist” or “Racialist” is better term. don’t have a prob atm with “RACIST”, like say it loud and say it proud, “I Am A Racist!”, though that might scare off people who’re on the fence, on the verge of Their Awakening. And I was one of them a year ago, so, I can relate. Either word is good. I guess use “racialist” or “race realist” if your buddy is on the fence, but open to discussion.

But you might be pleasantly surprised at how many Whites are A Little Racist!

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Just a hypothetical. Could you theoretically Make A Master Race by combining the best of two (or more?) different races – combining multiple races’ strengths, eliminating individual races’ weaknesses? For example, breed Whites and Jews together so you can have the Intellectual, Civilization-Building, Moral, Beautiful aspects of Whites, and then get the Extreme Dedicated Ethnocentrism and Race Survival Instinct of the Jews, and maybe some of their Intelligence too. Some Reports Suggests Ashkenazi Jews are avg 10 IQ points smarter than Whites. If this is true, well I’ll take it.

It’s impossible to say the benefits would outweigh the costs. Because say while the genes were mixing in the zygote (heh I KNow How Babies Are Made!) more of the Bad Jewish Genes Slipped In and Less of the Good White Genes. Dominant and Recessive Genes n stuff.

So Obviously the safest, best bet is not to Race-Mix. But wouldn’t an Inferior Race want to Race-Mix with a Superior Race in Any and All Circumstances – both to bring down the Superior race, and bring UP their own? Hmmm VELY INTELESTING.


I think MEN are much more open to Freely Talking about Race than Wimmin. Breathe one word of this to a Wimminz and she’ll screech “EEEK A RACIST!”. Possibly Jews too. Jews WANT whites to think everything’s racist, when they’re the biggest racists of all – so they can erase the white race and increase their own control. Kahntrol hahahaha. So it stands to reason if a Man hangs out a lot with Wimmin or Jews, the man will become soft and more likely to Screech EEK A RACIST! and less likely to talk calmly and honestly & even handedly & seriously about Race without going eek.

(I am stealing this from the “Eek A Man!” Meme by some MRA. It could have even been My Personal Hero Bernard Chapin, I think it refers to how you can’t leave children alone with a man because All Men Are Pedophiles or sommat.)


i’ve been a big hater on hate in the past. That was probably just me being a big f@ggot niceguy and not wanting to appear creepy to wimmin, because wimmin hate haters, even nice marriageable girls that you want to monogamously marry hate haters.

but now that i’m not Living To Please Wimmin, I can say that a Little Hate is a GOOD thing! go ahead, call someone a N!993R or a F@990T or a K!K3 or a KVNT or a KVM-BURPING B!T(H. If someone’s actually contributing to the decline of society then you are RIGHT to HATE them a little bit. Note I didn’t say you’re justified in Violently Attacking them. I still don’t advocate unprovoked, nonselfdefensive Violence. But Hate them a Little, that’s fine.



I guess this (“The Hidden Wiki”) is the grandaddy of hidden dark internet deep web stuff. But the 3wkvp35awgt.onion or whatever site does not seem to be working at of dec 2012 hahahaha. I found a mirror. there are a number of drug selling sites. I refused to click on the “Underage” stuff, or the stuff that sells People’s Credit Card Numbers. GOOD LORD. Now I am back on the “clearnet” as they say. yeah ya know I just can’t get into that sort of stuff too much. I’m just amazed they can MAIL DRUGS so easily and frequently. These big dealers have been sending THOUSANDS OF PACKAGES OF DRUGS IN THE MAIL FOR YEARS and not gotten busted?

However as a Finance Minor, I am interested in the Robustness of The Bitcoin. Would Bitcoins be a good long-term investment, in other words?

and there’s intense stuff like syrian rebels and freedom fighters and antizionists and people hiring hit men. I wonder if there is any White Nationalist stuff, haha. a lot of the links were dead and “THE DARK NET” is kinda hard to search unless you’re a big Hacking/Security/COmputer Tryhard, which I am decidedly not.

But it is Scary how many Illegal Things ARE easily accessible. Say you had an enemy who wanted to send you to Pound You In The Arse Prison, s/he could just use your computer to download a bunch of Kiddie Pr0n, then post that all over public forums like 4chan or reddit, just post a few hundred pictures, make sure they’re on your hard drive, and WHAM I can only imagine how long it would take for U to get arrested. Do they wake the judge in the middle of the night to Authorize a Search Warrant? Do they need a Search Warrant?

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“Feminized western males in the white movement (see e.g., here) freak out when confronted with what William Pierce called “The Day of the Rope.” However, the absolute need for retribution is understood when pondering upon the history of the Iberian Peninsula: what happened once the Gothic mores were replaced by Christian ones.” END QUOTE

“here” is link to Greg Johnson “freaking out” about violent retribution, ie extermination of race traitorz, white race traitors hanging and scaring the sh!t out of the other whites. I HOPE I’m misunderstanding this; of COURSE I didn’t take the time to read Chechar’s post about Spain vs Portugual cuz I’m LAZY; AND I need to buy a new computer so I can read and write about this stuff in PRIVATE in PEACE in my BED where I have time to read and reflect on it all. [semi time machine, that part was written in early december haha]

One could say that whites have no business exterminating other whites, be they spanish v portuguese or poles vs russians or norwegians vs swedes etc. But that does make me think of times when whites HAVE been very brutal to other whites, for example ukrainians slaughtering poles?? then you could argue that “eye for an eye” is justifiable under the rules of war.

and I’m prob “freaked out” by the “day of the rope” because I know I would prob be hanging from it, with my SOFT and LENIENT and FEMINIZED stance! I guess “eye for an eye” is FAIR, but I would be too willing to give the benefit of the doubt, to keep co-ethnics from hanging for any imagined “crimes”. If you had evidence of a white directly killing other whites, that would be another story! But I couldn’t support hanging myself or Pat Buchanan simply because we don’t subscribe to the most extreme, violent, “masculinized”, retributive form of WN! Hanging for being soft on hanging!

But I should not be commenting on this anyway because I KNOW I’m misrepresenting Chechar’s argument, and Dr Pierce’s for that matter.

Also for some, the whole concept of “American Patriotism” needs to be thrown out, and I’m just NOT ready to do that yet.

THAT BEING SAID, I can understand the concepts of SYMBOLISM and SENDING A REAL MESSAGE. I’m just a Feminized Western Male SCARED of DEATH and VIOLENCE and KILLING and WAR, even JUST war. I guess this is what separates the MEN from the BOYS, in which case I’m def still a boy who might not WANT to be a man!

Reading Pat Buchanan’s 2011 “Suicide of a Superpower” and liking that, developing mancrush on Pat. Not disappointed by the first 30 pages. If that makes me a Big Softie, SO BE IT.

the trick would be to get trained as a WARRIOR when you’re YOUNG, when you’re a BOY, like in SPARTA. I def had the antithesis of that experience!

Note: WN is not MY LIFE, it’s only 40% of my Blogging/Reading Life at this moment! Other signif portions of My Life include working on my HEALTH, and “developing” my careeeeeer, etc.


Eh it was ok, kinda weird, didn’t really know what it was about beyond christians and pagans. good looking though. not bad, but no pusher hahaha. Don’t think Refn can make a BAD movie, but he does have the capacity of going pretty far “Out There.” B. Mads Mikkelsen is a Versatile Actor though. Playing the Boisterous N Bumptious Tonny in Pusher, the Silent But Deadly One-Eye in this movie, and I just realized he played the Villain in “Casino Royale.”


Once upon a time I met a (Prime Of Youth) Girl who was Mixed Race: Asian (Japanese I think, obv the Most Superior Asian Subrace!) and White (Slavic: Obv Not the most superior White Tribe, But the one that’s Closest To My Heart!). With her I might have been a Willing Race Traitor because I found her Orders Of Magnitude more attractive than Pure Asians or Chinese for example. Plus her face didn’t look SUPER Asian AND she had the delectable Curves of a Slav where the Asians have none. Of course. predictably, she was a Brahmin Kareer Kultist and ended up going to Harvard Medical Skool or something before I could bang her, hahahaha. I don’t even remember her name but I think it was something weird. I think I talked to her once and she didn’t come across immediately like a Total B1tch. Good for her! I was drinking plenty of Liquid Charisma because I wasn’t accustomed to talking to Pretty Prime Of Youth Girls, but I handled myself pretty well considering. But not good enough to bang, apparently!



Fun 30 minute Documentary On William Pierce. Only watched the first 10 minutes but I wanna remember it. It seems like it could be not Anti-Pierce! And makes his hysterical haters look like idiots.


VARG VIKERNES has been posting a lot of articles in the past month or so. IMHO these articles are more compelling than his most recent Book. I am trying to raise Varg’s profile among more than Just Burzum Fans, but among people that might be interested in his Pro-White, Anti-Zionist message. Copied Directly from http://www.burzum.org/eng/news.shtml :


Paganism: Part XIX – Comparative Mythology, my RPG & Europe,

Paganism: Part XX – Pagan Honour


War in Europe: Part VI – Regarding Adam Lanza and His Tribe


War in Europe: Part V – Breivik Unveiled

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ok this is MUCH closer to the Average Length I would LIKE to have for posts. YOU’RE WELCOME!

Very Likely ONE of the Reasons Modern Western Men have become Feminized is that there’s NO REASON, NO INCENTIVE to BE MANLY, similar to how there’s No Benefit for a Man to get Married. If you are a Manly Man then people are gonna try to find a way to Exploit That Manliness, which left many Manly Men Spent and Broken and Dead just for Doing the Heretofore-Right-Thing. But now that Wimmin, Employerz, and Gummint are increasingly like Anti-Male Mercenaries, maybe those F@ggy Betas became F@ggy Betas not just because of their Emasculating Single Momz and Skools, but because they saw little hope for them as adults and said “F00K THIS SH!T, BEING A NECKBEARD DWELLER IS BETTER THAN BEING AN HONEST HARDWORKING MAN, MIGHT EVEN BE WORTH THE TRADEOFF OF PVSSY.” But then as a 20 year old virgin, the frustration starts boiling over, and they shoot up skools.

One “compromise” is what I spoke of above, where you just PRETEND to be manly, just enough to get pvssy, and then you spent the rest of your time being a slacker video gamer dweller, hahahaha. Actually this might not be so bad if you can do something honorable, like take care of your Parents in their old age, pay them back for all they’ve done for you. That would be pretty HONORABLE THUS MANLY. Perhaps This Generation has to “Redefine Masculinity,” hahahaha. Yes I KNOW how F@GG0TTY that term is. NO, not Redefine Masculinity that it’s ok for men to cry and ask for help and be feminized, but redefine as in, Be A Man, but don’t let yourself get SCREWED from your manliess. Don’t GIVE your manliness away for Nothing, as thousands of men have before, like millions of Wimmin give their Pure Femininity Away Today. Heh. This is why I like Entrepreneurship. GO AHEAD, BE A 35 Year Old Video Gamer Basement Dweller, BUT you can STILL B4NG Prime Of Youths, NOT be a Fat Neckbeard, have some self-respect, take care of your REAL Family, Make the Basement Look Good, AND try to get Your Own Business Going and Make Monay. In A Way, Entrepreneurship Is A Way of Going Your Own Way.

While I’m proudly confessing my Race Treason, A HUGE song for me lately has been “Jungle Boogie” by Kool & The Gang. There is nothing about that song that is not all about fetishizing miscegenation, from the exhortations to “GET DOWN, GET DOWN!”, and the blubbering ape-noises, and the “SEXY” main hook. Lawd! Lawd! But you can blame 19-year-old BKC for listening to P-Funk and being bit by the Funk Bug. Also blame Seth MarxFarlane for the “American Dad” episode where Stan gets addicted to crack and every time he’s fiending it plays “Jungle Boogie” while little crack pipes bounce in his eyeballs.

even the speakers were not that bad! Jeez.

How’s this for defense of my weak Christianity, the ironic thing being I’m not even Hugely Devout. I go to Church regularly but not very enthusiastically, and occasionally read and watch religious stuff. Anyway: JUDAISM IS A JEWISH RELIGION, WHEREAS CHRISTIANITY IS A WHITE RELIGION. Even IF Christianity is Inherently Jewish, Even IF Europeans were originally pagan, as of RIGHT NOW, most White Europeans are Christian or come from A Christian background. Most Whites are Christian in other words. (Not saying most christians are white though, although at a time they were!) My argument is, Varg Vikernes shouldn’t be such a Big Meanie Against CHRISTIANS, because I argue a Christian call STILL be Antizionist and they can still be friendly to pagans and respect the pagan roots of europeans. Although MANY Christians ARE Zionist and do not respect pagans, so I FEEL ya Varg, but NACALT!!!

Hmm ROBERT BORK just appeared on FOX NEWS, he’s too SERIOUS and Non-neocon to be on FNC. It seems he has DIED. That sucks! Well he was pretty old. But I’m “pretty sure” he was a True Con not a Ziocon/Neocon.

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My Most Racistest Hypothesis YET: Regarding my Hunch that Growing numbers of Jewish Girls are marrying Gentile or Nonjewish Men: Maybe it’s a Long-Term White Genocide Strategy where they attempt to “breed the whiteness” out individual white men, one at a time, over several generations. Really very simple: they will have a babies that are 50% white, 50% jewish. The KEY PART of the plan is that THESE children MUST  marry and MATE WITH 100% jews. Then the offspring there will be 75/25. Repeat the process, then approx 88(heh) / 12. You can see where this is going. So the Jews “give up” one of their wimminz now, to effectively erase the white heritage of the white they’re mating with, several generations down the line. This Strategy can Obv work with different races!

But I was shocked to learn there is a LAW on the books in Israel prohibiting Jews from marrying nonjews. Well, not VERY shocked. Just another example of the HYPOCRISY of the Zionists, hahaha.

Kinda like Zogmedia brainwashing Americans that Ethnostates are evil and racist, but what is Israel but an Ethnostate – a really bad, hypocritical, deceptive, dishonest, unethical Ethnostate? THAT’s the problem, NOT the NOTION of An Ethnostate itself!

Greg’n’Kevin (heheh) (Counter-Currents Podcast) were talking about essentially what is/was r-reproduction of nonwhites vs K-reproduction of whites. Prob largely due to the cold, hostile climates whites evolved in: they needed small, strong, self-sustaining groups, ie The Nuclear Family. High Parental Investment. Ideas of Trust and Reputation were important. Quality over Quantity. Whereas in the r-selected, exactly the opposite occured. Just pop out babies like bonobos, and lie cheat and steal, because the only morality is that of your immediate and extended family. But to other families, you could do completely dishonorable and horrible 3g1h things which whites would find nauseating and immoral.

Then they mentioned how the general political climate, even among Mainstream Conservatives, is one of phoniness and distrust; and how a Better Movement would emphasise honesty and integrity and truth-telling and trust. I couldn’t really argue with that, other than to add that maybe you shouldn’t worry about being honest with your enemies or those who are not honest to you.

For example, it’s ok to lie a little to get a Job, or lie a lot to get some Decadent Declining Western Teen Tail.

see what I mean, it’s interesting stuff, even if you don’t 100% agree with it.

Personally, my “weakness” is that I’ve always – WELL before getting on This Racist Kick – been “overly” tolerant of blacks and “underly” tolerant of Jews – and you can still see that.

So now Jared Taylor is speaking at Texas A&M Univ this week. My question is, why doesn’t he speak at a Univ EVERY week, and not wait for Controversial White Student Unions to form, then BRING him to campus, because as we’ve seen, that’s a rare occurence.

Not knocking Jared Taylor, but in My Ideal World, prominent Whites would regularly Go On Tour – like faggy BANDS do! – to drum up support, awareness, education. Because they’re sure as heck not going to be allowed into Mainsteam Media. Ideally, in every US state, once a month, you could go to an event from a prominent White: Taylor, David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, Greg, the VDARE guy Brimelow, Occidental Observer, Council of Conservative Citizens, American Third Position Party, Heck “even” Steve Sailer – there’s no shortage. Bring Bloggers on tour with them: Firepower, Ryu, Horus, damn there’s even less of a shortage of BLOGGERS! I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing ROISSY doing this, even if he is nonwhite – I think he could be a good prowhite nonwhite ally, hahahaha. (this refers to the Rumor that he MIGHT be Jewish)

So yeah. I think the Travelling Event Tour is a very potentially powerful thing, don’t let its value be cheapened by the fact that the main people that go “on tour” are stupid music groups.

I saw Mark Steyn on FNC for 30 seconds the other day, and was reminded of how I had a big mancrush on him earlier in the year and wondered why he was never on FNC. Was he too real and too honest? Was he “not popular” enough? But maybe he’s just another lying Zionist! A “Fox Newz Conservative-4-Dummeez”!  Could be. I still think he’s VERY charming and charismatic, and if I were Virgin Teen Tail, I would want to Spread For Him Before 10 Dates, but if I were Virtuous and Honorable, I would say, You know I have to make you WAIT Ten Dates, Mr. Steyn, and he would say Yes I Know,That Is The Right Thing To Do, and then she would actually be honest and follow through with that promise, that is, honestly wait ten dates, then spread for and commit to him after that, and give him beautiful Ginger Babies.


“Counter-Currents Radio Network”. Sept 2012. I am way behind the times! Seems like Voice of Reason has ceased, it certainly hasn’t been updated since about June. So the volks at CC want to breathe new life into it. Good idea! Interesting comment here on Should The Manosphere be discussed. There aren’t any great Manosphere podcasts or radio shows (well, other than A Voice For Men, but some people might not think that is “Great”) (plenty of Youtube Channels though); and somebody commented that Manosphere is counter-productive and divisive, it’s against the goals of WN apparently, or is at least too anti-women for WN. My position as of Nov 1 2012 is, I am now somewhere between the two, and reserve the right to Ally with Honorable Nonwhites who are not Anti-white; AND reserve the right to call Avg White Wimminz Decadent Wh0res. Avg Nonwhite Wimminz are Decadent Wh0res TOO, but I don’t really CARE because I don’t really want to MATE with them. With White Wimminz, I actually CARE when they Throw Themselves Away because it hurts them AND me. I Dislike Because I Like.

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