Tag Archives: infatuation


trying to work on a general unified theory of infatuation aka True Love. This is the Niceguy stuff that Male Commitment is made of, and which Modern Wimmin Hate worse than Racists like me hate jews (hehehe), worse than Antiracists hate whites. This is what makes a guy willingly sign up for marriage. Lose his mind, in other words!

I don’t think it’s entirely bad, indeed, when there’s mutual infatuation I think that’s the best possible thing, One Man and One Woman Monogamously Loving Each Other till the end of their natural lives, having 10 kids and 100 grandkids etc, productive members of society.

OBVIOUSLY, as I’ve propounded before, having the Woman in the Prime Of Youth facilitates infatuation in the man. 18-22 yo Wimmin.

What I haven’t really thought about, is how the MAN being A Certain Age (kinda young) might also influence this.

Example: I saw a Wimmin recently I had not seen in at least 4 years, completely randomly. I had always sorta liked her, but not in an infatuation life-destroying niceguy way. But more than I like Average Wimmin. When I first met her she was in the prime of youth. (latter half.) I was not more than two years older than that. I always regretted not Getting After Her more Aggressively, but I was always having Drama with other Wimmin and General Social Drama and Life Drama and Stress and I just didn’t see her enough. I do regret not Capitalizing on the times I did see her though, she was always friendly to me. If I made 1% the effort I had made as a Niceguy Supplicator, well heck I could have had some fun with this other girl.

ANYWAY. I see her again in a pub now and I just about crapped my pants. She must be NEAR 30 but she still looked fine as hell, nice skin, same innocent look in her face, long-term dating level cute, if not Monogamous Cute, and MAYBE EVEN Monogamy Cute! At 30! WTF! I didn’t know if this was because she was genuinely THAT good looking, or because I had met HER while she was in the prime of youth, and it’s THAT image that STICKS, or if My Brain was in its OWN Male Prime Of Youth (Not Sure What Male Brain Prime Of Youth Is, but it’s longer than 18-22!) and THAT’s what made her stick. Prob both of those. But honestly it seemed her body and skin had not declined that much at all! Still Medium-Term Dating Cute! At 30!

So that opened up a basket case of Painful Memories and Regretz and Sorrow, so I did not go talk to her. I didn’t really care about what she was doing with her life, because she was prob 9000000x more successful and making more monay than I am. Although I’m not 100% sure she went to a Presitigious Graduate Skool! Maybe just a Third Tier Toilet. Not to give too much away, but I had met her at the type of First-Tier Highly Selective Bourgeois Brahmin Jewniversity, where if you are forced to go to a Third-Tier Toilet Grad Skool, then you are considered a complete f00king failure and should blow your brains out, you’re not only not a careeeer-worshipping tryhard, you’re also TOO LOW-IQ to get into a GOOD Grad Skool. Obviously I reject this whole deal, and not just because I didn’t Try Hard enough to get into a Good Grad Skool, because my IQ is EASILY High Enough, hahahaha. And the MAJORITY of Studentz DO go on to Good Grad Skools. They’re not there just to get Bachelorz Degrees. So she was in the Good Minority then, had something in common with me right there.

Basically my Research Question is, can a Man reach a certain age where he’s just TOO OLD To “Fall In Love” Ever Again? That if tomorrow I met an 18-yo Polish Virgin Girl perfect 10 bod, perfect 10 personality, I’d say yeah that’s nice, but not go Koo-koo like I did in the past?

For Girls, they too can get infatuated with males, but it’s only the first 1 or 2 or 3 guys they Let Into Their Spread Uterus. After that, they’re DONE. The Walking Dead, hahaha. This is OF COURSE the bigger SOCIETAL problem than Me Being Too Old To Get Infatuated, hahahahaha. So I just Bang 18 yo gurlz and Don’t Marry, NOT A PROBLEM. I was just taken aback by this Floodgate Of Emotion upon seeing a very unexpected person, who was Technically Way Too Old for me to Feeeeeel any Feeeeeeeelingz for.

So yeah. I can’t help but wonder, that if after like 7 to 10 infatuations, you just get burned out and can’t muster it up anymore. GOOD, say Wimmin, because Infatuation is Too Emotion and That Leads You Astray (You don’t say!). Whereas I say Infatuation is PrettyMuch (heh) synonymous with True Love and is a Signal To Yourself that you should assertively pursue that person as a Lifetime Mate and a Co-Parent To Your CHILDREN. It Beautifully Blossoms into Long Term Love than Sustains long after the person has lost the Radiance Of Youth. You don’t want anyone else, you’d travel long distances, wild horses would have to drag you away, etc.

So yeah I am really nicholas sparks, I am a huge niceguy who’s gets a huge4ss hard0n for that f@ggy bullsh!t! well when i was younger I did – my Final Infatuation Began when I was 26 yo, nothing new since then – now I just get off Analyzing and Theorizing about it!

Those type of Goils, you don’t MIND taking em out to a Nice Expensive Dinner before having the Epic F00kfest. It’s all part of the narrative, hahahaha. You don’t MIND Making Out with em, it’s not like sticking your tongue up a horse’s 4ss. You enjoy the Whole F00king PACKAGE.

So if you don’t Make It Work by age 26, Hang It Up, Write It Off, Cut Your Losses, and focus your ENERGY on more IMPORTANT things, like managing a SMALL Harem (2 to 4) of 18-yo Wimminz, making monay to be a Good Single Father, and making the world a better place for the Next Generation of Your Family and Your Super-Extended Family, wink wink nudge nudge if ya know what I mean!

but yeah that was exactly the type of think you gotta be mindful of, dr kabat zinn would say don’t let it bring up back memories and suck you down. Nope. Just got a fresh disc of STAR TREK and gonna ENJOY that. Yet still be Mindful of Strengthening My SuperExtended Family!! NOT FANTASIES of / worrying about DAMES!

I think I left off Battlestar Galatica on season 3, so start there if I want to start watching agian. I know they were on the planet (new caprica??) getting bombed by the jews I MEAN Cylons.

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And he and the Mrs are doing this thing Ancestral Cult http://ancestralcult.com/


should be interesting to see how that develops. But I’ve been wanting him to do a Proper Blog for quite awhile. Especially since he’s been posting Thought Pieces at Burzum.com quite regularly now. Just Do A Blog Bro. And now he has! NICE!

Just realized that I really DON’T CARE if a wimminz is Sociopathically Promiscuous (tm BKC). Go ahead, throw your life away, as long as you’re not hurting ME. It only matters to me if I’m Interested in the Wimmin and she’s not giving some of that Promiscuity to Me. But I haven’t been INTERESTED in a Wimmin in the least for like 70 days now [actually more like 170!], hahaha. I was foolish for becoming Prematurely Infatuated, but I didn’t do that intentionally, it just came over me, and now I am starting to Get Over It, but, just like I predicted, it has taken a LONG TIME plus NO CONTACT. That’s my advice for My Heir: Take a LONG TIME and NO CONTACT, and if you can do it with less, good for you, but my Strict Plan certainly won’t make things WORSE! INdicative of Our Culture’s Decline that my prescription is often described by Wimmin – often the Rejectors when 80% of our Minz are Feminized Western Betas – as “CREEEEEEPY” : “Are you such a creepy stalker that we can’t be Kewl Friendz while I TIUTA from a laundry list of other guys while smirking at you and cutting you off from Dat 4ss Forever?”


Not that “My Girl” was a Scumbag AWALT Like That – in fact I will say that she was reminiscent of Wonder Years’s Winnie Cooper but more Pure, more Asexual, less Slutty, less Sexualized, hahaha, so that explains part of My Problematic Infat – but I don’t want to talk about HER any more. Too Painful, AND none of The World’s Damn BIZNAZZ. I WILL occasionally talk about the General Feeeeeeling of Painful Infatuation so as to Advise My Heirs – and Feminized Western Males (tm Chechar, you can see I’ve taken a liking to this term and will be modifying it) wot don’t know how to Talk To Goils – on how to Suceed in Similar Situations.

So yeah Ladeeez: Go Out and Have All The Sex You Want, just don’t whine like a MORON WEAKLING SEX-TRAITOR when no man but the worst weakling betas wants to monogamously commit to you. Deep Down, Wimmin – even the biggest Slutz – want Monogamous Committment EVEN MORE than Beta Men do!

Well I finally took the plunge and bought the Laptop Computer I’ve been thinking about for at least two years. (Narcissism alert!) I might write a brief review of it later. As long as the memory and motherboard don’t crash every 5 minutes, I don’t care how slow it is. I can’t justify spending $350 for a new crappy comp, I certainly can’t justify spending $1000 for a Good New Comp, and I’ve been kinda obsessed with REFURBS for a while because I liked the price ($200), somehow I could justify spending that on a Refurb of a Formerly Good Computer, BUT I had to find a good PRICE, and a Reputable SELLER, such that I could trust that they’d tested the mem and the mobo at least. Settled on NEWEGG.COM over the somewhat less tech-oriented Amazon. Time will tell if I can trust Newegg, but they seem to be at least a Big Name in the Tech Toyz world, and it was worth it to me not to go to Best Buy and deal with those F4gg0ts trying to sell me stuff I didn’t want and a bunch of Proles, Pickup Truck Self-Destructing Neocons, Blaqz, Albanians, Millennials, Screeching Teens, Slutz, right before Crimmus. Not dissing Best Buy Employees, that’s the kind of Soul-Sucking Evil Job that TURNS you into a soulless f4ggot, but you GOTTA do it unless you want to be a Morally Lazy Loser or Handout-Entitleitis Ghetto Ape, CHONGO.

“DON’T EVER BUY A REFURB”, the Tech Virgin Nerdz screeeeeeech. Again I don’t give a sh!t. If it turns out to be A Piece, well I’ve saved up enough already to pay for it TWICE, I’ll have learned a valuable lesson, it’s not as bad an investment as getting LAPDANCES from GODAWFUL STRIPPERZ, it’s less expensive than a ROUND-TRIP PLANE TICKET (putting it in perspective of other Recent Big Purchases), and hopefully it will allow me to Maximize My VERY Limited Energy, ie, allow me to find a Good-Paying Job while LYING IN BED with my Bedrest Chair Pillow which is the other thing on the CHRISTmas list. Not a Materialistic Consumerist Swine, I only Want to Buy things I really, really “Need”*. Or that can signif Improve My Life and Multiply The Resultz Of My Skillz and Energy, hahaha. It’s not like I’m some skank ho wimminz buying a $9000 macbook on my credit cardz and getting 30% APR and then wonder why they’re bankrupt by age 28. Anyway, I’m CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC and HOPE to report some Good News about the Computer after it arrives. It’s not like I’m playing GAMES. I’m using a Chrome Browser (albeit w many tabs and sometimes many web software type things like google docs, or flash or java web gaymz or youtube.) And I do insist on a music player like Spotify or Winamp and my little mp3 editing programs. But not f00king world of warcraft or call of d00dy or whatever the “GAMING MACHINE” F4gg0tz cream their light blue jeans over. (Although I do cherish my own Light Blue Jeans.)

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…and that is the better way to be, than the alternative. For Women at least. Doesn’t really help these Niceguys unfortunately.

LONG POST, 6.5 minutes of yer time.

this is part 2 of me complaining like a beta blogger on “Nice Guys Of OK Cupid”, but CERTAINLY getting to some of the deeper issues that Beta-Hating Baby-Murdererz REFUSE to THINK ABOUT.

ADDENDUM TO THE NICE GUY SUBJECT (because “ISSUE” is fagspeak. put that in the list.)

Eradica had a related article that was Jezebel, and I hadn’t been masochistic or Mean enough to read jezebel in a while, so there I went again. This time they hate on nice guys, big surprise. Now I’m not a Nice Guy Except To People Who Deserve It – My Friends and Family, NOT Hamstery Decadent Soul-Poisoning Wimmin.

MY BIG POINT: look at the comments. A big thing there is Accusing the Nice Guys of Deception and Dishonesty and Creeperyness because:
-when the wimmin rejects them and the Niceguys get understandably upset and Derpressed and Gothic and need some Time and Space, then to the wimmin this means “HE WANTED ME ONLY FOR SEX, NOT AS A FRIEND, SO HIS FRIENDLINESS WAS FAKE.”

This is HUGE DAMNING PROOF that Wimmin have completely “internalized” (semi fag word) the Poisonous Decadent AntiVirtue of Wholly Separating Love and Sex, such that they can’t even imagine the Better situation where Love and Sex are intimately connected.

To put it simply, they can’t possibly appreciate that the Niceguys Didn’t Just Want Them For SEX: They were in FULL BLOWN LOVE with THEM, the niceguys wanted MONOGAMOUS LIFETIME MARRIAGE with them, they wanted An Exclusive Monogamous Relationship with Walks in the Park and Meeting the Families and Pillow Talk and Holding Hands and Marriage and Children and 50 year anniversaries. The LAST thing it’s about is “JUST SEX.”

So this is a Dangerous Destructive Lie: That Nice Guys are Liars who Only Want Sex. Nope. Nice Guys Rightly Combine Sex and Love, like people Used To Do in Healthier Times; and they have to Have Space not because They don’t want to be “Friends”, but because they want to be MUCH MORE THAN FRIENDS, and much more than “Friends With Benefits.” They see their Soul Mate who they want to Grow Old With, summarily Rejecting them Quickly and easily and then accusing them of wanting Only Sex. I wouldn’t be happy about that either!

So I’ll stand up for the niceguys here. They don’t want “JUST SEX”. They are in Deep Love that Wimmin just don’t understand, well maybe they did with their First and Only True Love when they just entered puberty and there was That First Special Boy right before they figured The C0ck Carousel was the better alternative to True Love, which is a Dangerous Patriarchal Myth. Not nearly as Dangerous as this Marxist Myth That Niceguys only want Sex, which comes from the narcissistic, Unempath heheh mindset of the Modern Wimmin – The Poisoned, Corrupt, Decadent, Immoral idea that Sex and Love are Cleaved In Twain, and also the cheapening and bad redefinition of love itself.

EMPATH ADVICE FOR WIMMIN: It’s not that hard. The niceguy is as Crazy For You, as YOU are for The Badboy Alpha Nonniceguy (like me, hahaha) who doesn’t respond to your texts after sex and calls YOU crazy and clingy and laffs when you cry after sex and doesn’t let you take his c0k any more when you text him. SERIOUS FEEEEEEEEELINGZ.

just had to point that out. this is why a decent wimmin will not call you a creep for wanting space after she tears the nice guy’s HEART out.

I might have to read JEZEBEL and THE FRISKY MORE OFTEN because they are CHOCK FULL of those Fagspeak words and just totes Fag WRITING. THIS is what’s Wrong With Modern Wimmin. I can only HOPE what these wimmin write – and get paid dearly for!! Writing this CORROSIVE POISON is their CAREEEEEER AND THEY LUVVVV IT!!! – does not reflect the actual opinions/beliefs of Average Everyday Wimmin – although probably 51% of people are sheeple and will believe whatever you tell them, right OR wrong.

(SHE is 9000000 times more SMUG and OBNOXIOUS than **I am, Chr!ssakes!)

Of course, I’m not saying it’s RIGHT or JUST or SMART or REASONABLE for these Niceguys to Fall In Love with these Awful Wimmin, but, wrong wimmin or not, it’s STILL True Luv. Don’t say it’s not just because you let the Meaning Of Love get POUNDED out of you due to you Choosing Spreading.

A large part of it is, Average Men have MUCH FEWER Lifetime Sex Partners than the Average Wimmin of their Age. So the Men are like 15 year old Girls, who fall in LOVE with every Sex Partner, much like the Wimmin did, before they became a huge wh0re, desensitized to promiscuous sex, permanently separating sex and love. That’s “the place” these Niceguys “are coming from.” They do not know what “meaningless sex” is, probably won’t for another 10 years at least, when they start banging desperate cheating cougars.

The world would be a better place if Wimmin were MORE LIKE these Niceguys! It would create a solid Foundation for Families!

The Wimmin think, he was LYING to me, he didn’t WANT to be FRIENDS, he only wanted in to the PANTS PARTY (this is how they talk.) WRONG. He wanted to BOTH be in the Pants Party AND have the type of Intimate Loving Husband Wife “Friendship” that is more than “Friendship” and way more than “Friends With Benefits”…. but Todays Wimminz don’t even know how to CONCEPTUALIZE that any more, and if they try, they think it’s creepy and weird.

once a guy develops enough charisma to rise about & get pvssy on the reg, then rightfully gets sick of mindless meaningless sex with no Human Connection, because this Natural Human Impulse has not been conditioned out of him yet, and says something about it to wimmin, the wimmins response is: WHO CARES SEX IS JUST AS IMPORTANT, DON’T KNOCK SEX! possibly because she is threatened by being FOUND OUT: Yes Virginia, many wimmin ARE good for nothing but sex and they CANNOT be a good Intimate Partner Ever, because they’ve taken too Manny Cox and had Too Much Sex.


Summation / Another Great Way To Look At It:

-The Wimmin accuse the Niceguy of Separating Sex and Luv and get mad at him for it,
– when it’s WIMMIN who are experts at, AND USUALLY ADVOCATE separating Sex & Luv,
– when the nice guy didn’t even DO that! He’s Combining Sex and Love very wholly, very traditionally! Funny that he’s getting accused of THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what he’s doing!

Screeching SWPL Urbane Cosmopolitan Professional Career Coastal Wimmin, not even only feminists, but those poisoned by feminists, take great offense to this common sense, naturally.

Heh. I should not be surprised THE INIMITABLE UNCLE BERN did a vid on this too. YEAH BUDDY!

Women CAN have Too Many Lifetime Sex Partners!

Just Bl0wing a guy Once counts as a Lifetime Sex Partner!

and Girl Writes What has a good video on The General Topic of Niceguys

The Wimminists are Fundamentally Misunderstanding the concept of Unrequited Romantic Feelings. I think this is a new thing, in the past we never HEARD about “Nice Guys” because Wimmin generally had more Empathy, and understood that Nice Guys were In Love with them, and Understood that you can’t be Friends with Someone Whose Love you Rejected, and that it’s not Just About Sex. These were SIMPLE, OBVIOUS TRUTHS, but Todays Wimminz are not learning them.

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Pedestal Porn, Cuddle Porn, Niceguy Nicegirl Porn, Infatuation Porn, not too sure a SHORT name to call this Genre I Created.  don’t normally like using “porn” for things that aren’t Porn, like “Torture Porn” or “Food Porn” but in this case I’ll allow it.

OK. Beta Fanfiction. We all know about Romance and Rip-Chested Fabioz ravishing young princesses, from which “50 Shades” is just the next “logical” (heh) step, only a bit more decadent and modern. Escapist Sexy Luv for Aging Wimminz, where pure virgins are ravished by Dominant Manly Men. It makes perfect sense, I ain’t mad about it brah. BUT I was thinking a Great New Market would be The Equivalent Romance Fairytales FOR BETA F4GG0T WEAKLING LOSER NICEGUYS. Like the Niceguys who think Game is too sexist and No NAWALT I’ll continue Just Being My (Virgin) Self, one day when I’m 60 I’ll find That One Special Virgin Princess who likes me for me. The Nicest, most pathetic virgin niceguys who like watching the notebook and who get a raging hardon thinking about making-out and cuddling and marriage and Being In Luv and Pillow Talk and think Wimminz should Take It More Slowly. So write stories where the hero is a Total Niceguy like that, and he meets The Only Nice Girl In The World he’s been waiting all his life for. Every scene/chapter would be like “Porn” and pure escapism. No tension, no drama, just lush detailed loving stories of them going out on dates and having deep emotional talks and the Climax would be them Holding Hands for the First Time or Kissing for the First Time and it would take like 4 books for them to finally Have Sex for the First Time, and the rest of it is all walks in the park, and dates, and movies, and meeting the families, and talking, and romancing, and picnics, and crunching leaves in the fall, and warm fires and hot cocoa in the winter, and all that. Something very warm and soft and wholesome for Beta Niceguy Virgin Faggots to escape into when the Real World gets too harsh and depressssssing. Guys who are Pre-Game, who refuse to Accept Game, who think “I don’t want the kind of woman who falls for that type of macho nonsense, I want a nice uncorrupted woman”.

Homework: There’s GOTTA ALREADY BE stories like this. Hell I think I even WROTE a few many years ago, I might try to find them. BUT I think, with the right Marketing Push, stories and authors like this could become Big Business. Somewhere in that vast area between “50 shades” and wimminz raep romance or twilight, and career moneymaker PUAz like Neil Strauzz and the guys whose JOB it is to run pickup boot camps and sell DVDs and packages and all that. Gay Emo Beta Male Romance Escapist Cuddle 9000-Mile-High Pedestal NICE GIRL “Porn” could be bigger than THAT and then Mainstream Mediaz would talk about it. So there’s my Value-Add hahaha. This could be my Entrepreneurial Venture for 2013.

Taylor Swift. I am actually listening to TS RIGHT NOW. I had vh1 on in the background while doing CALCULUS HOMEWORK and they were playing a lot of Taylor Swift Storytellers Live At Harvey Mudd College, which due to the overplay, I figured is a pretty new release. At least 35% of Taylerz audience is Beta Faggots, sort of like the ones I described above as the Target Demo for Nice Girl Porn, straightish guys that are SO Faggy and Romantic you can’t even tell WHAT they are, gay or straight. They LOVE Tayler. And they don’t JUST want to Bang Her, No, they want to Court Her for a YEAR and do all those Nice Girl things, and become Monogamously Married before they bang her. You want to see what beta pedestalizing looks like, look at these male fagz who love Tayler Swiftz.

Note to self: There’s GOTTA be FANFICS By Betas For Betas where Average Beta starts a Fantasy Romance with Tayler and they live happily ever after. Be a good starting point for me. Search it, link it, trackback it. I can’t knock it too much, like I said, I once wrote a few chapters of crap like that, many years before Tayler ever existed.

But Tayler is saying to me, now is the time. If I don’t capitalize on my idea, someone else will. Tayler is the Harbinger of Mainstream Beta Luv.


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makes a meme with only one good macro, hahaha. Hooray 4 ADDultKidz! But seriously volkz, I am pretty PROUD of this one. Yes I INVENTED this meme; it did not exist until I personally CREATED it.


online free version of “Photoshop” which I used to combine the Lenin and Owl photos

Leonard Cohen, now there’s a Jew I do like. Not just like, but LOVE. Not sure how Zionist he is. I know he’s BEEN to Israel, hahaha. Even if he WERE A Zionist I’d still like him, he’s just THAT good. I will be SAD when he passes. If you’re “too antisemitic” to like LEONARD COHEN, GTFO.

But the newz people are talking more and more about “DEMOGRAPHICS” and being more open about how White Men in particular are losing power, so they have to come up with new ways or possibly even a new message (hope not!) to Grow the Conservative Base. Pretty leery about that. I don’t think the message should be softened. But I AM hopeful that nonw’s ARE capable of taking to a Hard Conservative Message! But if they haven’t by now, or in great enough numbers, maybe that’s further evidence that Multiculti is Bad. Humans Were Not Meant To Mix Like This.

I blame being Too Good of a CHRISTIAN, that I always want to turn the other cheek and give The Outsider the Benefit of the Doubt, Another Chance, another Strike. Christian, and Whites are generally pretty friendly, trusting, and welcoming. So How much MORE do True Conservatives have to DO to “win over” nonwhites and women? Maybe this election is Our Wake Up Call: This Is Not Our Country Any More. No Country For Old White Men. We cannot take it back. We do not have and can never get the numbers.

Although I recall hearing Rush say that Latinos do not support the Dems because the Dems are pro-Amnesty/Open Borders, but for the same reason ANYONE supports the Dems: “Santa Claus; they want Free Stuff.” So, theoretically, Conservative Latinos would not be scared off by Immigration-Restricting True Conservatives.

Vincent Gallo calls himself an extremely radical conservative, but his lifestyle as an Artsy-Fartsy ARTIST and MUSICIAN is very faggy. What’s the deal?

What IS THE MOST Conservative and White Nation On Earth? The “Whitest” Nations have become less white, more left. So let’s not look at Scand any more. But what about other “historically white” nations like, and I guess I’m thinking more western europe, like Switzerland or Austria. I feeeeeeeeeeel the former eastern bloc / commie countries are more resistant to liberal policies of immigration. Ukraine? How about Poland? Hungary? Slovakia? You never hear about Slovakia, hahaha. I’m thinking Nonbalkan eastern countries OBVS, hahaha. Maybe I’m just THAT Anti-Albanian, hahaha.

I repent to White Men for being so pvssy and f4ggy and defensive and apologetic with all my “let’s be polite” and “there’s always exceptions” and “we must always qualify with NAXALT” and “I judge individuals individually”, it’s as if I’m trying to WIN OVER nonwhites. That’s the ironic thing, is, I don’t even have a specific or token nonwhite in my friend-radar, and if I did, I would just be friends with them, and not pander to them like a pvssy. It’s like trying to be A Niceguy to pull Wimmin. It’s weak AND stupid AND dishonest.

Day 43 Of Rejection. Why I am still counting? Because it IS a big deal. I wouldn’t still be counting if it weren’t. My current Stage Of Grief is a mix of Anger and Depression. “Man, f00k this, everything would have been right with the world if she had just said yes, she could have made this a hell of a lot easier just by going the other way, then I would have been White Ubermensch, conquering worlds, working hard, doing good, having heirs, leaving a legacy, creating a better world with my K-selected mate, etc.”  These are the Male Committment Chemicals which only get produced a couple times per lifetime to let you know that This Is The One, so that there’s no doubt, no ambiguity, no indecision, no tubby 37-yo broad trying to Hornswoggle you into Marriage because you’re so beaten and broken and beta to think you can DO any better.

If anything, Day 43 is WORSE than Day 21, for example! But I’m still confident that things will be ALL GOOD by day 100. I just wasn’t expecting this peak at day 43. I might still be moping and wailing at day 60. It’s not a Constant Negative Slope of Suffering vs Time, in other words! I wish there were a Scientific Empirical Graph, just so I could know what to expect, and prepare accordingly! For All I know, it could INCREASE thru day 99, then you wake up day 100, and it’s all gone! So prepare for THAT worst-case scenario. until then I’m going to Paleo Bed at 7pm every day.

You know it’s True Pedestal / Luv / Infat / K-selection IF….

…You’re obsessed with HER more than you’re obsessed with YOURSELF, hahahahahahaha.

That’s the thing about us white european k-evolved introvertz, is that introversion can be a slippery slope to NARCISSISM sometimes, haw haw haw. (gotta switch up the style in which I laugh at my own “jokes”!)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Be grateful for your FAMILY, and don’t be a materialistic SWINE going SHOPPING.

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(Officially: I do that just in case WordPress or The Feds are screening my Titles for Suspicious Phrases!)


Interesting Premise examining the Parents of a Loner Boy who perpetrated a Shooting Massacre at his Kollige Kampus, ending with killing himself. Public jumps to the conclusion that his Parents are Psycho. But the Parents are not any more Psycho than average, just maybe a tiny bit “cold” or “distant” but nothing that could justify the kid going Off like that. IMHO, the whole point of a movie like this should* (* MRA’s note proper usage of “should”, hahaha tm Firepower) at least TRY to answer the question of “why” rather than say “well sometimes people do crazy violent things with no explanation.” Sure that’s true, but if we wanted No Explanation, we would have watched No Movie. I’m growing Tired of Media Products Not Having An Opinion on matters. Make a stand, even if you’re wrong. Only time people want to Take A Stand on their Beliefs is Murdererz Vocally Defending Their Right To Murder.

So it had potential but did not really deliver, but “that being said” (Wimminz Wordz Catalogue), it wasn’t as BAD as I make it out to be. Not too long, not too corny, just lacklustre, I expected more, but, MOVIES and HOLLYWITZ (tm Greg) being what they are, I should have Managed my Expectations. B.


Might be this gloomy Frankenstorm and crossing the turning point where Fall really starts heralding Winter, might just be typical Day 27 Of Rejection [actually more like 40 by Post Time!] , but I have been more Gloomy and Misanthropic and Feeeeeeling Hopeless than normal. Solution: Pump Mad Iron till exhaustion; Go in the Sauna; and, this is gonna shock some, but EVEN sit in a TANNING BED for 15 minutes. Not enough to get CANCER or even a TAN, but more to simulate sitting on a Sunny Beach for 15 or 20 minutes. Then go back into the Sauna and Schwitz a little bit. Drink some Creamy Bhang Tea, and listen to Bob Marley. “Uncle Greg” suggests True Race Conscious Whites (in contrast to SWPL’s) DON’T like Bob Marley; but I always WILL, prob cuz he was imprinted on my during my formative years. IMHO he’s great to listen to during The Bleak Winter when you get That Dreadful Feeeeeeling. I realize that as a person, he was a huge Douchebag. If I were an Honorable Woman, I wouldn’t have fallen for his Dishonorable Game, even WITH his great songwriting talent.

So the Jews have convinced me that Black Men are better than White Wimminz. The Jews have TURNED ME AGAINST MY OWN WIMMINZ, and Brainwashed me that I have more in common with people NOT of my race. This actually WOULD be a “great” strategy for the J00z: Turn White Men against White Wimminz. Divide and conquer. “THAT BEING SAID”, I think of some Black MRA’s I’ve heard and thought “Yep He gets it, doesn’t matter if he’s black or white.” So Beware! At the end of my Political Journey I might just turn out to be another “whiny MRA!” AND BOTH a Race Traitor AND a Sex Traitor by being so Anti-White Wimminz!

But do I dislike Black Wimminz More? Are Black Men more Average MRA than White Men? Do Black Men dislike Black Wimmin more than White Men dislike White Wimmin?

How valid is it for Black Men and White Men to join together in their shared dislike of Wimmin altogether?

I might dislike White Wimmin MORE than Black Wimmin because I’m much more indifferent ie Unattracted to Black Wimmin, ie, I WANT them less. They go their way and I go mine, no harm, no foul. But I have a Burning Desire to either Partner-With or Mate-With White Wimmin, which is so often Inflamed by their Repellant, Disgusting, Unlikeable Personalities. So, I dislike White Wimmin more BECAUSE I LIKE White Wimmin More, eh?

Just trying to be HONEST with the reader. Just want you to know what you’re getting into here. It’s the Eradica Crowd, I tell ya! Well, I tell YOU, you’re not going to get nearly as incisive “commentary” here as you will THERE. That and I’ve been in a bad mood the past 28 days, in a bit of an Incisive Blogging trough due to a recent spell of Rejection and Melancholy, which I can hopefully steer from Negative Slope to Positive Slope soon, hahaha. I actually Respected and liked Just Spending Time with the Wimmin, I Feeeeeeelt strangely, unusually, different about her than about Any Other Wimmin, it WAS TRUE Luv, so, the End of That Should (not sure if correct usage of “should”, hahaha) be painful. Very painful. This was a NAWALT! this was a potential mother to my heirs and nonlawful WIFE!! not just some Pump and Dump Decadent Western Wh0re! G0ddam!

Here, my Writing Addiction becomes Bad rather than Good, because at Dark Times like this, Thinking Itself becomes Bad and not good, into what Immoral Jewish Shrinks call “ruminating.” This basically means you think the same unpleasant thoughts and feeeeeeelingz over and over until you get in a “rut.” Despite the Immorality of the Shrinks, I believe this is a valid argument. We all develop Bad Habits sometimes. It’s just especially sucky when one of the things you Like Doing becomes a Bad Habit; and, unlike Drugs or Alcohol or Pornhography or Chicken Nuggetz, WRITING is not INHERENTLY unhealthy.

Remember I started out on GAME here. Not really known for its Political Sophistication, although it is pleasingly politically incorrect with regard to The B!tchez. From Game To MRA To Right To Far Right To White Nationalism.

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[I “should” “probably” comment on the Election, which is occuring Right This Second, but wait a week or so, as I do most posts at least a week in advance, and there’s really nothing Pressing/Immediate for me to say no matter who wins.]

Fun Experiment Re The Decadence of Murdererz/Abortionistz/Wimminz: AT WHAT AGE DOES THEIR “NUMBER” REACH THEIR AGE? 17? 18? 19? 20? Certainly by 21 or 22!

Even Better: At what age does their number DOUBLE their age? Probably starting in the later twenties. And only THEN do Wimminz want to settle down. Congratulations, you get to MARRY a Wimmin who looks less than half as good as she did at 20, has taken TWICE as Manny Cox as she had at twenty, AND she gets older every day, AND you have to pay for this Increasingly-old (and already WELL pre-used!) cvnt about a MILLION times more than the other Men had to Pay for it, who got to Bang when she was at least TWICE as hot! CONGRATULATIONS! SIGN ME UP!!!!

In contrast, I find Men usually need to, by some point, double their own age in order to gain the optimum detachment, unneediness and realistic-mindset, ZEN if you will, regarding Wimminz.

At BARE MINIMUM – and this is NOT ideal, but it’s a helluva lot better than Current Status Quo 2012 – Menz Number needs to EQUAL Wimminz Number for any chance of things not to devolve into an UNGODLY Power Struggle.

Men need to be MORE “Promiscuous”, and Wimminz need to be LESS Promiscuous, in other words.

Day 30 of My Rejection. I had the girl on a higher pedestal than I even knew, until now. Good Lord. Otherwise I wouldn’t still be counting at Day 30. The Pedestal is a very dangerous and destructive thing. Essentially, it’s as if your True Love has DIED. Wimminz and other Marxists like to Discount Infatuation as a meaningless thing, – “You’re Overreacting!!” – This is the Cultural Marxist way of saying Love isn’t real, Only Sex Is Real, Love is a Patriarchal Oppressive Myth that drives people apart and subjugates them – BUT I argue to the contrary, that it’s VERY meaningful and powerful, and you need to honestly acknowledge the powerful feeeeeeeeling in order to “process” it, (god i sound like such a marxist fag) ie, Deal With It in a Healthy Way. This is what builds strong families, strong mothers and fathers, which builds strong children, strong families, strong CIVILIZATIONS.  If your Beloved Wife Soulmate had just suddenly DIED, you’d be Sad for a LONG Time. More than 100 days. It might even take more like 200 days. So what do you do? Just take it One Day At A Time. You can LIVE 200 Days, you’ve already lived THOUSANDS of days, and it’s not like YOU’RE Dying, Unless you have CANCER or something. So just be a Grumpy Loser Failure Creep for 200 Days and count the days off on the calendar, and then by the end of it, you’ll have more energy to do stuff. And know that it could be a LOT worse, like if your Wife had BETRAYED you and had taken all your CHILDREN and MONEY. There you’d be right to be ANGRY. But now you’re just Sad. And that will pass, albeit slowly, not as quickly as you’d like. So throw yourself into your Work and Your Careeeeeeer. Make MONEY, Lift WEIGHTS, Sm0ke huge Spl!ffz, Eat Nicely Marbled Juicy Steakz, and BANG the decadent broads in your harem, but don’t let their decadence rub off on You to an unhealthy extent.

But it’s one day at a time, and longer than you would like. But you SHOULD be able to get out of BED and Go Thru the MOTIONS of doing the Bare MINIMUM after 2 or 3 weeks. If you can’t, then beg to God for mercy until you can, and hope you don’t get FIRED or THROWN OUT ON THE STREETZ TO DIE like so many other lost souls.

But this also Proves the Pedestal. If it were some Rando AWALT who had taken 20 Cox, you wouldn’t CARE so much.

But Marxists/Wimminz/Alinskyites will tell you not to care so much, and, strangely enough, prob many MRAs or Game types would tell you not to care so much, not to be a Pedestalizing Beta. Now, while I don’t deny the MRAs are caring for YOU in giving this advice, I simply am offering Vastly Different Advice: Be a huge f00king Sad B4stard for 100-200 days, because the situation WARRANTS it. You DESERVE it. You’re ENTITLED to it, hahahaha. Listen to nothing but THE CURE and JOY DIVISION. Cry Rivers of Bitter Beta Tearz. As long as you’re not DYING or on the streets, It’s All Good, Son. Maximize your White Privilege of Beta Weeping, hahaha.

My POINT Is, BECAUSE it IS TRUE LOVE, you are well within your rights to suffer in TRUE SORROW. This is not an IMAGINARY loss, it’s a REAL Loss, so GRIEVE mournfully, screaming like the widow in “Fanny and Alexander.”  Cut me, I Bleed.

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Not to be too narcississitc, navel-gazing, or F00KING FAGGOTY, but I was very recently (oct 2012) delivered a Huge Jaw Dropping Emotionally Traumatic Stressful SOUL-CRUSHING Life Event when a NAWALT I was in TOTAL Pedestalizing Oneitis White Knight LOVE with TORE MY HEART OUT. She was actually straightforward and honest, perhaps proving her NAWALTness, OR providing my Oneitis, either way, I can’t REMEMBER the last time a WOMAN was HONEST to me about that sort of thing.

Obv I am VERY concerned with Wimminz Morality and Honor and Nonpromiscuity, and I Rationally, Reasonably Chose Her as My One because she, by all evidence, seemed in the upper echelon of morality and nonpromiscuity. Possibly a Virgin; Possibly Asexual; I like the Asexuals; maybe even an unrealized Lesbobo(tm Chapin). But her Undersexedness and Morality understandably attracted me. I gave it an Honest Effort, A Good College Try, To the BEST of my ability. 99.999% of Wimminz prob would have given a Pity f00k by that point, which would have NOT helped me in this case. I don’t respect Pity f00k and the cvntz who give them. I aint no f00king charity case. I have a f00king HAREM I can use for SEX. I was just seeking a more traditional old-fashioned heterosexual monogamous, exclusive, long-term rel. YES I KNOW It’s a stupid thing to Search For, given Today’s Modern Wimminz. I didn’t ASK for this Woman to waltz into my life and be her nonsexual self!!

Enough of that. The larger point re this Blog is, with all my contempt and disgust of whores, the reader would be shocked that I have positive, yet romantic beta, feeeeeelingz for ANY woman at all. So NOW the gloves come off! This ONE Woman was literally THE ONE Woman in my life that kept me saying NAWALT. NAWALT because This Specific Woman I knew was Not Like That. NOW, She may still be a NAWALT, but when SMART MEN are painfully rejected, they say, “Sorry sugar t!tz, but NO we shouldn’t be Just Friends because you just tore my heart out, YA STUPID B!TCH. Have a good life but NO I don’t want to hang out with you and watch you get drunk and f00ked by more alpha guys. I aint that much of a faggot chump.” Adding to her nawaltness was that even SHE introduced the notion of Taking A Break And Having Space, when usually I have to sit the whore down and say “LISTEN, EINSTEIN,” and say what I just said two sentences ago, because they can’t get that through their dumm kvmhungry skullz.

So I will be enjoying my Time and Space, I will remember her fondly for Actually, Surprisingly, NonAveragely doing the Honest, Right, Ethical thing in this sh!tty situation, but it’s also kinda sad because I’m getting older, people my age are getting married like CRAZY, literally getting married LEFT AND RIGHT. Every day there’s a new wedding. Do the men even KNOW what they’re getting into? I used to get NAWALT Infatuation (I don’t care WHAT you say, Marxist Whores, but Nawalt Infatuations ARE True Love! see old post) every couple of years, it would be a big deal, this one was a big deal too; but the time between got longer and longer; first it was twice a year, then once a year, then once every 2 years, once every 40 years, and that brings us here, to me being a 40 year old virgin jk hahahaha. I’m under 40 and I do have a harem of filthy whores for sex….but it’s impossible to feel any old-fashioned family-building Luv for them, like I do with Nonpromiscuous, Nonsexual VIRGIN Nawalts.

So you’ll understand if I’m extra harsh Towards Wimminz for the next 3 months, hahahaha. A guy can “process” “get over” “get through” ANYTHING in Three Months. Cancer, Death of your heir, etc.

But don’t tell me she was “probably a whore anyway.” Probability-wise, yes, most wimminz ARE whores, but I CHOSE Her AFTER I started getting on my Red Pill, MRA, MGTOW, Game, Most-Wimminz-Are-Whorez “Kick”, and she had passed my Updated List of Dealbreakers…namely, phonyness, promiscuity, makeup, sexualized, sexy, trifling, reality shows, democrat, blabla. Honestly though the girl was a Virgin Unrealized Lesbian.

At this point, I wish that she had been. My “Game” wasn’t super tight, prob too much “just being myself”, but I’m pretty b4d4ss, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Yeah, I’m often too much of a NICEGUY (and I’m NOT Nice to Wh0rez, who don’t deserve niceness!) , but I AM Honest,  and DO know how to put forth enough of a signal so I’m not some beta friendzone orbiter faggot. Of course the eternal question is, “WHAT IF I had been MORE ALPHA;” or “When Will she have a FILTHY, WHORISH, One-Night-Stand with an Alpha and FINALLY Ruin Herself?” I guess it’s none of my concern unless she’s bringing home black babies for me to feed!

That’s long enough. Just letting you know I have feeeeeeelings too; AND that I’m enough of a Traditionalist that I still believe NAWALT. Heh. People are replaceable and interchangeable. JK JK JK, that what Wimminz Whores think because they’re SOCIOPATHS incapable of Having Human Relationships; But if there’s even ONE Nawalt in say this Average Vaisya City, there’s PROBABLY one more. This girl was getting kind of OLD too, that’s how SERIOUS I was! She’s PAST her PEAK, yet I didn’t CARE. Nawalt and Infatuation are powerful things that can sustain a Hetero Rel over a LIFETIME and provide the BEDROCK for GOOD STRONG FAMILIES.

I’m WAY more of a Traditionalist than Barbarossaaaa or Stardusk, even though I like them both! But I was thinking Long Term too: love and nonlegal marriage, beautiful, healthy, smart, MORAL White Babies, heirs with a Good Father AND a Good Mother.


This is gonna REALLY SUCK for my Energy / Testosterone Levels next couple of weeks, but honestly I DID want a direct yes or no answer, just to KNOW, just so I could MOVE ON. And so now I can do that. Obv I wish it worked out for the Opposite Option, but A Conclusion is better than No Conclusion, And hopefully I can use that to bounce back stronger after the initial Coma, which I’m NOT looking forward to. But I’m thankful for good friends and family and for a Manosphere of Smart, Understanding, Friendly Brother Men out there. MEN SUPPORTING MEN is a beautiful, Christlike thing. Don’t see that kind of HONOR among B!TCHES.

Good news is, I saw a young girl recently who made my eyes pop out of my head. She would REALLY raise the avg of my Harem. I’m sure she’s a filthy whore who takes lo4ds within 2 minutes and pictures to prove it, but she was young, cute, meaty, great skin. I would have REAL FUN with her, so hope to get that in the rotation, and at LEAST feel less cynical about The Rotation!

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Oh yeah. forgot. Even if pro-choicers don’t get sexual pleasure from actually getting the fetus sucked out, I like “mischaracterizing” them as such simply because it OFFENDS Leftists, specifically FEMINISTS. Gives them another 10-foot pole up their 455.

Also, I feel another AXIOM comin thru:




Menz like Young & Purty. That’s value-neutral. There’s good girls AND crap girls who fit that criteria. Wimminz, on the other hand, like Alpha Traits: Powerful, Dominant, Sociopathic, Arrogant, Violent. These all point to a Pump-And-Dump. When a man is good for a wimminz long-term, it’s BECAUSE he has some Beta Traits. (remember: the ideal is to have a good alpha/beta RATIO, NOT to eliminate all your beta traits entirely.) BUT: eliminating beta traits entirely will give you the highest possible alpha ration, which will let you pull the most and best tail, at the “cost” of you becoming a violent sociopath and Scarface is your Hero. (I’ll be the first to admit, Scarface is a GREAT Alpha Male Role Model.)

So even if Beta can be humanistically, spiritually, morally Good, it JUST IS NOT ATTRACTIVE TO WIMMINZ, not that you should CARE about Attracting Wimminz anyway, but my POINT is, if that Young and Purty Girl ALSO turns out to be kind and nice and innocent and pure and faithful, the man is prob gonna get EVEN MORE attracted to her; WHEREAS, if the hunky Alpha Tuff guy starts getting sensitive and listeny and communicative and open and nice, then the wimminz will become gradually LESS attracted to him. Such Niceness is “Labia-Curling” (Roissy or somebody, haha), even in the Hottest Minz.

So, if tons of Girls in non-STEM degrees take Calc 1, does that make Calc1 valuable for getting a Jerb? By definition, no. It gives you no special edge, other than being Generally Useful and preparing you for the Real Hard Math Classes that WILL give you an edge. But will then they give you an edge over other engineers, some certainly more tryhard or higher-IQ or Cognitive Elite First-Tier than the “Average Slacker Engineer”? who I really need more role models for. I guess one might be Peter from Office Space, you can’t even really TELL he’s an engineer, unlike Samir or Michael, even though they’re all equally expendable. (Obv I would not want to be expendable and would want to supplement my STEM with some Biz to be more like Lumberg….but I don’t want to start off with Biz and then Supplement THAT with STEM. But that’s not out of the question either. Prob EASIER, and therefore MORE up my alley. Should think about reprioritizing.

Even if Calc1 is ultimately useless, you can’t argue that it’s MORE Useless than Sociology!

Was listening to  the tragically late Jonathan Bowden “The West Bites Back” on Counter-Currents. Heckuva guy, we really lost a good one there. He said, and he’s certainly not the first, that we can’t become complacent, we can’t become comfortable, that we must struggle, there might be violence and there will definitely be pain and discomfort and suffering, if we want to Improve The World for the Greater Good. Don’t be so scared of Blood and Violence. Can’t be a pacifist when there’s a Race War on. Bravery, valour, dying in battle, etc. I GET all that. So the new question is, am I willing to fight, or would I rather sit on the sidelines and BLOG?

While I’m NOT “A WN” and I AM tempted by Teen Tail, I am “CONCERNED” about The WEST being in decline.

If you have EVER gotten the urge to COMMIT to One Wimminz, you know, Infatuation, Pedestalitis, Oneitis, All-Consuming Romantic Unconditional Unrequited Luv, then that’s ALL the Beta You EVER need, FOR LIFE. Talked about Ratios, and IMHO the best ratio is a little of Beta and a Lot of Alpha. THAT much beta is ENOUGH to last you all your LIFE, even once you get OVER it; just HAVING HAD it will permanently meet your beta threshhold, because 100% Alphas NEVER put a Wimminz above them like that, never let wimminz GET to them that much, don’t CARE that much, don’t give away that much of themselves, don’t get hurt so bad. Once you get it once, it’s like CANCER, and the best you can hope for is Remission.

Not to say ALL Beta Traits are BAD like this. This is KINDA PRETTY MUCH COMPLICATED. Secure, Non-Soul-Crushing Love might be a POSITIVE Beta Trait, as well as Faithfulness, Kindness, etc.

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Had to change that from “Best Post Ever” because I would like to keep that possibility eternally open.

let’s make an argument about the Sinfulness of Sin: One lonely omega beating-off to pron all the times in his LIFE is prob not AS SINFUL as One Wimminz Choosing To Appear In One Porno One Time. Chew on that one, Mr. Chew!

You shouldn’t LIKE Wimminz because they will IMMEDIATELY, EASILY Open Their Uterus, and later murder babies from guys who don’t like them and who they don’t really like either, just because they’re Big and Handsome and Sexy, meanwhile make YOU jump through HOOPS just to HANG OUT with them and BUY THEM DINNER, and No Uterus For You, After All That! JUST SAY NO! F00K THAT SH1T!!! DIRTY WH0RES! COST PER BANG is $0.001 for Sexy Men and $9,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 for YOU? NOPE, DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!

PORNOGRAPHY DEGRADES MEN EVEN MORE THAN IT DEGRADES WIMMINZ. These Wimminz already have very little self-respect to lose, doing even One Vanilla Porno scene can wipe out almost all of your self-respect, so subsequent scenes don’t really do much. But some Lonely Omega Dweller, beating off ForeverAlone day after day, chipping away at his self-respect like water torture, now that’s horrible. Gradually comes to believe that the best he deserves is some filthy porno wh0re. That’s the REAL tragedy.

Wimminz are terrible at long-term financial planning and especially housing. They will pay exorbitant housing costs for bullsh1t cultural cachet SWPL Brooklyn “Coolness” that isn’t really worth the money, because being Envied by Other Wimminz is PRICELESS. They are impulsive and will make Major Life Decisions without thinking, always assuming, not even consciously, that some Man will Bail Them Out if things don’t work out perfectly, and, They can usually find a man who WILL! Give them a place to stay, give them a job, etc. WHAT A WORLD OF WIMMINZ! THIS is why I don’t Respect Wimminz! Because they have no HONOR or HONESTY!

Women vs Wimminz. It’s a fuzzy line sometimes. Sometimes you think they’re Women but they end up showing themselves as Wimminz. Oh well. Cut Your Losses and Move On to someone Worth Your Time.

Wimminz always expect Men to “move on” and “get over it” very quickly, because Wimminz are used to “getting over” men very quickly, because they view men as Disposable Sex And Money Machines. When one isn’t PERFECT, dispose of and pick another. Of course Wimminz “get over” THAT easily! Gradually losing this power-to-choose-use-dump-and-replace can make a Wimminz even more Crazy, as can when the seemingly-disposeable man has the B4LLZ to dispose of HER FIRST.

D4MN, this could be a Post Of The Month! Don’t Hold THIS one back!

On Sat mornings, instead of just cartoons for the kids, now they also have Career-God Indoctrinations for the High School students where they interview especially AMBITIOUS young people. Today was a cute, smart 16-year-old girl talking about her Hard Work to become an Entrepreneur in selling Eco-Friendly Sugar Packets. She emphasized the importance of never giving up, believing in yourself, being able to handle rejection and persist on until you reach your goals. 16 years old. Haha, I’m just jelly this indoctrination didn’t sink into my brain when I was 16, otherwise I might have been successful like her.

The more Successful a Man is, the More Co-Ed his Social Circle Is. IE, the more he is seen around Women/Wimminz, and the more likely THEY are to be attractive.

Unsuccessful Nerds rarely hang-out with Wimminz, and when they do, they’re not likely to be Attractive.

Then these nerds b34t-off to attractive but nasty, dirty porno wh0res and think they’ll never be able to pull that “GOOD”, and because they have no confidence, charisma, game, success, social status, popularity, charm, social dominance, and are also probably ugly and fat, then they’re RIGHT. They become right.

There’s a slippery slope and a self-fulfilling prophecy there too.

The major problem with Bribing People to Get A Job is because it’s not a LEGAL CONTRACT, they could send Ethnic Mobsters over to Break Your Legs if you don’t CONTINUE TO PAY after you’re UNFAIRLY FIRED from the job you bribed so much money to get. Problem w Bribes is that you can’t ENFORCE their FAIRNESS.

newSearchTerm resulting in ThisBlog: “bernard chapin loser.” I mention Bernard Chapin a lot, and losers a lot, but I think Bernard Chapin is one of the Biggest WINNERS EVER. Let there be no doubt about that!

I am So Over this MRA Left/Right Rift thing. Let’s just agree to disagree, that some MRAs are Left-Leaning Libertarians and other MRAs are Right-Leaning Libertarians, and that’s its ok for there to be a Libertarian Left AND a Libertarian Right.

But: Feminism is intimately intertwined with The Left. Or with Big Bankers seeking to divide and conquer The Western Populace. And Leftists would take offense to the idea that Big Bankers are Leftists. So maybe we can agree they’re Totalitarian as f00k!

As far as What To Do About Wimminz: B4ng them if you want to, Avoid them if you want to, just take precautions not to get hurt or hosed by them, and know that not-avoiding women carries more RISK because you’re Actually Encountering Wimminz who might Use or Lie About you, put you in Jail, ruin your Life, etc.

Don’t beat yourself up too bad if you can’t get Wimminz out of your mind, or you are always suffering from Infatuations. Some Men just get these more than others. It hearkens back to Our Natural Human Urge to Want To Be With Women. Men have always had these Heterosexual Partnership Urges stronger than Wimminz do, who have no Serious Reciprocal Love for Men, and that’s truly a shame and worthy of some sadness. Just don’t blame yourself.

If you have a very high libido, and many men do, and if you don’t want to go broke using Attractive, Expensive Prostitutes: get the largest HAREM you can so you can get tail whenever YOU want. Build the Harem using Game: Charisma, Confidence, Cockiness, Humor, 455holery, Machismo, etc, and if you don’t want to spend a lot of time & energy Working Out, just work out your Chest, Arms, and Upper Body so you Look Stronger and the B!tches give you the LOW Cost Per B4ng rather than the HIGH. Having a Harem with Lots of Diff Wimminz will make EACH wimminz want to / compete more to get F00ked by you, because they know THEY’RE expendable.

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