Tag Archives: The Prime Of Youth


time machine oct 04 2012

[live commentary april 2013 : ok let’s start Assuming that Small Nuances have changed since the conception of these Old Posts. Small But Important. ]

Let my Life be a Cautionary Tale that MOTIVATION (faggy word) is IMPORTANT AS F00K. If you have Low Motivation, fix it IMMEDIATELY. Unless you’re Low-IQ. Then you couldn’t go anywhere in life anyway. But being High-IQ with Low-Motivation is real bad. Real faggy. Fix it now. I will try to help you with that, as I try to help myself.

[know what’s a good motivation? not dying on the streets! having a sense of self-respect! being able to hold your head up high! not being a leech vampire parasite on others! Being a Real Man! Being a respectable member of your race and not a shame to your race!]

Wimminz: At their Smartest, they’re just PSEUDOINTELLIGENT LEFTISTS. At average, they suck-up Low-IQ Trendz like they were Big D!x. What a Sh!t Sandwich, uh?

[yes I still agree with that! BUT now I am more compassionate to Women of my Race: Something Of Value Is Being Lost. Instead of getting angry at them I feeeeelz bad for All Of Us as a whole because they have been Poisoned.]

Entitlement. Always a controversial term. IMHO, Most ie Avg ie Beta Men ARE “ENTITLED” to E-Z Access Sex BECAUSE:

1. Wimminz are Stupid and Annoying and you should be compensated for suffering thru that

2. They’re promiscuous as f00k and have been defiled by MANY men with MUCH less time and effort.

Period. QED.

This does NOT mean you are ENTITLED to use violence or Force to get Sex.

It DOES mean you ARE entitled to get angry when you DON’T get sex. Just don’t use violence or force to get it. That’s Immoral. You’re better than that. Just use Game. that’s NOT Immoral.

[heh. Istill agree with that BUT to even USE the WORD Entitled is faggy. Jish. Besides, being So Obsessed With Sex as to write an ENTIRE POST about it, is inherently Jish Perversion! And EVEN WHEN Women of YOUR race are brainwashed to eagerly DEFILE themselves, it does NOT follow that YOU should ENJOY defiling them TOO!  Though I will allow you to enjoy defiling them once in a while.  Not sure how often would be acceptable. Let’s tentatively say once a month. Better than Jish Pornography!]

Now, this is prob gonna get me thrown into Thought Prison by the FedZogz, but I’m Warming Up to Violence. Sometimes Violence is Justified, necessary, not immoral. Like in a War for the Safety of Our Nation. But I’m NOT advocating anyone go out and try to violently overthrow the gov’t, or do Breivik-style Domestic Terrorism! That wouldn’t work anyway!

[OR to do Oscar Yaeger Style One-Man Race War. I’m not encouraging that either. or Any kind of Terrorism. Not sure what I was getting at here, other than Violence is not Inherently Evil, though it can easily be used for evil. It can also be used for good, or to defend Good. And When TSHTF, which uhhh 50% chance will NOT happen in our lifetimes, though our lifetimes Are Setting The Foundations Thereof, you better hope your Descendants are not so scared by Violence that when Violence approaches and threatens them, they are not too SCAWED to return fire with fire.]

When I see a Young Girl in the Peak of Youth (18-21), I 60% of the time, see a Pig who’s taken too Manny Cox. And that’s a SHONDE.

[It IS a SHONDE that You Know Who has perpetuated Social Machines – Media, Gummint, Finance, Education – which encourage Your Women to become Pigs! Grieve for them, and Never Forget Who did it to them!]

If there’s any Young Wimminz in your social circle, don’t shy away from the topic of their Promiscuity! If you haven’t seen them in a month or longer, start your reacquaintance-conversation with “SO, TAKE A LOTTA D!X LATELY? ” They’ll wither before your boldness, and spread their 455es for you if they haven’t already, which they should have!

“GOOD JOB, SPREADY MCA555PEADER!!!!” you can then compliment them.

[ this is WAY too decadent a course of action to take with Your Own Wimmin. If you HAVE to be THAT decadent, I guess make sure it’s with young Khazars, hahahahaha. Try not to be this decadent and cynical, Then you become like the Wimmin you’re shaming, more importantly, you become like The Poison that Poisoned Your Women!]

There’s a valid idea that Wimminz from FREE “Dating” sites like OK Cupid and Plenty of Fish are lower quality / higher number / uglier / crazier / worse than the Wimminz on PAY site like match and eharmony. And that OKC/PoG Grrlz just like ATTENTION whereas Pay-Site gurlz are more serious about actually MEETING you, and when you do meet them,

they’ll prob have a Lower Number and/or be more mentally stable. Maybe. Because the rationale is, they’re paying, you’re paying, everybody’s more serious. Or do they pay? I know the minz pay for the privilege of Having A Chance at Real Wimminz.

But yeah. Like the email from the young man asking Private Man for OKC Advice, or Wimminz and his horror stories about PoF, I just think: CONSIDER THE SOURCE, BABY. It’s a f00king Circus Sideshow of Freakz. (Tool Song?) Or like this guy on MGTOW Forumz sez, “Play Crap Games, Win Crap Prizes!”

But where prostitution is not legal and you’re a 50 year old man who just wants some quick, easy, filthy tail, I can Totes understand!

[ the constant drumbeat of, once you Awaken To Race, none of this neurotic jish kind of sex-talk really even MATTERS anymore. you don’t even think about being some Sleazy Phony to “Get Tail.” You awaken not only to Race but also More Fully to What It Means To Be Man Or Woman, which is what the Nobler Game Thinkers are talking about. You know in

your Marrow that being A Good Strong MAN is more important than “Getting Tail”, and once you become a honest decent strong good Brave Bold Manly Man, A Proud Male Specimen of your race, then you’ll never have to think about or TRY to “get tail” ever again!

okay with all the commentary this post is getting superlong, so go take a break at this halfway point. and enjoy an educational picture too.:














also I just found this great thing on Archive.org of all/most of William Luther Pierce’s broadcasts for American Dissident Voices. There is that other classic thing with 308 audio files, and yes you should listen to all of those, but this pdf/text has all of those AND MORE. The OTHER ones.


yep this one is so good, I might have to put it in the sidebar.

And another great Pierce speech I don’t think was in the 308 speeches, “Why Marriages Fail.” Breddy Much an MRA speech, hahahaha. Use it to awaken your Conservative MRA Friends to the Even Bigger Red Pill Picture. He doesn’t even say the J word here, hahahaha.



Went to bed super early with the intention of getting 9 full hours of sleep. Woke up feeling like a Testosterone BAUSS. Full of libido and good Humor.

[yes sleep is VERY important. one SHOULD Make Sacrifices to get More Sleep.]


Dear Mr. von Trier:

You are one of my Cinematic Heroes who is still alive and I would love to be your Assistant. I would need to get paid enough to get health care and live in the worst part of Copenhagen, or Kobenhavn as the Danes call it. I know it’s a Marxist Hellhole, but could it be any worse than Oslo, and besides, even the most Marxist Scand nations are nowhere

near as bad as Spain or France or Greece, why is that, or could they be in 20 years, I dunno. And I know Roosh sez Danish girls are awful, but they’re prob marginally better than American girls. I have watched a ton of Scandinavian movies and can sorta understand the languages, although I’m pretty sure most Danes speak English anyway.

[heh. who cares about ROOSH, and who is really that Sex Obsessed that the “Easiness” of a Country’s Wimmin is a selling point. If anything it’s a symbol of how Decadent, Degenerate, Pornified, Jified, Rotten the country is! And in that respect I hear most of Scandinavia is breddy bad! But there are also Awakened People over there. I predict things are gonna get

REALLY BAD in Scand WITHIN our lifetimes, no more will it be the Idyllic Lily White Socialist Paradise, but it will increasingly become a Violent, Bankrupt, Sh!tskinned Hellhole, and they will not be able to deny it. Anyway Roosh is a smart guy and he’s really not THAT bad and I still read the Roosh Forums once in a while, he is honest about wanting a

Traditional Lady…but I wonder if maybe he has finally poisoned HIMSELF with Too Much Male Promiscuity, which is really not that common. Even taking into account that Men ARE allowed to be More Promiscuous than Women. Anyway I would like for Roosh to become More Racist. I know there was an Anti-Racist Post on his newer blog Game Of Kings

(name?) it was Really annoying because it said Race was Totes Unimportant to A Man, and that Getting Tail was The Most important thing to a man. Breddy Jish thing to write, amirite? But Roosh did not write that article.]

My qualifications are, I’m willing to work 80 hours a week, I know what makes a great film, I know You make great films, and I would just be happy to be doing your bidding provided it was a steady job and I was getting paid enough to live and send some back to my family, that’s very important – they took good care of me and I want to at least try to pay it back. And go see the Danish Doctor once in a while for my gluten and anaemia and cancer checkups and testosterone.

No, I don’t have a Film/Art degree like You do, but I think we would otherwise see 90% eye-to-eye. And I would unfailingly jump through Hoops for you and put the Job first; as this would be a VERY meeeeeeeaningful careeeeer for me, to work with one of my favourite filmmakers.

I appreciate your controversial remarks getting the loserz at Cannez all fired up, and I would gladly make Press Junkets around the world to make similar remarks on your behalf, fully appreciating your fear of flying, and definitely Increase Profit for Zentropa. (Europa?).

[His film-company does some really Jish stuff. Indeed LVT grew up thinking he was a J.  But I think he made some really politically-incorrect comments possibly involving the You-Know-What.  I still like LVT’s movies & I’d like to think he would be open to an Awakening. I like that he is always having some sort of Personal Moral Struggle.]

I would happily do all Your tedious grunt-work.

Please email me at blabla dot com to set up an interview.




Hmm, I might have to TRY a little HARDER!

“will be paid wages during training, except for the first 6 months”

kinda big. kinda high-profile. Lotsa supply of Free Work from Danish Harvard students. Was hoping for a Tiny Company but with Lotta Money to invest in Nonharvard people, hahahaha. Gotta Pay Yer Dues SON!

Zentropa UK in Glasgow. That’s in Scotland!

Yet I fully agree that Companies Have The Right to Hire Tryhards, Companies SHOULD Hire Tryhards, and what better way to Prove Your A Tryhard (sic, hahaha) than to work for free for 6 months.

OK. US Fed Min Wage is 7.25 an hour. Times 40 hours a week. Times how much would be a Good Tryhardship? I’d say 3 months. That would be $3480. That’s how much Value you’re Adding. I would much rather just BRIBE the company with that money up front. 6 months would be slightly under 7 grand, I’d just give em 7 and call it even. I’ve done this calculation before, the dollar value of A Tryhardship (use that word!), and used it to calculate my Bribes. I guess it’s more about the time than the money.

Was reading in my Bible “The Bell Curve” that the dollar value of higher Very Smart people vs hiring just plain old dumb Smart People is Astronomical, in terms of the vastly improved productivity the Smartest Elite bring to their work. So If you can get somebody from the 99th percentile, that’s WAAAAAYYYYYY better, in concrete $$$ term$, than someone from the 98th percentile – MUCHHHH bigger than those “close” numbers might suggest to The Dullard.

Moral of the story: if you’re lucky enough to be A Smart, you HAVE to go to Harvard, or you’ve wasted Your Potential. Smart people are SUPPOSED to go to harvard.

Remember: Third-Tier Colleges GET FOURTH-TIER JOBS. AT BEST. And don’t even get me started on the TAIL!!

[ Heh. I was “In A Dark Place” then, so poisoned by The Poison that Young Tail was my GOD, and that everything else served that master: your career, your Education that leads to that career, that it’s all about getting The Hottest, Youngest TAIL, and as Much of It as you can. Heh. when you start seeing things more thru The Lenses of Race, than through the Lenses of Sex/Gender/Nonrace, do you see how this is a Bad Attitude for Men to have about Women, ESPECIALLY the women of their Race, whom they would like to Mate with?

Also, I know for a fact you can go to a Third-Tier Toilet and still get a Third-Tier Job, hahahahaha. It boils down to Personality and Work Ethic a lot too. Lemme just say I know White Men who went to “Third Tier Toilets” and got Jobs that ANY White Man would be happy to have, and not even with Grad Skool!]

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Gon try something new here. tired of time machine & so R U. back to extreme fragments. basically a long tweet. a short post. new & fresh. news o the day. friday march 29 2013. Real Time. def under 1000 words!

gay marriage. really amusing is facebook reaction. tons of wimminz changing picture to pink equal sign on red background. good for you. Most amusing hilarious thing is the GUYS who do the same. i mean the straight guys. seeeeems like they are begging for approval &attention from wimmin: “look at me! See, All guys are not homophobic hateful brutes! (“Fwisky Bwute” tm Eradica) I’m a compassionate caring niceguy! Date me! Date me! (heh tm Chapin)

Now, wimmin are FAMOUSLY very Facebook-Activist regarding anti-homophobia, gay rights, gay marriage, loving gays, having contempt for Family Values Rednecks, and in general,  being huge Facebook Fanz of Mainstream Daily Show Rachel Maddow Alex Wagner MSNBC Librulism, etc. Yet any man who’s Ever Lived A Day In His Life knows that Wimmin Find Homophobic Men more Manly, so you’re not helping yourself Get Laid by Pretending to Support Gay Marriage to show how Tolerant , Nice,  Enlightened andLibrul you are, Ya Beta Neckbeard Kissless Virgin!

Even if the guy is Already Getting Laid, putting up this pic ensures he will get laid worse/less. It can only HURT his Sex Life.

Of course maybe you realize there’s more important things In Life than Your Sex Life (and boy is there ever!) and you’re willing to sacrifice that to show your solidarity.

IMHO this should be a States Issue not a Federal one, and I am quite suspicious of SCOTUS. Compared to some Radical Conservatives or Traditionalists, I have less of a problem with gays, &have even gotten along well with gays in the past. their gayness does not bother me as much as the RAFT of Lame Gay Faggy Librul Swpl Marxist YKWish anti-white Issues SO OFTEN associated with Gays.

I don’t want it to be Slippery Slope to Decadence. IMHO Gayness is not as Decadent as the MUCH more worrisome & prevalent pandemic of young white girls taking n00d photos, racking up High Partner Counts, HookUp, Friends With Benefits, Sex-Positive, Soft Polyamory, No Commitment, No Consequences, FunSexperimentation, Moral Relativism, Open Relationships, The Slut Phase, “Dating Around”, Spring Break, Having Fun, Hedonism, Anal Sex, Weirder Fetishes being Normal, They Think It’s Right Because They’re Not Right,  etc. And even more decadent than all THAT – and contributing to the General Moral Decay, and the Gradual Acceptance of That Laundry List of Everyday Decadence –  is the PORN Poison millions of people watch every day.

But then how many Gays are Radical Conservatives who are against all those?

Heh. “CORNUCOPIA” is not a new word, but I’ve not used it till now, so there it is. In my understanding, refers to the abundance &availability &low price of, at very least, the necessities of life (compare with TSHTF & you have to trade guns’n’ammo & yr 18 year old daughter for One Can Of Beans); but can also IMHO refer to general Mentality of Decadence, Materialism, Cheap Fast Food, Excess, Immoderation, Hedonism, Sensualism, Disposeability. Of people as well as products.

Point is, the Cornucopia spoils &poisons &rots people &makes them really unprepared for when The Cornucopia inevitably runs out.

Heh heh REAL profound stuff, hahahahaha. So Go Read Mindweapons. Go Read Eradica. I’m just having fun over here. Just jerkin the gherkin. but at least i’m not exploiting girls of my race.

Trying to Ruthlessly Eliminate Fagspeak, Snark, Irony, Coyness, Cutesyness, Sarcasm, Weakness, Waffling, etc from my language. Hard habit to break, but slowly getting there.

[search: “my little pony friendship is magic bronies as example of New Sincerity” “what is New Sincerity” “My Little Pony New Sincerity”]

Becoming less of a White Nationalist Sympathizer and more of a White Nationalist, heh heh. I feeeeeeeeeel the “label” is breddy Freeing, maaaaan, and not at all restrictive like most labels. maaaaan. Pretty simple (“pretty” is a fagword, as you may have suspected!) but also pretty deeeeeep, maaaaaan. Not to make a mockery of the cause, but I’m Born White, and nothing’s gonna change that, so I can either be ashamed of it, or be PROUD of it, and protect My Race from harm & shame.  Breddy clear choice, MANG.

But I am still def in the Beginning Newb Stages, a NEWB, need to LURK MOAR.

my tolerance for gays and my Decadent, Jewish Obsession with Sex will not go over well with much of The WN Community. IMHO I can getawaywithit because I do NOT want to have mixed BABIES or nonwhite longterm mates, even though I will totes bang cute 18 year old nonwhite girls (note the youth distinction). Though I certainly don’t find them MORE attractive than 18 year old white girls!

Just trying to be honest with my allies here.  not gonna LIE and say I DON’T find some nonwhite 18 year old girls attractive!

ok enough Meta/Narcissism!

not sure whether “Racist” or “Racialist” is better term. don’t have a prob atm with “RACIST”, like say it loud and say it proud, “I Am A Racist!”, though that might scare off people who’re on the fence, on the verge of Their Awakening. And I was one of them a year ago, so, I can relate. Either word is good. I guess use “racialist” or “race realist” if your buddy is on the fence, but open to discussion.

But you might be pleasantly surprised at how many Whites are A Little Racist!

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Think that was her name. Big Dykey French lady, she seemed nice and smart though. I actually get along with Dykes – outside of the Marxism and Feminism – just because they’re smarter than the average wimminz. I was expected a total decadent debauch, I just wanted to roll around in it like a PIG. The box’n’blurb showed Miley Cyrus dressed seductively and talked about “seriously wild oats” and “rampant hook-upz” “for the social media generation.” I was surprised at how TAME it was. There was BARELY ANY hooking up. Miley was a VIRGIN until halfway through (SPOIL, hahaha.) The most interesting part was seeing The Trans-Generational Hamster: Miley’s Mom was Demi Moore, Krazy Kougar Extraordinaire, and nobody has fatherz unless it’s the Douchebag Corporate Tryhard Father who’s crushing his son’s dreamz of being a Musician and threatening to send him off to military skool unless he Gets his grades up. All the boys are emo faggots, but tall, handsome, popular emo faggots who each get tail on the reg from Miley or her Beautiful Prime-Of-Youth Franz. Here, they get Actually Teenz to play the Teenz, which was nice. The blond one is especially beautiful, worth watching just to look at her: kinda “Blake Lively” looking but younger and less Whorish-looking. Ashley Hinshaw or something might have been the actress’s name, she’s def one to watch. PRIME of youth. Though she wants to get her Cherry Ripped To Shredz by her Handsome Young Maths Teacher, she’s the one girl in the movie that gives it up to the One Nerdy Beta Boy Who Isn’t The Handsome Sexy Tall Kid In A Band. Although he is a self-confident Nerd and not fat, so that helps hahaha.

So Demi’s hit the wall many years ago, but still thinks she deserves it all, and the x-husband, who she just got divorced from less than a year ago and doesn’t seem like an Abusive Brute Or a Timid, Meek Beta, rather the satisfyingly masculine Thomas Jane, for no good or even stated reason – she was probably not haaaaaappy and he was prob cheating, as it’s hinted he likes “sluts” – so she continues to sneak around with x-hubby, while not knowing what she wants of course, and not knowing what to tell her daughter because she herself is an AdultTeenGurl, and the Sexy Latino Cop breezes into her life, very confident and alpha and non-supplicating, you know immediately that she wants him, she of course makes all kinds of anti-cop remarks not knowing he’s a cop, you wonder why he doesn’t bang her right then and there, well because she’s a disgracefully aging cougar of course, with a Prime Of Youth Teen Daughter. Don’t worry, he bangs her after one date. And all of Demi’s Franz are likewise Cougarz like Gina Gershon and they sit around the table and smoke WEED and talk about their x-husbands and how “oh, maybe men and women are different, and we women like to have an emotional attachment to the guy who’s banging us”

Yet the movie doesn’t have the same nauseating smug tone as “Sex and the City” because it spends more time on the Teenz, and does effectively create a happy, bubbly, rose-coloured nostalgia around them, where nothing is too serious, nobody gets hurt, and the teenz are not nearly as promiscuous as you think they’d be. Innocent. And this light tone does rub off on the adults too, like oh those silly adults, why don’t they just grow up. YES, Fatherlessness and Divorce Theft and Cougar Hamstering are pretty serious examples of Decadence, but somehow it’s not too offensive that this movie doesn’t take them that seriously. I’m still trying to figure out why I didn’t dislike the movie nearly as much as I was expecting. It comes back to the Innocent Nonserious Happy Teens living in a Bourgeois Bubble, I think. You want their carefree, worry-free life where everyone is beautiful, young, rich, in Luv, and getting laid.

And it was a well-made movie, they must have actually TRYHARDED with the script like more movies SHOULD*. Good pacing, even “Good” characters despite their decadence. There was good “INTERNAL CONSISTENCY” and believability. I give it a Straight Up B! But God Forbid these Girls turn into their Horrible Mothers! Although they most certainly will hahaha. Yes I know it’s Just A Fantasy Movie. And there should have been More Shame dumped on the Shameful Cougars, more of a Cautionary Tale for the Kidz. But I think the Big Selling Point was that the movie was Effective Escapism, so you can escape from your bleak Loser Reality into this Carefree World like I said 7 lines above. Now you can arguable Escapism is inherently bad, taking the blue pill, ostrich with head in the sand, etc, but I argue as long as you know what it is, it’s ok to escape into a stupid MOVIE for 90 minutes.

Mindweapon does a good movie review of a movie “The Toolbooth” By Jews FOR Jews, rather than the usual “By Jews, for goysiche consumption.” Haven’t seen the movie myself, might have to give it a spin hahaha. So here’s another trackback for ya hahaha. MW and I share a MacDonaldian Concern about The Jewish Mindwar, and Jewish Brainwashing. If you don’t like my ANTI-SEMITIC TALK, you can go elsewhere. Besides I like those 5 Jews I mentioned earlier. Also, in the PRIME OF YOUTH, Jewish Girls are almost as hot as White Girls, hahaha. Full Disclosure: I AM a Race Traitor for Prime Of Youth Jewish Girls. It’s 80% to do with them being PRIME OF YOUTH and 20% them looking white, but NOT BEING white; being at best “exotic and different but not dark skinned” and at worst “CYLONS who live secretly among us and want to destroy us.”

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trying to work on a general unified theory of infatuation aka True Love. This is the Niceguy stuff that Male Commitment is made of, and which Modern Wimmin Hate worse than Racists like me hate jews (hehehe), worse than Antiracists hate whites. This is what makes a guy willingly sign up for marriage. Lose his mind, in other words!

I don’t think it’s entirely bad, indeed, when there’s mutual infatuation I think that’s the best possible thing, One Man and One Woman Monogamously Loving Each Other till the end of their natural lives, having 10 kids and 100 grandkids etc, productive members of society.

OBVIOUSLY, as I’ve propounded before, having the Woman in the Prime Of Youth facilitates infatuation in the man. 18-22 yo Wimmin.

What I haven’t really thought about, is how the MAN being A Certain Age (kinda young) might also influence this.

Example: I saw a Wimmin recently I had not seen in at least 4 years, completely randomly. I had always sorta liked her, but not in an infatuation life-destroying niceguy way. But more than I like Average Wimmin. When I first met her she was in the prime of youth. (latter half.) I was not more than two years older than that. I always regretted not Getting After Her more Aggressively, but I was always having Drama with other Wimmin and General Social Drama and Life Drama and Stress and I just didn’t see her enough. I do regret not Capitalizing on the times I did see her though, she was always friendly to me. If I made 1% the effort I had made as a Niceguy Supplicator, well heck I could have had some fun with this other girl.

ANYWAY. I see her again in a pub now and I just about crapped my pants. She must be NEAR 30 but she still looked fine as hell, nice skin, same innocent look in her face, long-term dating level cute, if not Monogamous Cute, and MAYBE EVEN Monogamy Cute! At 30! WTF! I didn’t know if this was because she was genuinely THAT good looking, or because I had met HER while she was in the prime of youth, and it’s THAT image that STICKS, or if My Brain was in its OWN Male Prime Of Youth (Not Sure What Male Brain Prime Of Youth Is, but it’s longer than 18-22!) and THAT’s what made her stick. Prob both of those. But honestly it seemed her body and skin had not declined that much at all! Still Medium-Term Dating Cute! At 30!

So that opened up a basket case of Painful Memories and Regretz and Sorrow, so I did not go talk to her. I didn’t really care about what she was doing with her life, because she was prob 9000000x more successful and making more monay than I am. Although I’m not 100% sure she went to a Presitigious Graduate Skool! Maybe just a Third Tier Toilet. Not to give too much away, but I had met her at the type of First-Tier Highly Selective Bourgeois Brahmin Jewniversity, where if you are forced to go to a Third-Tier Toilet Grad Skool, then you are considered a complete f00king failure and should blow your brains out, you’re not only not a careeeer-worshipping tryhard, you’re also TOO LOW-IQ to get into a GOOD Grad Skool. Obviously I reject this whole deal, and not just because I didn’t Try Hard enough to get into a Good Grad Skool, because my IQ is EASILY High Enough, hahahaha. And the MAJORITY of Studentz DO go on to Good Grad Skools. They’re not there just to get Bachelorz Degrees. So she was in the Good Minority then, had something in common with me right there.

Basically my Research Question is, can a Man reach a certain age where he’s just TOO OLD To “Fall In Love” Ever Again? That if tomorrow I met an 18-yo Polish Virgin Girl perfect 10 bod, perfect 10 personality, I’d say yeah that’s nice, but not go Koo-koo like I did in the past?

For Girls, they too can get infatuated with males, but it’s only the first 1 or 2 or 3 guys they Let Into Their Spread Uterus. After that, they’re DONE. The Walking Dead, hahaha. This is OF COURSE the bigger SOCIETAL problem than Me Being Too Old To Get Infatuated, hahahahaha. So I just Bang 18 yo gurlz and Don’t Marry, NOT A PROBLEM. I was just taken aback by this Floodgate Of Emotion upon seeing a very unexpected person, who was Technically Way Too Old for me to Feeeeeel any Feeeeeeeelingz for.

So yeah. I can’t help but wonder, that if after like 7 to 10 infatuations, you just get burned out and can’t muster it up anymore. GOOD, say Wimmin, because Infatuation is Too Emotion and That Leads You Astray (You don’t say!). Whereas I say Infatuation is PrettyMuch (heh) synonymous with True Love and is a Signal To Yourself that you should assertively pursue that person as a Lifetime Mate and a Co-Parent To Your CHILDREN. It Beautifully Blossoms into Long Term Love than Sustains long after the person has lost the Radiance Of Youth. You don’t want anyone else, you’d travel long distances, wild horses would have to drag you away, etc.

So yeah I am really nicholas sparks, I am a huge niceguy who’s gets a huge4ss hard0n for that f@ggy bullsh!t! well when i was younger I did – my Final Infatuation Began when I was 26 yo, nothing new since then – now I just get off Analyzing and Theorizing about it!

Those type of Goils, you don’t MIND taking em out to a Nice Expensive Dinner before having the Epic F00kfest. It’s all part of the narrative, hahahaha. You don’t MIND Making Out with em, it’s not like sticking your tongue up a horse’s 4ss. You enjoy the Whole F00king PACKAGE.

So if you don’t Make It Work by age 26, Hang It Up, Write It Off, Cut Your Losses, and focus your ENERGY on more IMPORTANT things, like managing a SMALL Harem (2 to 4) of 18-yo Wimminz, making monay to be a Good Single Father, and making the world a better place for the Next Generation of Your Family and Your Super-Extended Family, wink wink nudge nudge if ya know what I mean!

but yeah that was exactly the type of think you gotta be mindful of, dr kabat zinn would say don’t let it bring up back memories and suck you down. Nope. Just got a fresh disc of STAR TREK and gonna ENJOY that. Yet still be Mindful of Strengthening My SuperExtended Family!! NOT FANTASIES of / worrying about DAMES!

I think I left off Battlestar Galatica on season 3, so start there if I want to start watching agian. I know they were on the planet (new caprica??) getting bombed by the jews I MEAN Cylons.

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To The Guy Who linked this on Stormfront, saying that I was claiming “Most White Nationalists Want To Miscegenate With Jews”, and Stormfront Readers who then come here thinking I Am saying that:

I am NOT Saying that, I am simply bemoaning an experience I had with a J Fetish, and trying to find out if the MSM has said anything about this. Not surprisingly, they haven’t said anything compelling about it. I was speaking only for My Past Self and Not All WNs, and I don’t know how “David Duke Fan” came to that conclusion. I don’t know if he is an Anti, but he has been on SF since 2009, so I am willing to give him Three Strikes.

I certainly don’t consider myself an “ANTI”; While I don’t consider myself a Full Blown White Nationalist, I am in the midst of a Racial Awakening as we speak, as You all were once. I sympathize with much WN’s say, and I definitely would consider myself pro-white, my own race! I’m not like that Australian comedian that wrote a series of articles about how creeeeepy and racist Stormfront was! I’ve been spending a decent amount of time reading SF and have mostly enjoyed it!

A lot of this blog lately is me being Interested in WN and what parts of it I like, and which parts I don’t like. Now True WN’s won’t like this pick and choose, “cafeteria” approach, but I argue you don’t have to be a White Nationalist to be Pro-White. Especially if you ARE white!  However I do have a few opinions that border on “Race Treason.”  But I don’t want to mate with nonwhites and I wouldn’t want my children to either.

In short, I do not think “MOST WN’S WANT TO MISCEGENATE,” so don’t believe that claim.

I was simply saying that Jews can be a tricky subject for some, especially before some Whites awaken to the fact that J’s are NOT white, because SOME jews, particularly young white-skinned jewish girls, look just like whites, and, AS WE KNOW, many J’s do not go around trying to convince Whites that J’s are Not White.

Interestingly enough, I am also a David Duke Fan, and DD’s work has been instrumental in my own awakening.

And FYI, this blog is filled with posts that would be considered “Anti-Semitic” by Antiracists.

I haven’t even POSTED on SF yet! Don’t give me the High Hat before I’ve even POSTED!

I understand WN Forums need to Vet Poster’s Bona Fides to make sure they’re not Antis, that’s fine. But I tell you what, I am DEFINITELY NOT a “Clllumnist”, I AM A BLOGGER! Paid Professional “Journalism” Is Repugnant to Me, and I have a lot of fun Writing Racist  and Narcissistic BLOGS and NOT Making a Careeeeeeeer out of it! This is NOT f00king GAWKER dot com!

///// END ////

I Kinda want to Bang the Manjaw Manhands Wimmin in the Honey Nut Cheerios commercial where she is a HUGE B!TCH who says “UM YR A TALKING BEE” NO SH!T YA DUMB B!TCH! And then she grabs the box with her Huge Manhands and says “WHAT’S THE RUSH” when the bee tries to leave when he sees that she is a psychopath with dead insects in frames.

This MIGHT be the same Wimmin from the Credit Card Commerical you saw over Commercialmas where she buys the Fantasy Princess Toy House for her daughter, and the cashier says “Have A Magical Day!” And she says “MKAY” like a B!TCH and has trouble squeezing the huge product in her SUV. (Citibank, Citigroup). she looks better in the Citi commercial. Yes she’s WAYYYY past prime of youth, into straight up MILF/Cougar territory. I am more decadent and perverted than the average White Nationalist, but less sex-obsessed than the Average Beta Chump.

her name is Jacy Dumermuth (aka Jacy Gross and Jacy King).

yes it is the same woman in both commercials. me and my nonwhite fetish hahaha. come on. she looks more like a man than she looks like a nonwhite! my d!ck is trying to kill my race!

“white men fetish for jewish women”
http://jezebel.com/5415364/on-details-hot-jewish-girls-and-sloppy-knee+jerk-misogyny (jezebelz screech snarkily & get paid for it)

the jewish fetish girl thing seems to have been brought about by a december 2009 details magazine “piece” featuring a broad with a star of david Tramp Stamp, and all this is pretty indicative of The State Of “LADS MAGS” in 2009, but still some interesting food for thought in there. and the last time the “phenomenon” was mentioned in the Mainstream Media


Do I Have a Fetish for Jewish Girls?

funny story about same day lay on curvy jewish butterface hahaha

[this might have been the sentence that turned on  the Stormfront Guy:]

so that’s me unfortunately. that will def get me kicked out of VNN, and Hanged, but I do think there is a connection between my “jew loving” and my “jew hating.” I think it’s due to The Tribe being such a Tiny Percent of the Worlds Population (less than 3%??) yet having SO MUCH POWER, AND their Young Wimmin looking the Whitest of any non-white race, such that they can EASILY Pass with the less racially-aware.

Heh. My defense is that my Jewish Fetish is not nearly as bad as it once was, I’ve got it under control, and I do have proof positive of also getting equally, if not more, fired-up over White Girls. SO there’s some hope for me yet.


UH OH, somebody looked up “bkctmoapghow” on google and I don’t THINK it was me. UH OH. I don’t think it records me, i do it all the time but it never recorded. Of course it brings up tons of results, like every single post or tweet. maybe i am being stalked by White Nationalists. Or Jewish Nationalists. Or by 18 Year Old Pale Slavic Girls who want to slip and slide all over me in the sauna, hahaha.


Because Of my prejudice against Wimmin and Pro-Men, I am prob more willing to allow White MEN to race-mix than White Wimmin. Because White Wimmin are Mud Sharks mating with Ghetto Criminal Blacks, while White Men usually get (rightfully) sick of White Wimmin and mix with ASIANS who are superficially more loving and feminine and stand-by-your-man. Heh. But I’m not sold on them, I think they can be huge scammers too, hahaha. They’ll just divorce theft you when they’re 25 rather than 35 hahahahahaha.

[ok that might have been the paragraph that was SOOOOO Offensive. OH WELL, it’s my OPINION. I am willing to cut white men more slack for Sleeping With Asians, than I am White Wimmin for sleeping with Blacks. IN AN IDEAL WORLD, however, neither of these unions would produce poor mixed babies. but to make ANOTHER Offensive-To-Everyone, Racists AND Antiracists, Generalization: I think a Mixed Baby with a White Father and an Asian Mother has Better Chances At A Good Life than a baby with a White Mother and a Black Father.]

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I RESPECT FFC for his classics like The Godfather (which I have to do a proper beginning-to-end Adult Viewing Of) and especially IMHO Apocalypse Now. You forget that his career has been very uneven and that he has done movies like “JACK” with Robin Williams playings the Benjamin Button type char. And he’s always on Hiatus and out of mainstream sight. I still think he’s A True Cinematic Artist, an Auteur if you will. Ambitious, Tryhard in a Good Way, and Not Afraid to Take Big Risks and Fail Big in Going His Own Way. I promoted Tetro up near the top because of my Vincent Gallo Mini-Kick, wanting to see his actual grim face after recently “watching” his voice role in “Metropia.” Not sure WHY I love Gallo so much: probably it’s that FACE and his seeming Honesty and Integrity, he seems DIFFERENT from the Average Hollywood Scumbag. I like his arrogance and his Own Way which he is def going. I saw Buffalo 66 at an impressionable age, thus that movie, his character, and Him made a lasting impression on me, and, like The Faithful Man I am, I haven’t forgotten. Faithful Long-Term Rel with Vincent.

I honestly didn’t care if the movie was Coppola (yes NOT “Copolla”)at his worst, I’d just be happy watching Gallo. (He somehow looks MORE “CREEPY” when he is Clean-Shaven!) But the movie was surprisingly NOT horrible! I expected the worse from the no-name co-lead, the 18-year-old boy playing Gallo’s estranged very younger brother, but that kid Ehrenreich or sommat was GREAT, should see HIM in more movies! The DP was great, the whole movie was beautiful. Didn’t realize it was gonna be in Black And White, and I liked that. Took place in Buenos Aires, which the extras remarked was gonna be a Challenging city to do B&W in, but they succeeded IMHO. Sold it very well. Made me want to visit BA.

Tangent: OBVIOUSLY lots of whites emigrated to South America – notably Brasil but prob Argentina and everywhere else too – so there is a strong White Presence in much of South America. Germans, Italians, Slavs, Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians, you name it. I THINK there were ENOUGH Whites that they could and DID (source needed) breed successfully and briskly with one another. Of course there was widespread miscegenation too. But the overall impression I get, IMHO, is that South America is more White European and Less Mestizo than Central America (EXPECIALLY South-Of-Mexico Central America!). This doesn’t REALLY apply to the movie other than it deals with an Italian family that moved to Argentina, but that sort of Racial Ethnic stuff is of increasing interest to me.

After a while the story jumped the shark and got too ham-handed, but the talented actors carried it admirably, so it didn’t kill the movie that the story became ridiculous. Besides some of the themes in the story were not very ridiculous and very compelling: the arrogant but insecure genius writer who Fails To Launch, can’t finish anything, and is Dying On The Vine and Frustrated and living in the shadow of more accomplished geniuses in his family. Gallo is Classic Gallo: A Crazy, Bipolar, Difficult, Arrogant, Angry, Bitter, Selfish 4sshole. Maybe THAT’s why I like him, hahaha. But beneath all that there’s a Good Loving Man.

Also the little 18-year-old girl is Crazy Beautiful, enough to Marry and be 50% Monogamous To. Especially when she cuts her hair, but that’s just because I have a Short-Haired Girl FETISH. But ONLY when the girls are in the Prime Of Youth, which this girl def IS!! Even if you’re not a Gallo fanatic, you should rent the movie just to see her NAKED 18-YEAR-OLD T!TS (SPOIL!) with such radiant gleaming prime-of-youth skin.

Worth watching once if you like Gallo, Coppola, or Beautiful 18-year-old girls, Buenos Aires, Good Photography, but overlong, blatantly ridiculous story after about 50% thru. I liked the ending though, but many prob don’t. Wouldn’t watch it twice. Plus I was P!SSED I got a bad disc and it skipped over alot, including Gallo’s interview in the extras, although having to skip 2 scenes cut down on the overlength of it. Uhhh I’ll give it a B.

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“Feminized western males in the white movement (see e.g., here) freak out when confronted with what William Pierce called “The Day of the Rope.” However, the absolute need for retribution is understood when pondering upon the history of the Iberian Peninsula: what happened once the Gothic mores were replaced by Christian ones.” END QUOTE

“here” is link to Greg Johnson “freaking out” about violent retribution, ie extermination of race traitorz, white race traitors hanging and scaring the sh!t out of the other whites. I HOPE I’m misunderstanding this; of COURSE I didn’t take the time to read Chechar’s post about Spain vs Portugual cuz I’m LAZY; AND I need to buy a new computer so I can read and write about this stuff in PRIVATE in PEACE in my BED where I have time to read and reflect on it all. [semi time machine, that part was written in early december haha]

One could say that whites have no business exterminating other whites, be they spanish v portuguese or poles vs russians or norwegians vs swedes etc. But that does make me think of times when whites HAVE been very brutal to other whites, for example ukrainians slaughtering poles?? then you could argue that “eye for an eye” is justifiable under the rules of war.

and I’m prob “freaked out” by the “day of the rope” because I know I would prob be hanging from it, with my SOFT and LENIENT and FEMINIZED stance! I guess “eye for an eye” is FAIR, but I would be too willing to give the benefit of the doubt, to keep co-ethnics from hanging for any imagined “crimes”. If you had evidence of a white directly killing other whites, that would be another story! But I couldn’t support hanging myself or Pat Buchanan simply because we don’t subscribe to the most extreme, violent, “masculinized”, retributive form of WN! Hanging for being soft on hanging!

But I should not be commenting on this anyway because I KNOW I’m misrepresenting Chechar’s argument, and Dr Pierce’s for that matter.

Also for some, the whole concept of “American Patriotism” needs to be thrown out, and I’m just NOT ready to do that yet.

THAT BEING SAID, I can understand the concepts of SYMBOLISM and SENDING A REAL MESSAGE. I’m just a Feminized Western Male SCARED of DEATH and VIOLENCE and KILLING and WAR, even JUST war. I guess this is what separates the MEN from the BOYS, in which case I’m def still a boy who might not WANT to be a man!

Reading Pat Buchanan’s 2011 “Suicide of a Superpower” and liking that, developing mancrush on Pat. Not disappointed by the first 30 pages. If that makes me a Big Softie, SO BE IT.

the trick would be to get trained as a WARRIOR when you’re YOUNG, when you’re a BOY, like in SPARTA. I def had the antithesis of that experience!

Note: WN is not MY LIFE, it’s only 40% of my Blogging/Reading Life at this moment! Other signif portions of My Life include working on my HEALTH, and “developing” my careeeeeer, etc.


Eh it was ok, kinda weird, didn’t really know what it was about beyond christians and pagans. good looking though. not bad, but no pusher hahaha. Don’t think Refn can make a BAD movie, but he does have the capacity of going pretty far “Out There.” B. Mads Mikkelsen is a Versatile Actor though. Playing the Boisterous N Bumptious Tonny in Pusher, the Silent But Deadly One-Eye in this movie, and I just realized he played the Villain in “Casino Royale.”


Once upon a time I met a (Prime Of Youth) Girl who was Mixed Race: Asian (Japanese I think, obv the Most Superior Asian Subrace!) and White (Slavic: Obv Not the most superior White Tribe, But the one that’s Closest To My Heart!). With her I might have been a Willing Race Traitor because I found her Orders Of Magnitude more attractive than Pure Asians or Chinese for example. Plus her face didn’t look SUPER Asian AND she had the delectable Curves of a Slav where the Asians have none. Of course. predictably, she was a Brahmin Kareer Kultist and ended up going to Harvard Medical Skool or something before I could bang her, hahahaha. I don’t even remember her name but I think it was something weird. I think I talked to her once and she didn’t come across immediately like a Total B1tch. Good for her! I was drinking plenty of Liquid Charisma because I wasn’t accustomed to talking to Pretty Prime Of Youth Girls, but I handled myself pretty well considering. But not good enough to bang, apparently!



Fun 30 minute Documentary On William Pierce. Only watched the first 10 minutes but I wanna remember it. It seems like it could be not Anti-Pierce! And makes his hysterical haters look like idiots.


VARG VIKERNES has been posting a lot of articles in the past month or so. IMHO these articles are more compelling than his most recent Book. I am trying to raise Varg’s profile among more than Just Burzum Fans, but among people that might be interested in his Pro-White, Anti-Zionist message. Copied Directly from http://www.burzum.org/eng/news.shtml :


Paganism: Part XIX – Comparative Mythology, my RPG & Europe,

Paganism: Part XX – Pagan Honour


War in Europe: Part VI – Regarding Adam Lanza and His Tribe


War in Europe: Part V – Breivik Unveiled

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Captain Capitalism sez Don’t Try Until You’re 35 (link) (if not my Video O The Week, CERTAINLY My Video TITLE O The Week!) because even if you have a degree, you’ll be a Barista at best anyway, making $11 an hour plus tips if you’re lucky, with a minimum of $25 grand in loans to pay back. So be a Ski Bum or a Beach Bum till you’re 35, learn skills, complete a skillful, useful degree at age 35 and then employers will take you seriously because you’re an Old Adult.

While he does have a VERY good point, I know enough Successful under-35s who did NOT end up becoming Baristas or Boomeranging; Nope, they went to Prestigious Grad Skool or Prestigious Career right after Kollige at age 22 or 21 (because the REAL Smart Tryhardz graduate Undergrad at age 21.) I would like to hear Cap talk more about Prestige Of Skool, Cognitive Elites, And Vaunted Elite Unpaid Internships. IMHO Internships are What Divides Gen X from Gen Y Tryhards; or Gen Y Tryhards from Gen Y Losers. Prestigious Good Internshipz (Tryhardshipz) are what separates the Good College Gradz from the Bad Unhirable Loser College Gradz. It’s like what Cap says about EVERYONE has a Bachelors Degree so it doesn’t Mean anything, so then you have to get a masterz degree, and soon EVERYONE has a masterz degree, so on top of THAT, you have to add an increasing Alphabet Soup of Stupid Licenses, Credentials, Certificationz. And that’s largely true. But right now I’m zeroing in on 21 year olds that Go The Right Way of Good Tryhardships and then succeed right away, vs the 21 year olds that go the Wrong Way of Being Uncompetitive, and become huge Unemployable Virgin Losers or Baristaz.

In other words, I think the situation is EVEN WORSE than what The Cap describes! There’s a Good Track and a Bad Track, and if you miss your one chance to get on the good track at age 18-21, then you blew it, you’re on the bad track forever, and GoodTrack Tryhardships and GoodTrack Companies will “discriminate” against you later BECAUSE you’re Older, and if you haven’t succeeded YET, then you must be one of those Bad Trackers.

Of course, if a well-experienced 35-year-old is willing to work for less money than a 21-year-old tryhard, THEN the older person has a chance, and I believe that many 35 year oldz ARE that “desperate.”

But nothing like getting rejected for FREE WORK because you can’t compete with all the other better-credentialed kidz for FREE WORK, hahaha. It’s amazing that CHILDREN can be so focused on the Long-Term in their Kareeeeeeer that they are willing to cut each other’s throats to work for FREE in the short-term, and that more people don’t say “F00K THIS SH!T”, Drop Out, and Become Losers. It all boils down to Kareeeeeeer is their God and Religion, the Cult of Careerism as Unmarried Man (aka Out n About) calls it.

Where do Kidz get Indoctrinated into the Kult Of Kareeeeer? I would say a large part comes from their Parentz, ESPECIALLY if their Parents are Of A Certain Age and were KareerKultists themselves, although I’d say for Gen Y you have to be More Devout to the Kult To Survive than you did for Gen X. Because the Kult was just beginning so you didn’t have to be as MUCH a Tryhard.

Do the Kidz get some of it from their Buddy Buddy Public Skoolteachers? Probably the ones who show “Academic Potential” do, ie, get A’s or maybe B’s, which should not be THAT hard in Todayz Public Skoolz. And of course at that point these Potential-Showers have to get railroaded into Extracurricular Activities to get into Good Kolliges, just like Good Kollige Students have to get Good Internshipz to get a Good Career at a Good Company. All part of the Kareeeer Kult.

I’m still amazed that I myself had a Good Enough High Skool “Resume” to get admitted to a Good Kollige. When I was in MY Prime Of Youth I was a much bigger Tryhard, hahahaha. Then during my Prime Of Youth I became a Slacker Loser who said “F00k This Sh!t” and then began to waste a lot of Life-Time. Those of us who were Winners in High Skool then became Loserz in Kollige are very interesting bunch, hahahaha.

“RECENT GRADUATES”, that’s the gay f4gg0t4ss term which is really a Red Flag for me. Why the hell would you want less experienced recent graduates vs more experienced nonrecent graduates who are willing to work for “entry-level” pay. Because it just doesn’t matter, it’s meaningless HR BS. Unless “recent graduates” means you didn’t get your “experience” as a BARISTA and went down the Wrong Track, hahaha. which it does mean that. It means you did everything right, and didn’t make the Wrong Turn.

Cap also rephrases the VERY SIMPLE TRUTH (that is very Fun to Repeat, but the people who Need It Most will Never Get It): MEN DON’T WANT TO GET MARRIED BECAUSE WIMMIN AREN’T WORTH GETTING MARRIED TO. If Wimmin considered IN THE LEAST What Men Want Out Of Marriage, and then tailored their (Wimminz) approach to THAT, they’d find SURPRISE! Way more men would want to marry them.

But lemme add to that and I’m not the first: Percentagewize, How many Marriage Proposals By Men are REJECTED by Wimmin? And what’s the REASON for these rejections? (Beta, “NOT AMBITIOUS ENOUGH, NO LIFE PLAN, NOT KAREEEEEEEEEEER-ORIENTED ENOUGH”)

Also, what if the onus were on WIMMIN to PROPOSE marriage? Methinks alot of THEM would get rejected, much as is “covertly” happening now, with men rightfully dragging their heels on proposing marriage to Hollowed-Out Kareeeeerist Krazy Karousel-Ridden Pre-Divorced 41-year-old Skreeching Shrikes! (tm Manosphere)

The Solution is So Simple, I can’t believe anyone ever needs to say it: WIMMIN, MARRY YOUNG, DURING THE PRIME OF YOUR YOUTH, AT 18-22, and TRYHARD to be Innocent and Pure when you do. AND you’ll probably pull a pretty high-quality man too, much higher than you can at 41, hahahaha.

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On thanksgiving and CHRISTmas, I always fail to remember, our Noncollege Town gets flooded with all the Beautiful, PRIME OF YOUTH College Kidz that Come Home From (Getting Pounded At) College. I went out to a local bar/restaurant and there was a table with 20 College Kids, half of which were beautiful prime of youth girls, half of which were handsome, successful, up-and-up boys. People that Go Away To College, like to the Bigger Party State colleges in the state rather than the closer local ones, Living At Home and not being as Promiscuous in Parents’ Basement. The girls were young and beautiful but still Seeeeemed annoying and dumb and chattering and playing with their phones and blank stares and Whorish Fashion… but slightly “Classier” State College Whore Fashion. White, Too! Many of the Local White Girls DISAPPEAR To College right as they’re STARTING The Prime Of Youth, so for suckers like me, they practically don’t exist, hahaha. What’s left are….White Trash and Nonwhites. I’m exagerrating, there’s still a decent number of white girls left, but boy howdy, would their price be driven WAY WAY DOWN if these OTHER girls were still in town! DAAAMN!

What’s it called again when you have No Energy and No Motivation, No Will to Do Anything? The Horde of Communist Anti-Americans Amng Us call it “Depression”, but that’s a farce, fraud, and a hoax! I call it MORALLY LAZY LOSERNESS. DEAD WEIGHT.  IF YOU’RE A LOSER, IT’S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT, THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, IS BY BLOWING YOUR BRAINZ OUT!



As I was driving at night I was thinking I didn’t have anything against blacks for not being of my race (WHITE), I just didn’t like it when they got together in huge unruly mobs and CHIMP OUT. Now, we can easily say that, On Average, Groups of Blacks are more likely to Chimp Out than Groups of Whites. My question is, how much LESS did blacks Chimp Out in the Segregated Neighborhoods of the Old Jim Crow Days? My point is, people still obviously segregate themselves. To a large extent. A white isn’t going to choose to move right in the middle of the black ghetto. The worst ghetto black probably won’t show enough personal initiative to go to a gummint worker and apply for a house smack in the middle of a white neighborhood (rather, you can get slightly less-worse ghetto blacks to move in black groups into apartments CLOSE TO white neighborhoods, and there the chimping-out problems start to Creep In like a Cancer.)

For example, you probably won’t see a Poor Inner City Black Thug being “forced into” a neighborhood of McMansions where everybody is White or Jewish AND has a masters or better degree, great job, top 15% income or so, Murray’s Superzip Belmont Brahmin Elite if you will. It’s much more realistic if the neighborhood is, say, Solid Vaisya Working Class, certainly even Upper Working Class. Heh. Yes I am interested in the demarcation between Upper and Lower Working Classes, there’s prob a middle in there too haha.

Maybe I’m getting on a Class Kick again. Remember I’m not even a huge Racialist, even though I have had a bit of a Race Awakening, because I still think Sex, Class, and Intelligence are APPROXIMATELY as Important as Race. But Sex, Intelligence, and Race are Hereditary, and Class is a Function of Intelligence and Family, thus, Class is hella hereditary as well. Hmm. Hmmmmmmm.

I was at a pub drinking a cola and eating a sandwich before seeing a Jewish Singer whom I adore and have no plans to stop adoring, when I was Delighted to see two “Girls” safely PAST The Prime Of Youth ™ in that they were clearing past 22 and Their Skin Radiance/Gleam was starting to diminish…..BUT they were still younger than 30 and very, very physically attractive. Got the Biochemicalz Flowing QUITE Handily. This was comforting because it reminded me I’m not LIMITED to 18-22 Prime Of Youth Girls to Satisfy my Manly, if slightly Decadent, Desires. Wouldn’t MARRY em though!

Gotta research Common-Law Marriage. Since I am staunchly against Legal Marriage. But states have laws saying that once you’ve been with a wimminz X years, then you’re as good as married, with many of the forces of zoglaw behind that. But it differs from state to state, wrt to number of years, and the penalties involved. I guess a good easy rule of thumb is to ALWAYS have a separation after 5 years. Just MOVE OUT. Of course at this point, 5 years is unthinkably long for Committment To Any Wimmin, although The Power Of The Pedestal (not the Pvssy Per Se!) can make a man do funny things with HIS most important Natural Asset: His COMMITMENT.  NEVER GIVE THAT AWAY FOR NOTHING!

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part 1 was the post before last.

Equally fascinating is the Undeniable Fact that Tayler has taken more c0x than she can count. Literally EVERY SONG is about ANOTHER C0K which she has been taking since the age of TWELVE. But Betas and even Recovering Betas can easily not-see that because Tayler still has the Gleam of the Prime Of Youth about her, she looks pretty innocent, and, importantly, she doesn’t seem to do a lot of public vocal Beta-Shaming, ie talking about Creepers and Stalkers. When certainly if these Niceguys were to try to “Date” her, she’d think they were Creepers, then go get Pounded Up The A55 by some Emo Faggot, but a Tall, Handsome Emo Faggot who’s banged girls before. But she or her managers are smart to keep her from getting on the mic and talking ill of betas, because that’s A Sizeable Minority of her market. 35% let’s say. In fact, she could get away with a LITTLE Beta Shaming and these self-deprecating betas would just ignore it, or say “yeah, I AM a little creepy”, and still listen to her and fantasize about her religiously.

Case in point: I think she is Attractive, even with her freakishly long arms, although I do have a Tall Girl Fetish; AND I like her Innocent Prime Of Youth Look, such that I started falling under the spell that these betas are in total thrall to; AND I find her MUSIC increasingly catchy, and Storytellers sealed the deal, and now I am listening to a Live 2011 Tayler album on spotify RIGHT NOW. The songs themselves are not filthy or decadent or cvm-encrusted or sassy like other more openly wh0rish female singerz like PINK or Katy Perry. Tayler really works the Squeaky Clean Teen angle well for those Betas “intimidated by a grown wimminz sexuality.”  And would be the perfect soundtrack to these Beta Cuddle Fantasies I mentioned.

The End. And I can’t HATE ON Tayler because I ENJOY the Nice Girl Fantasy too much. I’m still a Nice Guy who WANTS to put Single Wimminz On A Pedestal. WTF. Ultimately tho Tayler, the Known Wh0re, is probably healthier than doing this with Real Life Wimmin. And she adds more value with her catchy songs, hahaha. It’s Happy and Cheerful and I can’t listen to Depresssssive Suiciiiidal Black Metal all day, that can be a downer!

It is funny the beta faggot niceguys in talyers audience would have a much harder time Holding Her Holy Hand, than some More Experienced Emo faggot with a Little Game would have getting into her Stretchy Stenchy Snatch.

looking for that ByABetaMale Fanfiction, harder than expected. Lotsa stuff by Teen Girls writing Twilight/HungerGames/HarryPotter Fanfiction “inspired by” Taylor Swift songs. HAHAHAHA. Not surprising, but DEF NOT what I’m looking for. Hmm. the market may be More Untapped than I thought!

It’s also revealing that Fanfic is not entirely what I thought. While I – or the hypothetical Beta Male Faggot Niceguy in Taylers Audience – would write that Emo Cuddle Nice Girl Porn about him, the nobody, Dating Tayler, all I can find are Mashups written by GIRLS where Tayler dates Justin Bieber or gets Gangbanged by One Direction, hahahaha. Not what I’m looking for. Nothing of the Everybeta meeting Tayler backstage in Nebraska or something where they start an unlikely Perfect Traditional Romance.

Actually I’m surprised that GIRLS are WRITING so much. You usually think it’s MEN who WRITE. Granted it’s all Ripoffs of Girly Books Written By Girls, but still, you wouldn’t think Average High School Girls would be inspired to WRITE ANYTHING, even if they’re just ripping-off the crap they read! And SOME of it probably isn’t totally crappy, Ie these High School Girls know how to SPELL and write a coherent English Sentence!


But Teen Girls absolutely CANNOT write A Taylor Fanfic from the POV of a GUY who wants Taylor. If they do, it’s probably POV of Hunky Emo One Direction Boy or Peeta Katniss or whatevz. You couldn’t make a Wimmin write convincingly from the POV of a PATHETIC BETA FAGGOT NICEGUY if you wrapped it up as a Meeeeeeaningful Careeeeeeer. Now THAT would be TELLING, do a “Psych Experiment” getting WIMMIN to TRY TO WRITE AS NICEGUYZ! They would totes make them out to be creeper stalkerz.

I ain’t HATIN, I’m just commenting on HOW DIFFERENT men are from wimmin; and we should never forget it; and it’s amazing and horrifying when The Media and The Socialization of Skool and Kareer tell us men and wimmin really aren’t that different. BS! THEY ARE WORLDZ APART!

Another interesting thing is that Teen Girls Idolize and Look Up To and Pedestalize Tayler just as much as Beta Niceguy Fagz. But these girls prob have a more realistic notion of How Manny Cox Tayler Takes….AND THEY’RE OK WITH THAT! THEY’RE NOT INTIMIDATED BY THE POWER OF THEIR OWN FEMALE SEXUALITY!

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