[time machine from JULY 29, 2012, hehehe. Anyway Beta Power And Beta Sympathizing (more like Beta Empathizing! Iiiiii’m an EMPATH (Fagspeak) was a small series I wanted to do. As a Recovering Beta I want us strong alpha Warrior Men to teach our children well and not become Feminized Western Males. BETA REHAB.]

Betas Gonna Beta, but they definitely are not DUMB. Their Pvssy SLAVERY might be overcome if the Wimminz took TWO MINUTES to use his Favourite Drug to Train him in a more positive way. She wants him to be more “manly”, that’s actually the one idea she has that isn’t a complete CROCK, because it WILL prob benefit him to be more Manly. (Provided it’s not the “Man Up” Be My Useful Slave version, but just being A Man’s Man. More training/education, from caring MEN like myself, will be needed to make sure the Man chooses this wiser path).

So this shows how little PATIENCE Wimminz have for Betas. They won’t even give a beta TWO MINUTES even when he’s an Intelligent Fast Learner and they’ve got the One Thing that can motivate him most! They hate betas SO MUCH that it’s one strike and he’s gone, which just worsens his Betaness.

OR: Think back to when you had a Real Good Bang with one of the MORE Attractive Wimminz you’ve ever banged, where she was at least a 7, and you were really into it. After you blew yer l04d all over her lip-smacking face, you probably felt like the Biggest Man On Earth. That feeling of Profound Masculinity needs to Permeate you at all times, not just when banging Attractives. Because we know that Betas can lose an Attractive after only a few measly bangs because they “screwed up by not being manly enough” & the wimminz wouldn’t give them a second chanced. So clearly this sense of Postbang Manliness must wear off quickly for these betas. You gotta force it out if you want another hit of your drug. Fake it till you make it.

You’ve heard stories of the person who does heroin for the first time and then they’re IMMEDIATELY ADDICTED because they think it’s the BEST THING EVER, then they throw their lives away on heroin or cheaper more available opiates, and it’s never as good as that first time they’re always hopelessly chasing. This is what it’s like with Attractive Wimminz and the Beta, except if he’s a bad enough beta, he can’t even get a CHEAP SUBSTITUTE. A 6 is not a cheap substitute for a 7; a substitute MAYBE, but DEF not CHEAP. One of the WORST things that can happen to a gameless beta is for him to get “undeserved” action from a 7+, to get “lucky” as it were. Doesn’t happen that often, doesn’t even happen once to every beta. But if it does, it can make Recovering from Betahood even more difficult. But not impossible!

So. Just Trying to Figure Stuff Out. Men universally want YOUNG Women, Ie, PEAK, IE, age 18-22 or so. That is IDEAL. ALL Wimminz attain this age and are at their most attractive then. 100% of them. On the other hand, Wimminz universally want ALPHA men, which is a VARIABLE quantity – NOT ALL MEN ARE ALPHAS. It’s always a PERCENTAGE and it’s HYPERGAMY that determines where this percentage cutoff is.

Regardless there are still generally Alpha traits (MANLY), so that if a guy is more alpha than beta, you can generally tell pretty soon. IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. He’s famous or really good looking or athletic or tall or popular or rich or high-status or socially-dominant, etc. NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. NO NEED TO SPLIT HAIRS. You can usually tell if a guy is more alpha or more beta within a few minutes, if not a few SECONDS. So can Wimminz. Even Moreso.

Thing is, whether wimminz hypergamy determines only 5% of men or 10% or 20% of men are Alpha, it’s always a MINORITY. Usually. I’ve gone with 80/20 beta/alpha, meaning betas outnumber alphas four to one. Not a hard and fast rule, maybe it’s three to one. But it’s DEFINITELY not two or one to one. OK?

Not ALL men can be alpha, but ALL men WANT the SAME thing: 18-22 year old girls, OR barring that, at LEAST a 7. ALL WIMMINZ want an Alpha. So it’s only LOGICAL that SOME men are going to have to FAKE IT to get what they want. This is my tentative response to those of the anti-gamers who say “But you’re not really teaching men how to be better people, you’re just teaching them how to Fake a Phony Persona To Get Laid.” So I say, the ends justify the means.

But I see what you mean. I SYMPATHIZE with the BETA. I don’t see how a Regular Goodguy (gonna start saying Goodguy instead of Niceguy cuz I think it conveys my meaning more accurately, plus “nice” really means “stupid!” ) can POSSIBLY be as repulsive to Wimminz as an Unnattractive Wimminz is to a Man, but I guess that’s Biological. We can either complain about it or we can DO something about it.

I have no problem admitting my own Betaness, in fact I DO have a problem admitting it TOO much! I was born a Beta – small, introverted, and grew up a beta – introverted, meek, socially awkward, unathletic, shy, lazy. I don’t Work Out enough, have a Soft Tummy, have a Receding Hairline, have a Low-Status job, etc. There are some aspects of Beta we can’t change but other aspects we CAN.

Also I think being a Beta is more inherently GOOD than inherently BAD. Betas are more likely to take care of their children. Maybe that’s the Beta’s PURPOSE: take care of the children while the Alpha Father runs off and sires more heirs. Also, if Wimminz DE-SELECT Betas for mating, how come there’s so much Betaness Today? Because like I just said: not all of Betaness is Biological. A lot of it is social. See: Leftist, Liberal, Modern society.

So I’ve grown to view Being Beta as a Point of Pride, Hell YEAH I’m a Beta and Proud of it; rather an ALPHA pride about BEING beta, which I have summed up with my Slogan BETA POWER! This is my protest against Wimminz making betas Pretend to be Fake Alphas just to get stupid tail. If wimminz were SMART, they’d see how AWESOME Betas are. Well, some betas. Not the REALLY Whiny Niceguy ones.

But that’s the thing I never understood about the Friendzone. 1. If the Wimminz can’t see that this beta obviously WANTS her, she’s RETARDED (& I think most Friendzoning Wimminz DO recognize it, they just LIKE THE ATTENTION, and that’s awful) 2. The Beta keeps coming back for more. That’s why I’m never in the friendzone. If I get Friendzoned, I just UP AND LEAVE AND NEVER SEE THE WIMMINZ AGAIN. So even if the Wimminz likes the Attention, YOU still hold enough power to END IT RIGHT THERE.

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