Tag Archives: Morally Lazy Loserness


OK, how about they all will be live, unless otherwise stated.

Yeah, srsly thinking about creating a Second, Secret blog, A Feelz Blog, that is all about Feelz and Halping Neckbeard NEET Wizard Kissless Virgin Beta Omega Basement Dweller Introvert Sperglord Austimal muh autism NEETBux AustimsmBux(Tm) annoying friendless loser virgin retard faggot annoying narcissistic hugless friendless unlikeable creeper loser unemployable underemployed unmotivated omega  loser morally lazy morally inferior slothful sinful damned to hell despairing lazy lazy lazy fat faggot f00k failures failers falers shamfur whining neckbeard whinging gormless fat fupa doritos eating code red guzzling vidya fapping call of d00dy team fortress halo niceguy basement dweller at age 25, 30 year old virgin, weird, fat, chubby, soft, omega, awkward, loser, pathetic, “clinically depressed” aka whiny spoiled neet loser who want to kill themselves because they SHOULD, going on r9k with their feeeelz and people tell them go to therapy and or kill themselves, niceguy, kissless dateless hugeless handholdless friendless nobody likes them 32 year old virgins, etc etc etc. demasculated emasculated castrated faggy faggots who have lost all masculinity and it painfully shows. totes lazy losers who deserve to be culled from the gene pool, who clearly do not survive in the survival of the fittest, do not have what it takes to live in the world, in an ideal world they would be EUTHANIZED, people who fail in every way, fail at school, fail at work, fail in Luv, fail socially, Losers At Life.


heh. you get the picture. this is a little hobby of mine, alongside the politically incorrect right-wing and racial stuff. I guess primarily it would be meant for White Men, but not sure if I would want to BLOCK nonwhites who were lazy losers from benefiting it, even if I COULD block them. I guess I could put a big fat “WHITES ONLY, IF YOU’RE NONWHITE, I DON’T WANT TO HELP YOU” right at the top of the page. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.

What is for certain is that I want to help White Men The MOST, because they are my people, and because I believe they are Especially Vulnerable to the Feminizing, Sissifying, Faggifying, Jewifying, Decadentifying, Soul-Crushing of the Plutocratic Modern World, and More likely than Black, Brown, or Jish Men to become Basement Dweller Morally Lazy Losers who Give Up on Life.

I don’t like to see The Antiwhite Ruling Elite doing that to My Fellow Whites, and I don’t like to see Whites doing that to themselves.

Maybe it is easier for Poor Blacks or Browns to get on a downward spiral of drugs and crime and jail and violence and what have you. Not that whites don’t get mixed up in that Nonwhite Antisocial Life, many do. But I’m more talking about the Neckbeard Whites that are a drain on their Immediate Community rather than a drain on The Larger Community. If our Racial Brethren are Dead Weight, should we encourage themselves to Cull Themselves? Heh Because I’m such a Good Guy, I tend to think NO. We have to try to rehabilitate them. Fix them. Help them reach their White Potential. Spit out the poison. Fight back against the poisonous world. Win.



Heh. Maybe develop some Racial Awareness along the way, but I’m not sure that would be the VERY First Order of Business.

This is semi controversial because maybe I SHOULD be encouraging Loser Dead Weight Whites to Cull Themselves. Because say they become Productive Members of Society, but in a Traitorous way, a J-Serving way, such that they should Hang on the DotR, or not be welcome in a White Homeland?

Yeah, I guess I’m not that hardcore yet. I am notoriously soft & forgiving & lenient on Race Treason, for better or worse. I might even BE a Race Traitor deep down.  Full Disclosure: long before I had my Full Racial Awakening, I wanted to MATE with a Nonwhite girl, like willing to have mixed babies. (Excuse: She was POY, & She LOOKED hella white, if ya know what I mean.) I am glad I did not, but still Feelsbadman.jpg.





So yeah thinking about having a second blog for Feelz Stuff. Plus I got excessive feelz which I cannot fully blow off through Physical Exercise. Would not immediately, if ever, share that blog with (the 2, hahaha) readers of this blog. Because to be so focused on Feelz is not very White Warrior.

However, it is possible that Whites feel more Profound Emo Feelz than nonwhites. OR that nonwhites turn anger Feelz Outward, while whites turn Anger Feels Inward.

But I don’t want THIS blog to be excessively about Feels! Other than maybe a few nonfeelzy statements about the Feelz Capacity/Experience of Whites in relation to nonwhites; or White Psychology; Towards a Healthy White Psychiatry, etc. Jung, Chechar, K-Mac, I dunno.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Soul.

Heh. And there IS a difference between me Emo Whining about my OWN feelz, and giving Straightforward Bullet Points to Whites on how to Master their own Feelz. Waaah Waaaah Waaaaah woe is me, I have too much food to eat and too much money to spend, first world probs, vs General Positive Motivation stuff like

*Clean Your Room at least a little bit

* Babby Steps! Babby’s First Babby Steps!

* Exercise Regularly

* Eat Healthy

* Lift Heavy Weights

* Do Martial Arts

* Do something nice for someone (white)

* go for a walk in the park

* do at least one productive thing every day. start with just one if two is too much.

* destroy the Kke Box, ie The TV. Do Not Watch TV At ALL.

* Do not ever look at Pr0nography, that Kke FILTH.

* have a healthy Social Life, with an emphasis on Positive Healthy Role Model MALE Friends. Try Shunning Wimmin for a while if they’re CRAZY.

* Eliminate J Filth from your life bit by bit. J Detox, J Rehab. And believe me J Filth is EVERYWHERE, it just seeps in like CANCER.

* Don’t take out big college loans.

* Don’t go to college for anything REMOTELY gay, do STEM, not just STEM, but Good Stem not Bad STEM, because half of STEM grads, esp at Third Tier Toilets, are NOT gonna get STEM Jobs, so be fully prepared to be at the TOP of your Class.

* ORRR just don’t go to College at all, haha.

Heh. Stuff like that. Common sense No Sh1t stuff, but I guarantee You that’s way less annoying than me Whining about myself and muh feels!

Direction/Advice for Wayward White Men. Saving our White Souls. Not giving up on White Men who have given up on themselves.  Helping heal their souls from the  J Cancer of The Modern World.

Some whites will vehemently disagree with me, that from a economic and Race Survival PErspective, we might be actually Killing Ourselves by pouring our energy, resources, effort, time into Stopping those “outliers” who are more directly killing themselves from killing themselves. We should let them do their thing and we do ours, our energy would be much better used doing more Proactive things to Save Our Race: Starting White Businesses, Creating White Jobs, Creating White systems of Capital and Financing, Creating White Media and Politics, Having White Children, Creating a White Mannerbund STEMM Academy, etc.

And these ARE great ideas. Heh. I don’t think doing these things is mutually exclusive with what I’m Volunteering to do, of helping White Get Back On Track in their individual lives.

Heh I am just feelzy right now because I: have been reading /r9k and /adv a lot (4chan.) Plus I had a VERY humbling experience at a Job Fair recently. No, WIMMIN, I am NOT UNEMPLOYED, but I am trying to IMPROVE my current employment, so I can make enough money to have Three White Children some day. Heh, that is a hint of the stuff I might discuss on Muh Feelz Blog, but which I don’t want to go into too much detail here.




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Good Day Dear Readers. Good time for one of these uh?

THANK YOU BILL POWELL for Liking this post! I guess the logical thing to do would be for me to Like one of your posts, or I think we’re up to Two Now,  but that might bring me Too Many Readers. However I would DEF Recommend All Readers to Read Your Blog APOCALYPSE COMETH at


Heh. I should read him more often. Good Lord. Good Red Pill Guy. Unlike me, he isn’t all J this and YKW that, however I’m PRETTY SURE he’s not an antiwhite antiracist, haha.

Been thinking a lot about MATH, Math Education, Education, Kke Kollige, STEM, homeschooling, the best way to learn maths and sciences, taking a lot of pages from the MINDWEAPON book.

Yep still on a Mindweapon Kick, though haven’t had enough time to read lately, because free time was being eaten away by my CALCULUS 2 class, which will be the main subject here.

Also I would like to Officially and Publicly encourage Mindweapon to give a try to “THE MINDWEAPON SHOW”, which would be an internet radio show / podcast of Mindweapon talking to anyone who wants to get on a skype, or talkshoe, or however. Even just MW and his Top Commenters talking about stuff they talk about on the blog. A Talk Radio Version of

his blog and commenters. Hipster Racist and Brandon & Maureen Martin & Clytemnestra and Conchobar and April Gaede and g-d knows who else. Ryu, Kevin MacDonald, Matt Parrott, Robert Stark. and then that Dik Dik guy could complain about it all, hahaha.

But MW is really on a streak lately, right now, in 2013, and I would prefer talk on Hot New Stuff, New Ideas, like the Practical Political Ideas he constantly blogs about. The White Family Convenience Stores, the Homeschools, the STEM Military Academies, the martial arts, exercise, fitness, farming, taxi services, car sharing, multifamily households, investing.

“JUST READ THE BLOG AND COMMENTS, THAT’S WHAT THEY TALK ABOUT”, yeah I KNOW, but lemme Hypothesise that I’m not the only one who Likes Listening to Interesting Talk Shows of people Talking about these ideas. People Talking is a little better than people reading and writing. Yes, OBVIOUSLY people DOING is way better than Talking, Reading OR Writing!

heh for example almost reblogged this one it was so good:

h ttp://mindweaponsinragnarok.comdeletethis/2013/05/08/austerity-for-whites-cornucopian-party-for-non-whites-and-immigrants-whites-are-victimized-because-we-are-atomized-tribalization-and-feralization/

Calc 2. You can’t deny this is a good Mindweapon. I went into it with uncharacteristic optimism. (Mindweapon: the Other is delighted to instill a Culture of Pessimism in Our People, to make us despondent, despairing, and self-destructive.)

Mindweapon recommends Homeschooling Expert Art Robinson who said, re children learning math, some interesting things: that they should never be helped on a difficult problem, and that struggling towards the correct answer is the best way to learn math. To Think Mathematically. It’s not SUPPOSED to be EASY.

Well, I would agree the best way to learn math is to DO MANY PROBLEMS. That’s WHY there’s a lot of Homework. And there certainly was. The text used was Larson Edwards 8th Edition “Calculus”, and it epitomized a lot I Hated About Learning Math. The explanations were sort of there, but I would have written them a LOT more clearly. To get New Students through the Learning Curve. I argue you can use Training Wheels without Dumbing Math Down. 

So I ended up watching Khan Academy a LOT and he was very helpful. I wish he were white!

Several of the (young) students would go to the Tutoring Center after class and work on the homework as a group, having the help of a Skilled Tutor immediately available if there were any questions. I think this is the best approach, however it does fly in the face of the Robinson approach.

I either didn’t have time or was too burned out to ever really join them so I did everything alone, but ended up getting SUPER angry at the dumb obtuse book, or at the Tutorial Vidyas on webassign.net where we did our homeworks. Muttering at the guy in the vidya, calling him a Kke Fggot because the explanations sucked, etc. I understand some

frustration is to be expected, but I would think the sense of accomplishment, achievement, and confidence from ultimately solving the problems would cancel out the anger. But it didn’t. Then again, I DO admit to being Above Average Angry, such that I’m above the threshold where Anger is Useful, now it’s just too excessive for all of it to be Useful.

The kids in the class were mainly young engineers in training, doing the right thing at the right age. Heh. I was trying to do the right thing at the wrong age.  Was angry when I learned Calc 2 IS essentially AP Calc BC, which The Successful Smart Kids who became Winning White Engineers took IN HIGH SCHOOL, and I should have too.

Learning this stuff as young as possible will give you a great advantage In Life.

My Role Model was a 20-year old young man originally from Syria. I think he was a christian not a mudslime. he looked at least 50% white. But he embodied the non-Murkan Work Ethic that most immigrants from Crappy Places have. The Real Old-School American Work Ethic of Work your 455 off, get paid. So I tried to emulate him, but now feeeeeel pretty burnt out. He did not seem nearly as burnt out. Great Attitude. Nice Kid too.

There were more GIRLS in the class than I expected, at least 30% girls. (Cute POY Girls are Distracting and Counterproductive in Education.) “Good” amount of Whites, prob 72% white? of the nonwhites I’d say most were Arabs, but there was one Albanian.

(ok this is a better time for the) BREAK TIME FOR U!


























How to Stanch Burn Out? Probably do math for 1 hour a day, Monday Thru Saturday, not in 3 hour marathons twice a week. There was at least 6 to 10 hours of Serious Homework per week. But it said so right on the syllabus!

Yeah Ideally should have gotten up at 3:45 am Monday Thru Saturday, did a Quiet Undistracted Hour of HW before getting Tired From the Day, to tired to really concentrate and work on HW without getting superangry at the kke book.

Found the exams SUPER STRESSFUL. Four Regular Exams, each taking the full 2-hour class period, and one Cumulative Final, just finished yesterday. Five Huge Exams, all very stressful to prepare for, and grueling as f00k to actually do. Can you teach Maths good without Ridiculous Exams? Just do the HW and get an A?

Some instructors allow you to bring in One Sheet of notes. Not this one. That would have cut down the Stress at least 50% hahaha.

Not REALLY complaining. I like Math, Math is So Beautiful, Math Is A Mindweapon, Math Makes You a Better Person, I just don’t like Math Class. Seemed to move VERY fast and Cram so much in. Would have liked class to be 6 credits not 4. OR be split up into 2 classes.

But then noting that this is only 4% of the Way Towards a Bigboy Winning Engin Degree makes me want to go on a Punching People In The Face Spree, Get Burned Out, Give Up, Quit. Not a fan of skool. “Hate” skool.

But I don’t like this modern “UNSCHOOLING MOVEMENT” which is like, oh just let kids PLAY all day, on their INTERESTS, and then THAT’s their school. I think you can RIGOROUSLY homeschool your kids in STEM and not have them burn out.

Developing Good Habits when you are Young is SO Crucial to Success In Life.

It is not impossible to Weed Out Bad Habits and Develop New Good Habits when you are an Old Crone like me, although you might be prone to fits of rage, Punching People In The Face, throwing huge math textbooks through walls and calling it a “Kke Fggot”, and only finally getting your Engin Degree by Age 80.

Which is making me think, this is fine if you’re YOUNG and doing this at the “RIGHT” time, have tons of energy and optimism and time and good habits, but when you’re an Old Fart and need to start Making Money Fast so you can have 3 White Children Some Day, you might need An Edj00cation with a little better Short-Term ROI. (Saw some Fggot Kke article in the Chronicle of Higher Education “IS ROI THE BEST WAY TO THINK ABOUT COLLEGE?”. YES, you horrible thieves, poisoners, vampires, leeches, parasites, yes it is.) Because having your children when you’re 80 is not ideal.

BTW even though i was very angry at the class, I did VERY well, had OVER 100% grade before the Final, was prob the #2 student in class, behind #1 Syrian Kid. Final was my worst exam, but it could not have brought final grade below A-. I might be Lazy and Burnt Out and Distracted By Anger, but I still did Real Well in this class.

Uh can’t stop listening to Nick Cave & Seeds “Murder Ballads”, but the Song of the Week is “The Kindness Of Strangers”, which in years past, I’d always skip over, can’t BELIEVE I just skipped over THIS song!, but this month I discovered it, and now like to listen to it back-to-back multiple times almost every day. SO GOOD.

Don’t usually care about lyrics but Nick is a BOSS at them. Music is gentle and romantic, and reminds of some of the Angelo Badalamenti, Julee Cruse, David Lynch, Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet type stuff. Lyrics/story tries to be Overly Sentimental, comes off as Genuinely Heartbreaking, much like the whole album. Hope, Beauty, Tragedy, Death. One of the prettier songs on the album, but certainly not a happy one! Also slightly reminds of Tom Waits “A Little Rain” with the verse about the girl who had never seen the ocean and then she disappeared.

Have a good day, Love Your Race, Protect Your Race.

Practicing how Not To Leave Trackbacks. But here’s a good Stormfront Threat “College Is Killing The Middle Class”

h ttp://wwwdelete.stormfront.orgdelete/forum/t937333/

British Reality Televitz Show “Young Dumb and Living Off Mum” about Spoiled Losers Leeching off their Parents who have No Work Ethic, are just Lazy No-Account N’s. Haven’t watched any yet, sounds ridiculous.


(heh i don’t care if they know i’m linking to them.)

But I would argue that it’s much better to Gratefully Accept Support from your Fam than to go into Huge Debt to be “Independent.” That is not really Independent at all, that’s being a SLAVE TO YKW. But I think the kidz in this show are not all that grateful.

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heh carolyn yeager thinks counter currents is homosexual as well as matt parrott. I mean she thinks he is. I don’t think he is. but despite bashing potential comrades, she does have some good things to say about History.

ok chechar is pro alice miller, clearly pro alice miller. who talks about parents being murderers of their children and the widespreadness of horrific child abuse thruout history, and then the uselessness of “psychiatry” to deal with it, and psychiatry is a joke and a farce and a hoax and a sin and a crime that should be eradicated as it is false and hurts people doesn’t help them. while pretending to help them.

On depression

GREAT Chechar article “On Morally Lazy Loserness for people who are too spoiled and entitled and should just blow their brains out because they’re too weak and immoral and lazy and spoiled to drag themselves out of bed and work for a living like every respectable person” I MEAN “On Depression”, Chechar presents and extremely thoughtful (and long, hahaha) review of Solomon’s “Noonday Demon”, which I have sitting on my shelf and tried to read several times but didn’t really get into.

So yes I like Chechar because he has a forte on Psychology and Psychiatry, which I’ve always been interested in, and of course he is very anti-establishment in his views, which I like as well. And his stuff is very well researched and written and convincing, rather than just me angrily lashing out: psychiatry is poison, meds don’t help people, they’re plutocrat medical establishment scam poison! Chechar tells you Why.

Chechar does not get enough love from me so here is some! I assure you I am very thankful for his huge body of work. It is pretty intimidating because he has like 5 blogs all filled with really long articles, but just start anywhere and start reading. Heh it will take a few months to stop being a Chechar Newb. He requires some effort but is def worth it. Would be nice if he publishes an english version of his book. his original language is spanish and I think he is from Spain but now lives in Mexico. I would frankly like to hear more autobiography from him, and not only his horrific child abuse, but just his day to day life as a pro-white anti-zionist living in Mexico.

Click to access translation-of-book-4.pdf

english trans of part 4 of his book. theoretical stuff not autobiographical stuff. hojas susurrantes, whispering leaves.


spanish language blog accompanying the book. will try to read with google translate.

heh. when chechar wrote some articles criticizing certainly arguments of say greg johnson or alice miller I took that to mean that he was Denouncing the Person and was Totally Anti-Them because I see that kind of throwing-out-the-baby-with-the-bathwater with other race-conscious writers. Someone writes one thing they disagree with and suddenly they’re a f@gg0t and a crypto-j3w and a race traitor and a coward and need to be Banished. What I really like about Chechar is that he can respectfully disagree with people just a little bit.

“Failure To Launch”: trying to find what Marxist Psychiatry sez about this, the literature, and then come up with a Better Alternative Hypothesis. Twixters, Parasite Singles, Boomerang Kids. Emerging Adulthood, Adultolescence, ADDultKidz(tm). NEETs and Freeters. Not to be confused with Grass Eating Boys. But prob some similarity. A Shift In Values And Ethics. Men Giving Up, or Deciding that Work Isn’t Worth It. Of course, “even” working minimum wage at McDonalds in the Ghetto is Worth It if it keeps you off Hard Working People’s Dime is what these Loser Parasites don’t seem to understand!

What I’m trying to understand, from a Non-Marxist, Non-Boasian, Non-Freudian POV, is Why these Men Just Give Up. Who CARES if they’re not making GOOD money or getting GOOD Tail or raising GOOD Children, the only “incentive” you need is being an Honest Man who’s not LEECHING off of others. Stealing. Feeeeling Entitled to Steal.

I thought, what might really CURE these people are JOBS. Then I thought if a Doctor could prescribe JOBS to Lazy Losers. Would that be a good idea? Some Probs: Prescribing might help because lazy people aren’t gonna take the initiative to get the jobs themselves. They need to be forced into it. If not by law then by a Medical Doctor, hahahaha.

Thing is, the lazy people who DO have jobs don’t stop being lazy once they HAVE the job, they sometimes just bring that laziness to the job and are imcompetent and unproductive and unreliable and loser the company money and it’s better for the company to fire them. Then they become a lazy unemployed. Lazy Losers hurt the economy whether they’re employed or unemployed. So which condition Hurts The Economy LESS?? I’m leeeeeaning towards Employed. (I originally wrote “Unemployed” which I don’t think I meant. I MEAN That Even an Incompetent Unproductive Employed Lazy is better for The Economy than a Parasite Unemployed Lazy leeching off the work of The Employed. Employed Lazy Better Than Unemployed Lazy. Employed Hurts Econ Less.)

Heh. I’m not saying everything every psychologist/psychiatrist said about psychology/psychiatry is false because they’re “jewish”. just at least 40% of it. It would behoove us and the field for it to be Radically Revamped.

I might start saying jewish less because that type of talk might be best reserved for the Inner Party, but it turns off more “moderate” potential allies who MIGHT be useful in an Outer Party of Paleoconservatives.

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That does not refer to me as I am a Winner, hahahaha. But I almost became a loser through no fault of my Good Family, but through all my own fault, and I am Very Academically Pseudoscientifically interested in People Who Choose To Lose when they’ve been given every opportunity and chance and privilege and luxury in the World. WTF’s Their Problem?

Obviously nobody starts out really WANTING to become a Loser or Failure. Prob the vast majority because Failures or Losers or Unrehabilitable Violent Criminals or Leeches because they had a Bad Family Life: No Father, Raped by father, bad mother, abused by everyone, etc. Even just Verbal Abuse or Uninvolved Neglectful Parents, if they were getting loaded and raeping the sh!t out of them. that HAS to account for at least 60% of failures.

What I’m most interested in is that OTHER 40%. Prob more liek 25% or less, hahaha. People who had perfectly good upbringings and became losers in spite of; by all the fault of their own, in other words. But they don’t WANT to become losers. Prob they’re just LAZY and don’t want to do the WORK it takes NOT to be a loser. The End.

THese kids could have been TAUGHT the VALUE of HARD WORK, but for whatever reason, it didn’t SINK IT. Didn’t STICK. Didn’t TAKE. I am here to determine That Reason or Reasons.

So these people are REALLY DEFECTIVE. REAL BAD. Morally. Morally Lazy as f00k. I’d say they were POSSESSED BY SATAN, but that would absolve them of some of their FAULT.


Protected: 50 Ways to Be a Loser in Life

heh maybe i should hang out with the tryhards in computer science and chemical engineering and then outstudy those f4ggots and then I would have no problem getting a stable and great paying job and not being a pathetic loser basement dweller. even if i would be “Selling my soul to JEWZ”. who cares. it’s money and prime of youth pvssy. resources to be a good single father.

http://www.imatotalloser.com/ “I’m A Total Loser Dot Com”!!
angry teens and AddultKidz whine about what huge losers they are and how they wished they weren’t such big loser cowards they can’t even blow their loser brainz out. Fun site! But anyway I can relate. Sperm Burping B!tches would just give them unsolicited life advice. I would say, “I’ve been there, I am sorry for your pain. First spend as much time as you can sleeping. Then spend as much time as possible In Church. Then in the Gym pumping iron. Actually split your time between Church and Gym. Begging God for mercy.” That would be my unsolicited advice, hahaha.

Kinda intersects with my Interest in those who become Pronounced Losers not in High School, when most losers do, but in COLLEGE. Those are the most interesting kind of losers.


Do You Have a Friend Who is a Loser? Get Rid of Em!





heh it’s almost better to be a loser FIRST – then it’s easier to work your way to success.
but if you were a success FIRST, THEN became a loser at age 20, then it’s a 9000000000 harder uphill battle to stop being a loser, hahahahahaha.



Finally saw it. the stupid “rental” netflix dvds very often do not have ANY extras. I Pretty Much (hahaha) liked it, give it a straight up A-minus. And not just because I have a Hardon for the Very Talented Tom Hardy, but everybody was good. The writing was kinda “deep”and possibly even slightly subversive. heh. have to read what my mind masters stormfront have to say. something something fascism. Though I did like how Bane and the League of Shadows (which originally trained Batman? would have liked a bit more “Origin” on that) are dedicated to infiltrating and destroying Corrupt and Decadent Societies like Declining Rome and Declining Gotham. Maybe they are the real good guys, hahaha. Plus it was a lot less boring for 2 hours and 40 minutes than I thought. pretty decent pacing. not sure any movie needs to be that long though. And yes Tom Hardy is a Bad4S5.  Anne Hathaway is a J00i5h Wh0r3.


Gotta listen to more Rammstein haha. By that I mean songs other than “Du Hast”, not saying that is not an excellent song.


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Just used the Decadence Brandon Toy (Good Price Newegg Refurb Laptop Dec 2012 semi Time Machine) to read Eradica for at least an hour. I Can NOT argue with that! Talk vs Action. Waking Average White Men like me UP to DO SOMETHING before it’s too late. Things wont get violent for 20 or 40 more years, and when it is finally Showdown Shootout time, we will be very old or dead and it will be up to our GRANDCHILDREN to do the fighting. And do you think THEY’LL be ready?

This is where Emotion can be useful, to build attachment to a cause, to get people passionate enough for action, to care enough to do something, and FP’s writing is real good at that. And packed with more information than I even care to read with all the links and citations. but that’s good writing. you should cite your sources if you want to be taken seriously. I don’t care that ZOG Professors do it in their Publish Or Perish articles. Just drop a link to show you aren’t talking completely out of your 4ss. OR say IMHO like me, cause nowadays I specialize only In My Own Opinion, hahaha. So: I am Today’s Brandon only well past the prime of youth, my best fighting years are behind just like ZOG wants it, now I’m old and tired and just want 3 hots and a cot and to work a steady job and sleep. I can see the wrong turn the US and The West are taking but I don’t care enough to stop it, or to even resist it.

But there’s very little that separates me from the Handout-Hungry Hippos other than a Good Family, which I am thankful for. I had Good Nature AND good Nurture, and I still can’t figure out how or why I chose to Give Up. Because Not Giving Up was Not “Incentivized” (Fag Word) Rewarded? Because Giving Up Was Rewarded? Because Hard Work Didn’t Pay Off? I talk about wanting Children some day when I’m Able, but would it REALLY kill me NOT to? Will I really ever be able? In many ways I am a str8 up Mating Market Loser, have just Given Up, just don’t care. So uh let me be your cautionary tale, let me fill You with the Passion and Energy and Vigour that I do not have, that I feebly wished I had. Let me get YOU fired up cause I can’t seeeeem to get fired up no mo. At this point my life is dedicated to trying to pay back those individuals who have directly helped me survive. And I will be very lucky if I can do that, let alone go beyond.

Talk About A Whiny Screeching Beta Faggot! Heh. Time for bed. Maybe I can get both you AND me Fired Up tomorrow. Always been a Moooooody Baby.

ok had to come back here and right that wrong after a good nights sleep, didn’t want to start my “holiday vacation” on the wrong foot. This is just to show that I can be my Own Worst Enemy and a pretty convincing one at that. Don’t let yourself be your own worst enemy, my children! Streams of extremely pessimistic thoughts like that used to tempt me to Drink. Thankfully I have overcome the temptation to Drink, yet I still get the same streams of thoughts and feeeeeelings. I hope Firepower doesn’t get that from all the Bourbon he drinks, hahahaha. Nothing wrong with Jim Beam! I wish I had drank more “Bulleitt”, I hear that’s real good bourb. I don’t count this as “Oversharing” because IMHO The Writer Should* (tm FP) be honest with his audience about Who He Is, and Who He Is can and should be part of What He Writes. Just not in a bad or oversharing way. The Man Is His Writing Is The Man. At least in My Opinion. You’re free to disagree. But since that’s what I believe, I’m gonna Live Up To It.

Go read articles, go watch videos, write your own articles, intro body conclusion, just like they taught you in Gummint Union Skool. But you’re Smart, so take that simple format and make it work for you. Read interesting articles, be sure to cite and link to them. don’t be afraid to have an opinion hahaha. keep the intro and conclusion short, like one sentence saying “my opinion/argument is this”, make a provocative, poetic, profound statement to get the people fired up, awake the sheople from their slumber. Keep the whole thing 600 or 800 or 1000 words, I fully agree, long posts are stupid. If you can’t keep from writing a long post, just break it up into shorter posts. not so difficult.

Still listening to The Turner Diaries. Great example of a Rousing, Firing-Up Story. although it does drag in parts, other parts are real good.

To be honest, I am the world’s biggest truest True Believer in BOIL THE FROG. I’ve said this but it bears repeating. Baby Steps. (Pierce mentions it several times in the TurnerDiaries too.) Boil The Frog is an extremely effective and successful way of Making Big Changes. Both in your own life, and in The World. Our Civilization. One little thing at a time, one day at a time, 1% at a time (don’t think of OWS, I mean 1% in the strictly Percentage Sense!), and then 100 days later, you’re at 100%. It’s not overnight but it’s certainly not a LONG time either. If I were gonna do my part to Save The World it would def be thru Boil The Frog. I just gotta Boil my OWN Frog FIRST. Maybe help YOU Boil Your own frog too.

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this is part 2 to part 1 which i posted Two Days Ago.

Pro-Whites DO have a Legit Concern that anti-whites will try to Plant Plants and moles and spies, because they have done so before. Troublemakers at least. I can assure you I’m not one of those. I don’t want any trouble.I don’t even leave comments! I just lurk and have my own blog no one is allowed to comment on. Of course, you’re Well Within Your Rights to use links and 65-word quotes to slander me, hahaha. Good Enough.

discussion topic: the albanians of today are not the albanians of history, scanderbeg and such, who were much whiter, and since then they are majority mixed with turkics. and/or more closely related to azeris. so there is something to questioning the whiteness of today’s albanians. shqipteri.
are albanians white?
the phora
majority rights
stumble inn
lots of racially-aware pro-white FORUMS/FORA as well as blogs. many accusing each other of being jew friendlies and sellouts and traitors, hahaha. whites will tear each other apart for small differences but will take oh i’m sorry mr jewystein, please continue genociding whites! Let me help you out with that!

stormfront Dating Advice forum, hahahah. heh I might have to donate to stormfront in 2013. For the record I did not donate to anybody in 2012. I thought about donating to counter currents but didn’t really. I still might even if greg’s enemies say he is an effete hysterical homo who can’t pull pvssy and only wants money and to milk gullible rich aristocratic WNs so he can live in San Fran and go to Operas.

But why shouldn’t I read Hunter Wallace either.

Heh. I think the bookstore I bought Greg Johnson’s book from was run by Matt Parrott, so now Matt Parrott has my Real Name and Address and could Ruin Me if he wanted. Stealing Mailing Lists and Contact Information has been a Big Deal and has led to conflicts between William Pierce and David Duke, William Pierce and Willis Carto, and in the Hunter Wallace Greg Johnson Debate, it was all about the Charles Martel Society, which publishes Occidental Quarterly and is headed up by 80 year old recluses like William Regnery and people who don’t know anything about computers or databases.

So yeah this is all very legitimate, as I am still trying to get a “Mainstream Bigboy Job” and FACT have to at least kiss Politically Correct Arse to do it, everyone does. Not happy about it but it’s one of the only options to survive. Now I like the Pioneer Little Europe “cultural terrforming” concept, where Blue Collar Jobs are once again made respectable for whites. So a White could be a Janitor or a Security Guard or a Housekeeper and it would be no problem.

Heh. I just learned Matt Parrott and Mindweapons used to do a co-blog. Interesting stuff. And Matt Parrott ran into some Antiwhites regarding his Hoosier Nation, is that why he shut it down? Anyway I’m certainly not Anti Parrott, I’ve liked his writing.

29 year old Pro-White WOMAN who lives in BROOKLYN posting on Stormfront Eligible Bachelorettes of Stormfront. WTF? Well good for her if this is for real.

http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t920862/ depressives
I also like stories of depressives and melancholics and other morally lazy losers too entitled, spoiled, and morally lazy to get out of bed and work for a living, hahaha. But srsly I Sympathize and even Non-patronizingly EMPATHIZE with Those People SOME of the time.

not sure how I got on the first page of google results for pioneer little europe. i think PLE is a GREAT idea, don’t like all this slander towards them. (see media matters hatchet job)

i spent large parts of my CHRISTmas vacation (which I shouldn’t* have had) reading Stormfront, in other words.

uh they don’t like hunter wallace at the beer barrel either. they seem to be a rowdy offensive bunch, like what I imagine australians to be be like, hahah. I kind of like it???

circle of crust? stumble inn doesn’t like alex linder and thinks HE’s a jew?


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* use indeed.com first and foremost, even exclusively if easiest

* others: careerbuilder, monster, craigslist, usajobs, draw on Your personal expertise!

* within 10 miles of ZIPCODE [massive Entitlement Issues haha]

* Full Time Only, $X0,000-$Y0,000 only (but more is ok too!)

* No Masters Degree. Refer to resume and find appropriate jobs.

* Tweak resume (objective, or any other parts) to FIT the job, without lying or making stuff up.

* good search keywords: area OR assistant OR junior OR entry OR “entry-level” OR clerk OR “blabla community college” OR HighProfileLocalNationalCompany OR AnotherOneOfThose OR “data entry” OR “GummintSkool” OR “administrative assistant” OR “marketing assistant” OR “community college” OR university OR nonprofit

* Those keywords should give great idea of types of jobs I’m looking for

* Some Ideal Companies specifically: blabla Community College, blabla University, BigCompany1, BigComp2, BigCOmp3, Anything in Fortune 500 list, anything in Forbes “Best Companies To Work For”, Local City Governments: VaisyaCity1, BrahminJewCity1, BRahminJewCity2, LessBrahminLessJewButStillBrahminCity1; County Governments: Vaisya County, Brahmin County; State of ButtBangerz;

* No Sales, but Customer Service up to 60% OK.

* Strongly Introverted, less Customer Service the better!

* but still strong customer service and communication and problem-solving skills

* Use your discretion and expertise in emphasizing these! Because ALL jobs demand these same basic skill sets, Which I DO Have!

* email me doc, docx, or pdf of any resumes, cover letters in which you are especially proud of what you’ve done, I would like to use them later. Feel free to be creative and play with document formatting to make it aesthetically pleasing, as long as you don’t fabricate accomplishments on the resume!

* If possible, Email Hiring Decision Maker with short intro email, attached resume & CL.

* try to have IVA work 4 or 8 hour shifts. How about 4 hours, once per week.

* email me with questions AND very brief report AND attachments of Awesome Res/CL Changes

* take out home address on resume; leave phone num & email (o wait I can do this haha)

* if you’re really confident in your English, feel free to CALL the contact listed, show interest and initiative to get interview. If you think you can actually pretend to BE me, go ahead, if not, tell them you’re my partner. assistant? intern? no, PARTNER.


Mon 12 17 12 now on “The Whole Milk (Vitamin D) Project” give it a WHIRL. Very debateable whether MILK or DAIRY is PALEO, prob NOT, but it more likely IS a good source of Proteins and Good Fats, a Decent Fat-Protein Combo if You Will, so for that alone I decided to try it out. Not like I’m drinking a f00king gallon a day, that would not be good. More like a half-gallon a week. Drink a slug with Breakfast, put some in my Coffee, etc. If I start getting super fatter I’ll cut it out again.

Looking for a good “Men’s Spa” close by. A Turkish Bath House if you will. Where Nude Old Men sit in the Steam Room then in the Dry Sauna with their Danglerz dangling. NO WIMMIN. I’m aware it sounds G@y but I won’t be sucking any D, I just want to enjoy those two rooms. Yet there’s a million places for Wimmins to get tanningz, manipediz, “FACIALS” etc.

Forgot how sweet SLEEP (St0ner Metal Band) is. Never been a big fan of High On Fire, they’re OK, but my heart will always be with SLEEP. Actually High On Fire is Above Average Metal, but SLEEP is Just Legendary. IMHO. There’s a real differentiator in there. I like the RELIGIOUS aspect. If smoking w33d until you can barely WALK and then Staggering Around to the St0ned Rhythms of Huge Epic Riffage which plaster a sh!t-eating grin across your st0ned face that you can’t even FEEL YOUR FACE cause you’re so Bl0wn-out sounds like a good RELIGION to you! No “Stoner Metal” will EVER come close, IMHO.

Some hardcore christians who are obsessed with their religion have concluded that Zionism Is Right and that Anti-Zionists are deluded. Meanwhile other very hardcore christians are very Anti-Zionist and see Zios as evil Satan Spawn in IsraHELL.

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yes I mean the David Duke Harold Covington one. And No I don’t REALLY believe w33d is worse than alcohol, but that it is much worse than Morally Lazy Loser Stonerz say.

But honestly. At this point I care more about making money and Banging Prime Of Youth Tail. Can’t wait till Manopause, hahahaha. Nonetheless, despite my Red-Blooded Slavic Libido, I have a disturbingly low level of “HUSTLE” or “CHUTZPAH” and just want to Sm0ke W33d all day like the “DROPOUTS” in “Turner Diaries.”

I was listening to Michael Savage who talks like & prob IS a Huge Jew, but I enjoy SOME of his Social Conservatism, and he was talking about how Marijuana is one of the most underratedly destructive drugs ever. Everyone says its safe and good, but it’s really godawful and horrible. Quite a provocative opinion with a fair kernel of truth to it. I do agree with Savage more completely that alcohol is horrible and destructive. But he made an interesting point about how Churches are more full of people on Weeknights for AA and NA Meetings, than they are filled with Religious Worshippers on Sundays. Now alot of these people go to these meetings because they HAVE to, for probation. They don’t necessarily really WANT to stop drinking or Drugging.

And then I thought, but Savage did not mention, because this is too controversial for “even him”, how Drunk Driving has become a Much Bigger INDUSTRY than it has been in generations past, a REVENUE CENTER if you will for Cities. 30 years ago they would throw you in the drunk tank leaving nothing on your record, or let you off with a warning, now they arrest you, it goes on your permanent record and can never be expunged and will come up every time you apply for a job; AND will cost you 5 to 10 grand going straight to the city and lawyerz and courtz and probation and PolizeiPiggiez; AND your boss getting notified and you getting fired (ok not all the time!); and HR receiving updates every time an employee gets busted for DUI and then telling their bosses and getting them fired (or maybe this is just my paranoid fantasy of ZOG OVERREACH); and you have to make it a big shameful secret because everyone will think you’re a Filthy Crack Addict, even though your GRAMPA got thrown in the drunk tank every friday & saturday night and he was still an upstanding citizen providing for his family, because back in the Good Ol dayz you could still have One Misdemeanor and not have your Life Ruined.

Not speaking from Personal Experience, but I know perfectly FINE people who have, and they shouldn’t be treated like MONSTERS or PEDOPHILES or FELONS or MURDERERZ or UNEMPLOYABLE INTROVERTS (hahahaha), and I am certainly very against this BIG DUI BIZNAZZ. It’s not about Saving Lives like the Madd Motherz Screeching, it’s all about more money for your city to blow on copz cadillac pensionz hahaha. And HR Ditzes (tm The Cap) 30 points dumber than You, screening you out for GoodJobz, even though you’re way overqualified.

Anyway, I agree with Savage that Marijuana is Horribly Destructive and Satanic if you Smoke It All Day Every Day because then you get LAZY; and MJ is the type of drug where it makes you WANT to Use it All Day Every Day, and it’s possible to do just that and still survive…but only at the Bare Minimum. However, I think you can probably smoke it Once A Week and still turn out ok, and that that would prob be better than getting Raging Sh!tfaced Drunk once a week. The End.

The Epilogue: Yep, just drink some Bulletproof Coffee with a Strong Helping of “Magic Butter”, then once you start spazzing out, go into the Weight Room and “Throw Big Weights Around Like An Angry Gorilla” (tm Frost), then once your whole body is exhausted and sore, crawl into the Sauna with a nice little spl1ff and clamb4ke it out for at least one hour, then go and play music and write speeches and figure out sweet STEM equationz, then maybe call in your most Prime Of Youth mate and have a nice relaxed mating session where she sits on top and does all the work and you can take it easy from your Exhausting Workout, then send her off to do her pinterest or etsy or zombiez or nintendo ds fashion gaymz or whatevz, then watch a nice nonzionist movie like Triumph Of The Will (bwahahahahahahaha), play with your kidz if you have any, read to them and educate them and train them in weights and martial arts and engine repair and making sales and being a man. The End.

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On thanksgiving and CHRISTmas, I always fail to remember, our Noncollege Town gets flooded with all the Beautiful, PRIME OF YOUTH College Kidz that Come Home From (Getting Pounded At) College. I went out to a local bar/restaurant and there was a table with 20 College Kids, half of which were beautiful prime of youth girls, half of which were handsome, successful, up-and-up boys. People that Go Away To College, like to the Bigger Party State colleges in the state rather than the closer local ones, Living At Home and not being as Promiscuous in Parents’ Basement. The girls were young and beautiful but still Seeeeemed annoying and dumb and chattering and playing with their phones and blank stares and Whorish Fashion… but slightly “Classier” State College Whore Fashion. White, Too! Many of the Local White Girls DISAPPEAR To College right as they’re STARTING The Prime Of Youth, so for suckers like me, they practically don’t exist, hahaha. What’s left are….White Trash and Nonwhites. I’m exagerrating, there’s still a decent number of white girls left, but boy howdy, would their price be driven WAY WAY DOWN if these OTHER girls were still in town! DAAAMN!

What’s it called again when you have No Energy and No Motivation, No Will to Do Anything? The Horde of Communist Anti-Americans Amng Us call it “Depression”, but that’s a farce, fraud, and a hoax! I call it MORALLY LAZY LOSERNESS. DEAD WEIGHT.  IF YOU’RE A LOSER, IT’S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT, THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, IS BY BLOWING YOUR BRAINZ OUT!



As I was driving at night I was thinking I didn’t have anything against blacks for not being of my race (WHITE), I just didn’t like it when they got together in huge unruly mobs and CHIMP OUT. Now, we can easily say that, On Average, Groups of Blacks are more likely to Chimp Out than Groups of Whites. My question is, how much LESS did blacks Chimp Out in the Segregated Neighborhoods of the Old Jim Crow Days? My point is, people still obviously segregate themselves. To a large extent. A white isn’t going to choose to move right in the middle of the black ghetto. The worst ghetto black probably won’t show enough personal initiative to go to a gummint worker and apply for a house smack in the middle of a white neighborhood (rather, you can get slightly less-worse ghetto blacks to move in black groups into apartments CLOSE TO white neighborhoods, and there the chimping-out problems start to Creep In like a Cancer.)

For example, you probably won’t see a Poor Inner City Black Thug being “forced into” a neighborhood of McMansions where everybody is White or Jewish AND has a masters or better degree, great job, top 15% income or so, Murray’s Superzip Belmont Brahmin Elite if you will. It’s much more realistic if the neighborhood is, say, Solid Vaisya Working Class, certainly even Upper Working Class. Heh. Yes I am interested in the demarcation between Upper and Lower Working Classes, there’s prob a middle in there too haha.

Maybe I’m getting on a Class Kick again. Remember I’m not even a huge Racialist, even though I have had a bit of a Race Awakening, because I still think Sex, Class, and Intelligence are APPROXIMATELY as Important as Race. But Sex, Intelligence, and Race are Hereditary, and Class is a Function of Intelligence and Family, thus, Class is hella hereditary as well. Hmm. Hmmmmmmm.

I was at a pub drinking a cola and eating a sandwich before seeing a Jewish Singer whom I adore and have no plans to stop adoring, when I was Delighted to see two “Girls” safely PAST The Prime Of Youth ™ in that they were clearing past 22 and Their Skin Radiance/Gleam was starting to diminish…..BUT they were still younger than 30 and very, very physically attractive. Got the Biochemicalz Flowing QUITE Handily. This was comforting because it reminded me I’m not LIMITED to 18-22 Prime Of Youth Girls to Satisfy my Manly, if slightly Decadent, Desires. Wouldn’t MARRY em though!

Gotta research Common-Law Marriage. Since I am staunchly against Legal Marriage. But states have laws saying that once you’ve been with a wimminz X years, then you’re as good as married, with many of the forces of zoglaw behind that. But it differs from state to state, wrt to number of years, and the penalties involved. I guess a good easy rule of thumb is to ALWAYS have a separation after 5 years. Just MOVE OUT. Of course at this point, 5 years is unthinkably long for Committment To Any Wimmin, although The Power Of The Pedestal (not the Pvssy Per Se!) can make a man do funny things with HIS most important Natural Asset: His COMMITMENT.  NEVER GIVE THAT AWAY FOR NOTHING!

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great search term brought someone here: “MRAs are bitter because women get to choose their mates” . Maybe. You got a point there, searcher, albeit a bit crude. This is why I believe in Game/Charisma: Men must develop and perfect THEIR ability to choose THEIR mates, rather than hang out by the wall at the dance and WAIT to get picked by the Ugly Girl after all the Tall Handsome Charming Athletic Leaderly Charismatic Men have been chosen.

So I might be A Little Racist; But I don’t HATE Nonwhites for being Nonwhite; BUT I might also be A Little White Supremacist and believe that As-A-Group, The White Race is a More Evolved, More Intelligent, More Moral, and BETTER Than the Black Race, but I don’t hate blacks for it, in fact maybe even PITY them for it, and recognize that an individual black CAN be as Good as some individual white; but the main thing you CAN say about ME is that I’m Generally Against Mad Multiculturalism – the state essentially FORCING very different groups of people to live together. I say Resegregate the races and all races will be haaaaaappier. Crack down on Illegal Immigration, even Legal Immigration. Use Our Taxpayerz Money to Monitor and Punish Employers who Illegally Hire Illegalz. The End.

Lights were off at 6:30pm last night! Paleo Bedtime. I established that I need the Upper Limit of Sleep – 9 hours – and will make Big Sacrifices to get it: social life, hobbies, wimminz. Because the sacrifices are WORTH IT, because the cost of not getting 9 hours of sleep is THAT bad. BUT: Morally Lazy Loser Depressed people would want to sleep 24 hours a day if you let them, and I do have a little bit of that. BUT the Greedy Plutocrat Medical Establishment might be lying to you about both Sleep AND “Depression” just like they lie about CANCER! So they can SCARE you with CANCER, make a MILLION bucks off your cancerous body, then you DIE in  6 months or one year or 5 years or 10 years of CANCER, when you coulda just CURED yourself of CANCER with a DR HULDA CLARK ZAPPER and eliminating TOXINS from your diet!

Ok was reading something, possib a comment on West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) that American Renaissance and/or Jared Taylor referred to anti-semites as “DEGENERATES” or “DEPRAVED” or something else that could be construed as JT/AmRen being Soft On Jews. Jewlovers. Shabbas Goys, hahaha. I don’t know. I guess a quick internet search “amren jews” might help.

OK. had a breakthrough. On Day 48 of Rejection Grief. It’s not Grief over REJECTION, THAT probably only took 21 days or so. It’s MUCH moreso a Struggle To Destroy The PEDESTAL. A pedestal that was 100 MILES HIGH. And I can only take 1 mile off it per day. Thus, 100 days. This makes a lot of sense, considering it WAS a BIGASS Pedestal. At LEAST 100 Miles. Proverbially. So yeah every day I destroy 1 mile of it, and that’s nothing to sneeze at… until I remember the pedestal was at least 100 miles tall anyway. Heh. I considered that I might have to increase 100 days to….120 days or so. 4 months. why not.

Chapter 8 For My Heirz: How To Destroy The Pedestal Once You Realize It’s Not Really The Rejection Per Se That’s Crushing You

Uhh take 100 days and at the end of each day cross off that day’s number and say, “I have now gotten one day closer to destroying the pedestal, today I went from destroying the pedestal 50% to 51%, good job me.” Recently I passed day 50 and thought “does that feeeeeel right? does The Pedestal Reeeeeally Feeeeeel 50% gone?” It’s gone a little bit, but not yet 50% I don’t feeeeeel. So: let’s say 30%, that’s closer. 30/50 as 100/x. 30x = 50*100 = 5000 / 30 = x = 500/3 = 166.66667 days To Fully Destroy The PEdestal.  167 days. Yikes. OH WELL. At least I can do Almost The Bare Minimum Of Life, which, while unfortunately does not include Optimal KareeeeeerBuilding, it thankfully includes Not Getting Fired, not dying on the streets, not getting Raeped In Jail, not having cancer or aids, etc etc. NOT BAD UH?

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