Tag Archives: Fagspeak (tm BKC)


time machine oct 04 2012

[live commentary april 2013 : ok let’s start Assuming that Small Nuances have changed since the conception of these Old Posts. Small But Important. ]

Let my Life be a Cautionary Tale that MOTIVATION (faggy word) is IMPORTANT AS F00K. If you have Low Motivation, fix it IMMEDIATELY. Unless you’re Low-IQ. Then you couldn’t go anywhere in life anyway. But being High-IQ with Low-Motivation is real bad. Real faggy. Fix it now. I will try to help you with that, as I try to help myself.

[know what’s a good motivation? not dying on the streets! having a sense of self-respect! being able to hold your head up high! not being a leech vampire parasite on others! Being a Real Man! Being a respectable member of your race and not a shame to your race!]

Wimminz: At their Smartest, they’re just PSEUDOINTELLIGENT LEFTISTS. At average, they suck-up Low-IQ Trendz like they were Big D!x. What a Sh!t Sandwich, uh?

[yes I still agree with that! BUT now I am more compassionate to Women of my Race: Something Of Value Is Being Lost. Instead of getting angry at them I feeeeelz bad for All Of Us as a whole because they have been Poisoned.]

Entitlement. Always a controversial term. IMHO, Most ie Avg ie Beta Men ARE “ENTITLED” to E-Z Access Sex BECAUSE:

1. Wimminz are Stupid and Annoying and you should be compensated for suffering thru that

2. They’re promiscuous as f00k and have been defiled by MANY men with MUCH less time and effort.

Period. QED.

This does NOT mean you are ENTITLED to use violence or Force to get Sex.

It DOES mean you ARE entitled to get angry when you DON’T get sex. Just don’t use violence or force to get it. That’s Immoral. You’re better than that. Just use Game. that’s NOT Immoral.

[heh. Istill agree with that BUT to even USE the WORD Entitled is faggy. Jish. Besides, being So Obsessed With Sex as to write an ENTIRE POST about it, is inherently Jish Perversion! And EVEN WHEN Women of YOUR race are brainwashed to eagerly DEFILE themselves, it does NOT follow that YOU should ENJOY defiling them TOO!  Though I will allow you to enjoy defiling them once in a while.  Not sure how often would be acceptable. Let’s tentatively say once a month. Better than Jish Pornography!]

Now, this is prob gonna get me thrown into Thought Prison by the FedZogz, but I’m Warming Up to Violence. Sometimes Violence is Justified, necessary, not immoral. Like in a War for the Safety of Our Nation. But I’m NOT advocating anyone go out and try to violently overthrow the gov’t, or do Breivik-style Domestic Terrorism! That wouldn’t work anyway!

[OR to do Oscar Yaeger Style One-Man Race War. I’m not encouraging that either. or Any kind of Terrorism. Not sure what I was getting at here, other than Violence is not Inherently Evil, though it can easily be used for evil. It can also be used for good, or to defend Good. And When TSHTF, which uhhh 50% chance will NOT happen in our lifetimes, though our lifetimes Are Setting The Foundations Thereof, you better hope your Descendants are not so scared by Violence that when Violence approaches and threatens them, they are not too SCAWED to return fire with fire.]

When I see a Young Girl in the Peak of Youth (18-21), I 60% of the time, see a Pig who’s taken too Manny Cox. And that’s a SHONDE.

[It IS a SHONDE that You Know Who has perpetuated Social Machines – Media, Gummint, Finance, Education – which encourage Your Women to become Pigs! Grieve for them, and Never Forget Who did it to them!]

If there’s any Young Wimminz in your social circle, don’t shy away from the topic of their Promiscuity! If you haven’t seen them in a month or longer, start your reacquaintance-conversation with “SO, TAKE A LOTTA D!X LATELY? ” They’ll wither before your boldness, and spread their 455es for you if they haven’t already, which they should have!

“GOOD JOB, SPREADY MCA555PEADER!!!!” you can then compliment them.

[ this is WAY too decadent a course of action to take with Your Own Wimmin. If you HAVE to be THAT decadent, I guess make sure it’s with young Khazars, hahahahaha. Try not to be this decadent and cynical, Then you become like the Wimmin you’re shaming, more importantly, you become like The Poison that Poisoned Your Women!]

There’s a valid idea that Wimminz from FREE “Dating” sites like OK Cupid and Plenty of Fish are lower quality / higher number / uglier / crazier / worse than the Wimminz on PAY site like match and eharmony. And that OKC/PoG Grrlz just like ATTENTION whereas Pay-Site gurlz are more serious about actually MEETING you, and when you do meet them,

they’ll prob have a Lower Number and/or be more mentally stable. Maybe. Because the rationale is, they’re paying, you’re paying, everybody’s more serious. Or do they pay? I know the minz pay for the privilege of Having A Chance at Real Wimminz.

But yeah. Like the email from the young man asking Private Man for OKC Advice, or Wimminz and his horror stories about PoF, I just think: CONSIDER THE SOURCE, BABY. It’s a f00king Circus Sideshow of Freakz. (Tool Song?) Or like this guy on MGTOW Forumz sez, “Play Crap Games, Win Crap Prizes!”

But where prostitution is not legal and you’re a 50 year old man who just wants some quick, easy, filthy tail, I can Totes understand!

[ the constant drumbeat of, once you Awaken To Race, none of this neurotic jish kind of sex-talk really even MATTERS anymore. you don’t even think about being some Sleazy Phony to “Get Tail.” You awaken not only to Race but also More Fully to What It Means To Be Man Or Woman, which is what the Nobler Game Thinkers are talking about. You know in

your Marrow that being A Good Strong MAN is more important than “Getting Tail”, and once you become a honest decent strong good Brave Bold Manly Man, A Proud Male Specimen of your race, then you’ll never have to think about or TRY to “get tail” ever again!

okay with all the commentary this post is getting superlong, so go take a break at this halfway point. and enjoy an educational picture too.:














also I just found this great thing on Archive.org of all/most of William Luther Pierce’s broadcasts for American Dissident Voices. There is that other classic thing with 308 audio files, and yes you should listen to all of those, but this pdf/text has all of those AND MORE. The OTHER ones.


yep this one is so good, I might have to put it in the sidebar.

And another great Pierce speech I don’t think was in the 308 speeches, “Why Marriages Fail.” Breddy Much an MRA speech, hahahaha. Use it to awaken your Conservative MRA Friends to the Even Bigger Red Pill Picture. He doesn’t even say the J word here, hahahaha.



Went to bed super early with the intention of getting 9 full hours of sleep. Woke up feeling like a Testosterone BAUSS. Full of libido and good Humor.

[yes sleep is VERY important. one SHOULD Make Sacrifices to get More Sleep.]


Dear Mr. von Trier:

You are one of my Cinematic Heroes who is still alive and I would love to be your Assistant. I would need to get paid enough to get health care and live in the worst part of Copenhagen, or Kobenhavn as the Danes call it. I know it’s a Marxist Hellhole, but could it be any worse than Oslo, and besides, even the most Marxist Scand nations are nowhere

near as bad as Spain or France or Greece, why is that, or could they be in 20 years, I dunno. And I know Roosh sez Danish girls are awful, but they’re prob marginally better than American girls. I have watched a ton of Scandinavian movies and can sorta understand the languages, although I’m pretty sure most Danes speak English anyway.

[heh. who cares about ROOSH, and who is really that Sex Obsessed that the “Easiness” of a Country’s Wimmin is a selling point. If anything it’s a symbol of how Decadent, Degenerate, Pornified, Jified, Rotten the country is! And in that respect I hear most of Scandinavia is breddy bad! But there are also Awakened People over there. I predict things are gonna get

REALLY BAD in Scand WITHIN our lifetimes, no more will it be the Idyllic Lily White Socialist Paradise, but it will increasingly become a Violent, Bankrupt, Sh!tskinned Hellhole, and they will not be able to deny it. Anyway Roosh is a smart guy and he’s really not THAT bad and I still read the Roosh Forums once in a while, he is honest about wanting a

Traditional Lady…but I wonder if maybe he has finally poisoned HIMSELF with Too Much Male Promiscuity, which is really not that common. Even taking into account that Men ARE allowed to be More Promiscuous than Women. Anyway I would like for Roosh to become More Racist. I know there was an Anti-Racist Post on his newer blog Game Of Kings

(name?) it was Really annoying because it said Race was Totes Unimportant to A Man, and that Getting Tail was The Most important thing to a man. Breddy Jish thing to write, amirite? But Roosh did not write that article.]

My qualifications are, I’m willing to work 80 hours a week, I know what makes a great film, I know You make great films, and I would just be happy to be doing your bidding provided it was a steady job and I was getting paid enough to live and send some back to my family, that’s very important – they took good care of me and I want to at least try to pay it back. And go see the Danish Doctor once in a while for my gluten and anaemia and cancer checkups and testosterone.

No, I don’t have a Film/Art degree like You do, but I think we would otherwise see 90% eye-to-eye. And I would unfailingly jump through Hoops for you and put the Job first; as this would be a VERY meeeeeeeaningful careeeeer for me, to work with one of my favourite filmmakers.

I appreciate your controversial remarks getting the loserz at Cannez all fired up, and I would gladly make Press Junkets around the world to make similar remarks on your behalf, fully appreciating your fear of flying, and definitely Increase Profit for Zentropa. (Europa?).

[His film-company does some really Jish stuff. Indeed LVT grew up thinking he was a J.  But I think he made some really politically-incorrect comments possibly involving the You-Know-What.  I still like LVT’s movies & I’d like to think he would be open to an Awakening. I like that he is always having some sort of Personal Moral Struggle.]

I would happily do all Your tedious grunt-work.

Please email me at blabla dot com to set up an interview.




Hmm, I might have to TRY a little HARDER!

“will be paid wages during training, except for the first 6 months”

kinda big. kinda high-profile. Lotsa supply of Free Work from Danish Harvard students. Was hoping for a Tiny Company but with Lotta Money to invest in Nonharvard people, hahahaha. Gotta Pay Yer Dues SON!

Zentropa UK in Glasgow. That’s in Scotland!

Yet I fully agree that Companies Have The Right to Hire Tryhards, Companies SHOULD Hire Tryhards, and what better way to Prove Your A Tryhard (sic, hahaha) than to work for free for 6 months.

OK. US Fed Min Wage is 7.25 an hour. Times 40 hours a week. Times how much would be a Good Tryhardship? I’d say 3 months. That would be $3480. That’s how much Value you’re Adding. I would much rather just BRIBE the company with that money up front. 6 months would be slightly under 7 grand, I’d just give em 7 and call it even. I’ve done this calculation before, the dollar value of A Tryhardship (use that word!), and used it to calculate my Bribes. I guess it’s more about the time than the money.

Was reading in my Bible “The Bell Curve” that the dollar value of higher Very Smart people vs hiring just plain old dumb Smart People is Astronomical, in terms of the vastly improved productivity the Smartest Elite bring to their work. So If you can get somebody from the 99th percentile, that’s WAAAAAYYYYYY better, in concrete $$$ term$, than someone from the 98th percentile – MUCHHHH bigger than those “close” numbers might suggest to The Dullard.

Moral of the story: if you’re lucky enough to be A Smart, you HAVE to go to Harvard, or you’ve wasted Your Potential. Smart people are SUPPOSED to go to harvard.

Remember: Third-Tier Colleges GET FOURTH-TIER JOBS. AT BEST. And don’t even get me started on the TAIL!!

[ Heh. I was “In A Dark Place” then, so poisoned by The Poison that Young Tail was my GOD, and that everything else served that master: your career, your Education that leads to that career, that it’s all about getting The Hottest, Youngest TAIL, and as Much of It as you can. Heh. when you start seeing things more thru The Lenses of Race, than through the Lenses of Sex/Gender/Nonrace, do you see how this is a Bad Attitude for Men to have about Women, ESPECIALLY the women of their Race, whom they would like to Mate with?

Also, I know for a fact you can go to a Third-Tier Toilet and still get a Third-Tier Job, hahahahaha. It boils down to Personality and Work Ethic a lot too. Lemme just say I know White Men who went to “Third Tier Toilets” and got Jobs that ANY White Man would be happy to have, and not even with Grad Skool!]

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[ time machine july 28 2012.  this was originally the first one in my BETA POWER series of Empowering Betas. Now I mixed up the order just to try to confuse myself. the order is irrelevant.]


Would like to touch on that. THAT Differentiates and Value-Adds MY blog, haha. Yes I make fun of betas, but at core I sympathize and sometimes even EMPATHIZE with them, I’m just a big beta myself sometimes, and I want to EMPOWER Betas to become WINNERS: to make money and bang a ROTATION of young tail.


Another thing from watching “KissingOnTheMouth”: The REASON these betas are so passive-aggressive and Niceguy is that Showing Your ANGER is one of the LAST TABOOS (next to RACIAL REALISM, hahahaha!). IMHO, Direct Verbal Aggression and Anger are WAY preferable to disingenuous passive-aggressiveness. This is all a result of Wimminz Shaming Anger as “Creepy” and “Insecure”. So it becomes The Vision Of The Anointed (heh, just got the Thomas Sowell book in the mail today finally!) that Anger Is So Bad And You Must Never Show It, you must never BE anger, and DENY your anger at every turn. So then you get people trying to act happy and nice even though they’re clearly not, and it comes across as hugely dishonest and stupid and f4ggy.

Sh1t. Just Get Angry Already! You don’t have to Physically Assault anyone! It’s just as innocent as raising your voice and frowning and saying “I’m f00king ANGRY at you right now!” Simple as that!

You get ANGRY because something is WRONG; and either you’re wrong about that or something else is wrong. But IMHO being HONEST and OPEN about your ANGER allows you to confront and SOLVE the problem directly, whether the problem is with You (as Wimminz would have it be), with The Other Person, or the situation, or twist of fate, etc.

Better to be Honest and Angry than Dishonest and Passive-Aggressive. YES this is nothing new, I’m RECYCLING ideas, yet I still feel like I LEARNED something by watching that movie and seeing that. It was the scene where Swanberg and the main girl Ellen were arguing about something, about 50% thru, trying to pry information out of each other. He was clearly angry but trying gayly to hide it and came across as a spineless passive-aggressive beta.

It’s like they FORGOT HOW to become angry; it’s been BRAINWASHED out of them; they have been nurtured OUT OF their basic nature…..OR HAVE THEY??


also partially inspired by “KissingOnMouth” and Beta Men therein, considered wrt Nature vs Nurture, which in many cases is Too Close To Call, or even Too Close To Even MATTER;

Do Millennial Western Men become so Beta, so Feminized, Emotional, Passive-Aggressive, Clingy, Needy, Emo, Faggy, BECAUSE they’ve been NURTURED that way by Marxist Father-Hating Mothers & Nanny State & Fathers Squeezed Out Of Picture?

OR: Do men need the NURTURE of a Strong, Unemotional, Masculine Father to become the “Emotionally-Distant” masculine stereotype? And that NATURALLY, both boys and girls are about the SAME emotionally, ie, both quite emotional and not afraid to SHOW it?

But then why would Modern Wimminz be LESS emotional than Modern Minz? (heh, that’s my brilliant addition to the word I constantly steal from WimminzBlog.)

Did I read about a study where baby boys CRY less than baby girls? Dunno. Yes, Yes I did. I also read a study that said Men were superior to Wimminz in every possible way and that if Wimminz would join harems for Betas who would then become WORLD-IMPROVING alphas.

So I’m asking, What IS the actual Natural NATURE of MAN? To be more emotional or more unemotional? It ALMOST seems to me that being more emotional is more natural, as it seems natural to express things unfiltered, and unnatural to hold back and censor or even CONTROL yourself. Heh. Jeez. Rabbit hole. But Self-Control can obviously be a useful and honorable trait. AND I myself am quite emotional so there’s my own personal bias. Maybe I’M the Unnatural Abberation!

Dunno. Most Wimminz Take Too Much C0Ck and Chug Too Much Kvm for me or anyone to take them seriously. Maybe this IS the Natural State of Wimminz, and they need the Nurture of Shaming to Push them into the Straight & Narrow & thus Honorable.

My other big point is that people can be effectively BRAINWASHED (ie ubernurtured) to do things even clearly against their nature. Sex slaves, prisoners of war, Salo Sadistic Fascism, enslavement to a Leader, etc.

But my question is, free them from this mind-control, and how long before they revert to their original nature? Do different types of brainwashing STICK better than others?

Why is is SO difficult for an old dog to learn new tricks, esp re “Late Bloomers” in life who, if they’d developed good habits before the age of 18, would have had a MUCH EASIER time keeping the good habits & becoming Winnerz?

Day 1 of Cutting Back On Caffeine for the 9,000,000,000,000th time, on the rationalization that it makes me Crash unless I drink a Steady Stream of many cups of coffee ALL DAY LONG, which is obv not good. Otherwise I go to bed at 8pm and don’t feel like doing ANYTHING & limbs feel like lead, not a good Recipe For Success!

So, trying 1 cup of coffee in morning today and THAT’S IT. Might try to “nurse it” ALL DAY LONG. Dunno. Typo guy who can chug a bigcuppa and then go right to bed. NEVER ANY ENERGY TO DO ANYTHING EVER. Could be a GLUTEN thing, hahaha.

What amuses me is when Wimminz accuse men of having “TRUST ISSUES.” [dec 2012: fagspeak] It’s STUPID to TRUST someone who CAN’T BE TRUSTED! It’s STUPID to trust a Dishonest, Phony, Hypocritical, Lying, Cheating person! At BEST Wimminz are FLAKES – you can’t Trust FLAKES either!

It took me too long to figure out that whenever Wimminz criticize Men – trust issues, mommy issues, too insecure, too creepy, angry, passive-aggressive just be friends – they’re PROJECTING their OWN insecurities. On the average, Wimminz are 9,000,000,000,000 times more insecure than men, that’s why Wimminz are always calling MEN Insecure. F00K THAT Sh1T!

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[time machine from JULY 29, 2012, hehehe. Anyway Beta Power And Beta Sympathizing (more like Beta Empathizing! Iiiiii’m an EMPATH (Fagspeak) was a small series I wanted to do. As a Recovering Beta I want us strong alpha Warrior Men to teach our children well and not become Feminized Western Males. BETA REHAB.]

Betas Gonna Beta, but they definitely are not DUMB. Their Pvssy SLAVERY might be overcome if the Wimminz took TWO MINUTES to use his Favourite Drug to Train him in a more positive way. She wants him to be more “manly”, that’s actually the one idea she has that isn’t a complete CROCK, because it WILL prob benefit him to be more Manly. (Provided it’s not the “Man Up” Be My Useful Slave version, but just being A Man’s Man. More training/education, from caring MEN like myself, will be needed to make sure the Man chooses this wiser path).

So this shows how little PATIENCE Wimminz have for Betas. They won’t even give a beta TWO MINUTES even when he’s an Intelligent Fast Learner and they’ve got the One Thing that can motivate him most! They hate betas SO MUCH that it’s one strike and he’s gone, which just worsens his Betaness.

OR: Think back to when you had a Real Good Bang with one of the MORE Attractive Wimminz you’ve ever banged, where she was at least a 7, and you were really into it. After you blew yer l04d all over her lip-smacking face, you probably felt like the Biggest Man On Earth. That feeling of Profound Masculinity needs to Permeate you at all times, not just when banging Attractives. Because we know that Betas can lose an Attractive after only a few measly bangs because they “screwed up by not being manly enough” & the wimminz wouldn’t give them a second chanced. So clearly this sense of Postbang Manliness must wear off quickly for these betas. You gotta force it out if you want another hit of your drug. Fake it till you make it.

You’ve heard stories of the person who does heroin for the first time and then they’re IMMEDIATELY ADDICTED because they think it’s the BEST THING EVER, then they throw their lives away on heroin or cheaper more available opiates, and it’s never as good as that first time they’re always hopelessly chasing. This is what it’s like with Attractive Wimminz and the Beta, except if he’s a bad enough beta, he can’t even get a CHEAP SUBSTITUTE. A 6 is not a cheap substitute for a 7; a substitute MAYBE, but DEF not CHEAP. One of the WORST things that can happen to a gameless beta is for him to get “undeserved” action from a 7+, to get “lucky” as it were. Doesn’t happen that often, doesn’t even happen once to every beta. But if it does, it can make Recovering from Betahood even more difficult. But not impossible!

So. Just Trying to Figure Stuff Out. Men universally want YOUNG Women, Ie, PEAK, IE, age 18-22 or so. That is IDEAL. ALL Wimminz attain this age and are at their most attractive then. 100% of them. On the other hand, Wimminz universally want ALPHA men, which is a VARIABLE quantity – NOT ALL MEN ARE ALPHAS. It’s always a PERCENTAGE and it’s HYPERGAMY that determines where this percentage cutoff is.

Regardless there are still generally Alpha traits (MANLY), so that if a guy is more alpha than beta, you can generally tell pretty soon. IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. He’s famous or really good looking or athletic or tall or popular or rich or high-status or socially-dominant, etc. NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. NO NEED TO SPLIT HAIRS. You can usually tell if a guy is more alpha or more beta within a few minutes, if not a few SECONDS. So can Wimminz. Even Moreso.

Thing is, whether wimminz hypergamy determines only 5% of men or 10% or 20% of men are Alpha, it’s always a MINORITY. Usually. I’ve gone with 80/20 beta/alpha, meaning betas outnumber alphas four to one. Not a hard and fast rule, maybe it’s three to one. But it’s DEFINITELY not two or one to one. OK?

Not ALL men can be alpha, but ALL men WANT the SAME thing: 18-22 year old girls, OR barring that, at LEAST a 7. ALL WIMMINZ want an Alpha. So it’s only LOGICAL that SOME men are going to have to FAKE IT to get what they want. This is my tentative response to those of the anti-gamers who say “But you’re not really teaching men how to be better people, you’re just teaching them how to Fake a Phony Persona To Get Laid.” So I say, the ends justify the means.

But I see what you mean. I SYMPATHIZE with the BETA. I don’t see how a Regular Goodguy (gonna start saying Goodguy instead of Niceguy cuz I think it conveys my meaning more accurately, plus “nice” really means “stupid!” ) can POSSIBLY be as repulsive to Wimminz as an Unnattractive Wimminz is to a Man, but I guess that’s Biological. We can either complain about it or we can DO something about it.

I have no problem admitting my own Betaness, in fact I DO have a problem admitting it TOO much! I was born a Beta – small, introverted, and grew up a beta – introverted, meek, socially awkward, unathletic, shy, lazy. I don’t Work Out enough, have a Soft Tummy, have a Receding Hairline, have a Low-Status job, etc. There are some aspects of Beta we can’t change but other aspects we CAN.

Also I think being a Beta is more inherently GOOD than inherently BAD. Betas are more likely to take care of their children. Maybe that’s the Beta’s PURPOSE: take care of the children while the Alpha Father runs off and sires more heirs. Also, if Wimminz DE-SELECT Betas for mating, how come there’s so much Betaness Today? Because like I just said: not all of Betaness is Biological. A lot of it is social. See: Leftist, Liberal, Modern society.

So I’ve grown to view Being Beta as a Point of Pride, Hell YEAH I’m a Beta and Proud of it; rather an ALPHA pride about BEING beta, which I have summed up with my Slogan BETA POWER! This is my protest against Wimminz making betas Pretend to be Fake Alphas just to get stupid tail. If wimminz were SMART, they’d see how AWESOME Betas are. Well, some betas. Not the REALLY Whiny Niceguy ones.

But that’s the thing I never understood about the Friendzone. 1. If the Wimminz can’t see that this beta obviously WANTS her, she’s RETARDED (& I think most Friendzoning Wimminz DO recognize it, they just LIKE THE ATTENTION, and that’s awful) 2. The Beta keeps coming back for more. That’s why I’m never in the friendzone. If I get Friendzoned, I just UP AND LEAVE AND NEVER SEE THE WIMMINZ AGAIN. So even if the Wimminz likes the Attention, YOU still hold enough power to END IT RIGHT THERE.

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[ dec 2012: gotta do “flashbacks” every 2 OR 3 days just to clear these out. Long Term Strategy. I’ve concluded 600 words is best length for average post.  will “pretty much” have to post one every day then. now some of these flashbacks are longer bc I wrote them well before making the 600 word rule. like this one from oct 04 2012. note to self, should do a Previous Blog Grecycle Post again, hahaha. ]

[april 2013: and i will be doing april 2013 commentary too, because alot of this Time Machine Sh!tpost is very representative of the MORAL K CANCER I was SUFFERING from at the time, and gratefully since have been cured of.

this is one part of a three-part series I had done back then glorifying Betas. Kinda presenting My Own Positive Definition of Beta. But everybody has their own definition of “Beta”, so You can spin it whatever way you want, good or bad.

Whenever a Time Machine Post like this slips out, I will TRY to do some quick Real-Time Live Commentary to show what has changed since then. Heh. Things have gotten a Lot Better All Around since my Racial Awakening!

so just assume everything and anything with these Square Brackets around it is Real Time Live Commentary from whatever month it actually is.]

I Will always have great sympathy for Betas because I used to be the world’s WORST Beta. No Fake. I can top them all. Supplicating, Needy, Orbiting, etc. I’ve been there. Manny lifetimes ago, I once almost BEGGED a (Brahmizog K!ke) Whore for a HUG because I was upset about her cutting me off, which it only took the slightest whiff of Action to get me to Fall In Pedestalizing Luv.

[this is why Betas need to hammer out an Early Termination Penalty of X0 Bangs, so the Decadent HamsterWimmin knows there are Consequences to Actions, hahahahaha. Back in the Good Old Days, a Wimmin would be severely frowned upon if she Dumped A Guy shortly after starting S’ual Relations with him. This only makes sense! And when then Converse happens with Today’s Betas, it’s troubling. But easily fixable with this Early Termination Bangs Negotiation!]

There’s a “GAPING WOUND” for a Little While after that (not really! that is an overstatement by Your Haters and Shamers), but just because you can objectively, coolly say that someone is a Whore doesn’t mean you STILL have a Gaping Wound, despite what Feminist Marxist Whores say! Don’t ever LISTEN to what they SAY.

I drill it into YOUR head, because I needed it drilled into MY head to overcome Beta, and I still benefit from the drilling. Red Pill Drilling.

Not 100% sure where betas get their disney fairy tale white knight princess pedestalizing from. Disney cartoons? Mainstream TV/Movies usually portray Whores riding the c0k carousel as without consequences, and betas as comedy relief. Maybe it’s the occasional movie where The Nerd

Gets The Girl in the End, but aren’t these movies not so frequent anymore? (see later [way earlier!] post; I argue Modern SWPL MUSIC is totally faggy; and I got my betaness from Blaq Jewish ZOG Sentimental – though genuinely beautiful & nonfaggy-

Motown Balladz like “My Girl”.) Maybe Betas don’t even NEED any outside influence to teach them to pedestalize wimminz, because Young Men have a Natural Beta Urge to Commit To One Special Wimminz, IF, when they were an adolescent, they didn’t have access to unlimited teen pvssy. So they’re “coming from a place of” (now there’s a great fag phrase along with “pretty much” and “kinda” [i personally coined the term Fagspeak(tm BKC)] ) PVSSY SCARCITY. SCARCITY.

So when they spend 5 minutes with a wimminz who they can’t tell within 5 minutes how big of a whore she is & how EASY she gives it up for Alphas, of COURSE they NATURALLY want to Pedestalize her.

[on music: even rather MASCULINE musicians eg Tom Waits offer a pretty tender, Beta, PEdestalized, Idealized, Beautiful, Pure version of True MOnogamous Love in some songs.  therefore The Ideal Man is a Blend of Alpha and Beta, striking a balance, a ratio, i’ve said this before. IE Manly Alpha men should not be Scawed Of Wuv for the dumb reason that it might make them

more faggy, less manly, then they will pull less of their precious pvssy, all because of Bad Beta Wuv makes you faggy and feminized. That is some K SpergHamster Neckbeard Kissless Virgin “logic” there. Don’t be Scawed Of Wuv, but don’t give it away FO FREE like a Betaboy or a Spreader Neither.]

Whores like Echzmma Watzon. Because they don’t LOOK like whores, they still have that innocent teen face that looks like it’s never even SEEN a c0k before, let-alone been BLASTED-ON by MANY with photo evidence to prove it. Looks can be VERY deceiving.

“OMG you’re such a HATER! You HATE WIMMINZ! You’re a Wimminz-Hater!”

Wrong! I have great DISGUST for Avg Wimminz and the immorality they promote. We HAVE to Take A Stand and Speak Truth To This Disgusting Normalization of Immorality! We Have to say “NOT OK!” when increasingly Our Leaders and Betters and Teachers and Friends and Otherwise Well-Meaning People are saying “yes that’s fine! nothing wrong with that!”

[april 2013 : yep, not very cool how The K had turned me against MY OWN women here. But that’s what the K DOES. the objective factual truth about women, though, is that they are gullible and easily influenced, so you just have to get to them and influence them BEFORE the Immoral International Plutocrats do!]

. [ok go take a break, the Live Commentary added in has made this post Too Long for One Post…..











aaaaaand here’s yer fun picture of the post…







. PART 2: ]

But Prob one day as I get older and Wiser, I will stop getting so Emo about Individual Wimminz doing Whore Things, just say “Cest La Vie,” Enjoy The Decline Poolside, while still of course condemning the Widespread Moral Decay that promotes this Whory.

[WRONG. you can’t enjoy something while morally condemning it. you fight to save those worth saving. But I HAVE become less Emo McGee, Thank You!]

ANNNDDD My Hot-Blooded Slavic Libido Requires A LOT to satisfy. Until I have A Rotation of At LEAST 30 Solid 8’s, I will be Getting Mad about Whores Being Whores. All the more incentive to work on that HUGE Harem of Quantity AND Quality. Then the sooner I can do IMPORTANT things for The Future. It’s pretty hard to get mad about one wh0re refusing your d!ck when you’ve got another hotter, younger wh0re on your d!ck.

[april 2013: slavic=white libido does NOT require such a decadent, excessive, pornographic number to satisfy it. see, in oct 2012 i was still infected by The Poison. i would think 2 or 3 prime-of-youth women at any given time would be MORE than enough for any healthy white man. No need to go OVERBOARD, don’t let your interest in sex KAHNTROL your mind, don’t let it HARM your relz with the potential mothers of your children]

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. That’s enough for today, time to read some blogs, Brocrastinate on Hoework and CareeeeeeeeeerSearch. HAVE A NICE DAY.

Betas: HELL YEAH You’re ENTITLED to be ANGRY! The Whore you’re in LOVE with & would change your LIFE for, but who keeps coming up with dumb excuses not to hang-out with YOU, despite you being in LOVE with her for a YEAR, has DRUNKENLY TAKEN IT UP THE 4SS FROM A GUY SHE ONLY KNEW FOR A FEW MINUTES.

Note: That doesn’t mean you’re entitled to use VIOLENCE against her, but it DOES mean you ARE entitled to Sex from her, just as is basically every/any man, and so thus you’re well within your rights to be a little frustrated and say wtf when she DOESN’T give you that sex within a few minutes.

[apr2013: at that time i was not fully on “my race thing”, AND I was much more obsessed with Sex, and failed to recognize the rel between Sex and Race, namely, don’t hate on women of your race even if they have been corrupted by the bolshevik khazar christkiller. try, within reason, to convert them back, grieve within reason for their lost soul, but don’t let the hate distract YOU from YOUR missions. leave the dead weight at the side of the road.]

ALWAYS hold Whores to that standard: the SHORTEST length of time / SMALLEST amount of Effort it took for them to Get F00ked. So men with better GAME are entitled to MUCH, MUCH shorter/smaller periods? I’d argue they are entitled to Relatively shorter/smaller, but that this should be adjusted along a CURVE: say your game is 50 times worse than the guy who banged her in 5 minutes. So then YOU get to bang her

in 250 minutes, between 4 and 5 hours, NOT never. NOT BAD UH? Besides, Game isn’t even the only factor: there’s alcohol and her HAMSTER and Social Setting to consider, and EACH of those are at LEAST as important as Game: 25/25/25/25. And it’s not likely that Beta Game

is over FIFTY Times worse than Alpha game, or whatever it would take to “justify” languishing in the gayzone for a YEAR: your game would then have to be like 9,000,000,000 times worse than Alpha, and that just does not compute.

[remember betas: friends don’t put friends in the friendzone, because the friendzone crushes souls, and friends don’t crush friends souls. and although betas are being faggy by “falling into” the friendzone by not sacking up and having bad game, the wimmin are MORE to blame for being so blind OR narcissistic such as to not shut down this pathetic, faggy beta supplication. it doesn’t take a she-genius to recognize

when even the biggest Gameless Kissless Virgin is Interested in them. But then some Jified Elite She-Journalists go out of their way to mischaracterize the KV’s as Not Really Liking Them, which does a grave disservice to the KV’s and their feeeeelz. Don’t Let Liars Lie About You. And Don’t Be Faggy and Weak and Scawed of Goils.]

As long as there are Men Marrying Whores, or even voluntarily entering into what they think are monogamous longterm rels with whores, or men TRUSTING whores, I will be talking about how immoral whores are. So as to SAVE Men from them. Moral Decay = Social And Societal Decay.

[that is, i had a big game, mra, manosphere, and sex angle Way Back Then 7 months ago hahahaha, now, NOT SO MUCH. There are much, much, much more important things in life than YO D!CK and B4NGIN B!TCHEZ & HO3Z. Like finding someone you can Trust and Get Along With to be a Good Mother to Your Children.]

[nowadays I might even be backing off of Strict Monogamy Being Best for Whites, and considering the theory that PERHAPS a SMALL, Nondecadent number of wives would work best for A Sizeable Minority of whites.]

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Time machine post from september 2012


I think it’s Uruguayan, that’s a first for me. The main girl was pretty cute, very skinny and frail, I would easily tear her in half and enjoy it at least 20 times. Decent story & decent execution, I just was Not That Into It, the Target Audience, I suppose, is simply people who Like Things more than I do. Haunted Abandoned House, one continuous 79-minute shot, skillfully done handheld camera (not too jittery or obnoxious), I was expecting to like this a lot more, but it was pretty boring. Not BAD though, maybe I just wasn’t in the MOOD. Sure the girl was being STUPID (“why don’t you just run out of the house!”) but that’s to be expected. Just not in the mood. However, IMHO, It’s part of a Horror Movie’s Job to put you in the mood. This isn’t 3 hours of Andrei Rublev or sommat. Still, not unwatchable. Better than Mainstream TV. You can’t even find a corny History Channel “documentary” anymore with the greek guy with the red face and crazy hair  because every channel’s too busy with increasingly retarded “reality” shows. So with TV, I’m “stuck” watching Fox Newz, and even THAT gets old after a while. It’s prob just a Tool Of Zog anyway, hahahahahaha. (Not that Movies aren’t!) Best part was when she loses her lamp and has to use the camera flash bulb to see in the dark, getting a half second of blinding light, then stumbling around in total darkness in between. Played to rather effective horrific effect, fortunately. Not gonna run out and queue the American Remake anytime soon, though.

I don’t have a “Gaping Wound”, I just have a Big Freezing Black Icebox where my heart used to be (remembering vaguely some stupid hit song from about 4 years ago), hahahaha. It’s entirely possible that I could then cause Psychological Baggage to a Nice Nawalt Girl, but I’LL TRY NOT TO. Not like I’m NOT HONEST when it counts. Would not tell a 1% Nice Nawalt that I’d Commit, just to get S. Would just get easier non-committal sex from the 99% Awaltz! KARMA, B!TCHEZ!!

So what do I care if our High-IQ Cognitive Elite are sifted out and shipped away? Don’t I believe that all people are NOT equal, and that Like Should Be With Like, and so shouldn’t the High-IQ’s have their own little enclave, like the J’s and the B’s and the Wimminz? Not NECESS, because I think Race Trumps IQ, and that each race HAS their OWN Cognitive Elite, and they will WANT these people to STAY WITH THEM to provide effective leadership, economic development, etc, rather than be STOLEN BY ZOG to SERVE ZOG & NOT YOU.

Will it get to the point where you have to Master Differential Equations & Organic Chemistry 3 to be a Receptionist? Answer phones, use Word/Excel, schedule appointments? Probably.

Or there will be a Telecom way to Outsource Reception to Cheaper International Labour. How could you outsource MacDonalds cooking & service?

What’s the LOWEST level of Skill OR Education OR IQ that you’ll be able to getawaywith to make an Average OR Living Income? No, not $30 an hour like those greedy public union scumbagz, hahahahaha.

Obviously, Trucking and Trades and physical un-outsourceable things are the best to go into, because it prob won’t be cost-effective to import TRUCK DRIVERS from Chindia. Right?

This brings me back to my original question which has been Destroying My Brain 4Yearzzz: is it ROI-y to get an in-demand degree (Chemical Engineering) from a not-in-demand college (SouthWestern West Virginia State), OR should you just become a welder or truck driver?  (This question is for men only – obv if you’re a Wimminz, you get a degree in something retarded like Special Education or Social Work or Hospitality Reception or How To Get Phat Elbowz)

Weak Battery. The battery does not hold a LOT of energy, it gets DEPLETED QUICKLY and EASILY, so you’re ALWAYS recharging it, but the Full Charge ends up always being pretty weak, and hopefully not getting weaker.

My VALUE-ADD (Fagspeak (tm BKC) ) here is that I’m KindaPrettyMuch (Fagspeak (tm BKC)) speaking to an audience of Prospective SINGLE FATHERS. Men who want to have heirs and raise them up GOOD, WITHOUT the inference of Wimminz. Not PROMISING to do this personally, especially because I don’t have the resources or maturity to raise a Good Heir by myself, and will be a LONG time before I get to that point. Just saying it’s a Valid & Honorable Idea.


I like Nice Buttz on my Young Wimminz, but I can also be a sucker for Nice Long Legz on my Young Wimminz. Gams. Walking Stickxz.

Production on Arghoslent’s “Hornets” beats production on same’s “Incorrigible Bigotry.” Slightly more “organic” on the guitars and drums. IMHO.

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Heh. I am not much of a socializer, let alone in large groups, let alone in majority nonwhite groups, so I was grateful for the opportunity to Socialize in a Majority Nonwhite Group, to test my White Supremacist Theories. Okay there was 9 people: 4 whites and 5 Nonwhites: 1 latino who looked much moreso white than brown; 1 filipino; 3 vietnamese. They were all very nice and friendly. As A Gullible White, I thought this meant maybe All Nonblack Nonarab Nonwhites NonMestizos must be Nice and Friendly! (When I say “mestizo”, I’m prob abusing the term, and what I mean is those hispanics who are visibly more brown than white.)

Then I thought, Hypothetically, what if a White were to move into Vietnamese OR Cambodian OR Thai neighborhood, vs moving into a Black hood? This got me thinking that you could probably Rank Races on how Violent and Unfriendly they had been to Whites. For example, I have this Mental Stereotype that Filipinos are generally very friendly and would be nonviolent to whites if a lone white were to movie into a Filipino hood. But I could be wrong!

And when it comes to Race, I Still can’t Jettison the notion (how’s that for some F@gspeak?) of RELIGION not having any influence. What I’m thinking of now are MEXICANS and FILIPINOS who are VERY CATHOLIC. This would then lead to them trying to live their lives in a “Christlike” manner so theoretically they would get along just fine with Catholic Whites also living in a Christlike manner.

Note to self: investigate “POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH” which I just learned about while reading the intro to “Our Heritage Missal” (can’t remember exact name) at a Slovak (but still Roman!) Catholic Church which was a LOT more Gung-Ho Devout Pious Catholic than the usual Non-Ethnically-Affiliated Catholic Church I usually go to.

The Catholic Church prides itself on being “catholic” aka UNIVERSAL, aka people of all races are all God’s Children, all called to follow Christ, etc, and dividing ourselves into races is a false flag, tower of babel BS, don’t be deceived by The Deceiver. And I can’t say that this argument is BS! No, I’m not a RACE TRAITOR, I’m just a CATHOLIC!

BUT, and here’s the real point, I was wondering about Assyrian Christian (aka Chaldean Catholics) and Coptic Christians and Maronite Catholics and those various national/ethnic versions of the “Catholic” Church, ie, they’re Not Protestant, heck I’m not even sure they’re Eastern Orthodox. They’re Catholic but not necessarily strongly Roman Catholic / Papists….? If I had any energy at all I would do Homework After Asking these questions, hahaha.

But needless to say, I have a Special Interest right now in Churches/Religions that do address Racial or Ethnic Issues.


Better than I expected, maybe B+! Andrew Garfield was better than I expected, his prettyboyness did not overwhelm. Always like Emma Stone, I’d give it to her GOOD. Nice to see Martin Sheen, Sally Field, and Denis Leary. Struck just the right chord with the amount of corniness, sentimentality, and overwrought drama IMHO I expect from a COMIC BOOK MOVIE. Stan Lee is 90 years old and has a cameo. That J is so rich I can’t even imagine, but I sorta respect some like that with his Creative Empire. Decent Life’s Work. But I’m not a Comics fan, I can take or leave. Wouldn’t rule out becoming one in the future though. Like the ridiculous internal and external conflicts of The Superhero. Campbell Scott’s in here too! Great voice, you’ve heard him in many Zog Commercialz. Like to see if he starts resembling his father George C as he gets old. Gotta watch “Patton” again, hahaha. Can’t bring myself to watch the Tobey MacGuire / Sam Raimi Abortionz, and it this reboot is off to a solid start.

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HOPE YOU ALL HAD A Good CHRISTmas with your Families. If you have horrible families then I have pity and MERCY on you. But Welcome Back, I will be posting one a day at 5:15 am for the remainder of the YEAR, haw haw haw. This one is TOO LONG once again, I don’t even want to TELL you the godawful number of words.

Totes Off Topic Sweet Youtube Embed:

WILLIAM PIERCE appears on 60 minutes, “interviewed” by mike wallace. do not portray him too flatteringly haha. connecting him with tim mcveigh etc and then they bring out the SPLC etc. Weird seeing the big contrast between the Ziomedia and some of these antiZio people I’ve been interested lately. They get portrayed as racists and crackpots.

Totes Off Topic Urgent Linkage New Blogroll Addition Sweet New Blog Discovery Edition:


Heh and this is only from the past MONTH hahaha. New Short List Addition. Well at least he went to an Ivy (so he says, can’t tell if sarcastic) but he PROB does have a Good Job, if not a Careeeeeer, and I think he might agree with me that Careeeeers ie the College Career Cartel Cult is Gay Bad BS.
Son Of Brock Landers, saw him commenting on Eradica, and his blog his immediately sweet. Heh. Keep an eye on this guy. Been writing for years. Specific Policy Ideas. SWPL Mocking. I have a feeeeeling he might appear in my 2nd Tier, hahaha.
he also does this other blog which is more about WIMMIN specifically. But I have such a Favourable First Reaction to him that Ima put him in my blogroll immediately, that’s how Fired Up I am about him, and you know I don’t get Fired Up easily, it’s my tagic flaw hahaha. A Wonderful Member of the ERADICASPHERE, hahaha.


heh. used my new decadence toy (ie New Laptop Computer, decent quality, GREAT price, present to myself hahaha) to find a stream of episode 1 online rather than wait for netflix, pay for netflix, wait for the disc to be released, then wait the long wait, then get the disc. internet, whatta thing for the bread and circuses. i could become a real shut-in omega virgin here.

I didn’t come all the way out here to the internet just to fool ya: i really enjoyed the pilot episode. It was hilarious IMHO and Jewham shows all her strengths. a good writer for any age, let alone a 24 year old swpl GURL. I will never like the Generation and Subculture she represents, but I’m starting to think she might not love it either, despite being swept up in it, but I think part of that is the Sad Sack Helpless Child LOSER role she plays, which she fits nicely into. the role she was born to play. but i can appreciate that dunham herself is both smarter and stronger and better than that, plus the loser character succeeds at being hilarious. the show nicely captures the unpaid internship postcollege artist swpl brooklyn stuff that is De Rigeur for some colleges, some grads, and it was a pretty popular lifestyle among the students at my university for sure. I never got into it, and indeed now I’m an outspoken critic of it, hahaha.

But I am glad dunham introduces the FInancial aspect right away, since In The Real World, you’re a fool not to. ADDultKidz Not Making Good Money and with $Fifty Thousand of student loans to pay back cannot afford $2000 a month to live in some sh!tty apt. I liked that Dunhams Parentz were cutting her off, and those scenes were all written very well too. I have been underestimating Dunham as a Comedy Talent, she really is one of the FUNNIER Wimmin I’ve seen in a while. Yes they make the “Sex and the city” reference early too, I thought she was too stupid and arrogant to realize that, but no. The men are either beta faggots who are going to get dumped for being too nice, while dunham falls in luv with the Guy With Game: the arrogant 4sshole who uses her as a Harem “FWB”. Here SHE becomes the beta supplicator. Now the guy isn’t really cool, he’s a huge hypocrite and SWPL too, he’s just comparatively more brash than the Total NIceguy who’s gonna get dumped, and that’s why he gets a harem of girls texting him for sex, rather than being cutt off altogether and marching smilingly towards his execution like Beta Boy. NOw he’s still an annoying brooklyn artist, walks around his messy apt in jeans and no shirt. my jew “buddy” alex karpovsky also appears playing himself: the consummate annoying jew, but he’s confident and full of himself and talkative, and does not seem to be hurting for tail like betaboy.

I will give this episode a Full Blown A, it was both a lot more funny and intelligent than I was expecting. I will NEVER kiss lena dunham’s arse though, but I might work for her on a New York Living Wage. This is very close to the SWPL Comedy Of Manners I’ve been looking for and which Whit Stillman is a bit too old for. Noted that Dunham genuinely LOVES Barry and Stillman is much more politically palatable, leaning towards the right as he does. But I think Dunham is waking up to the Decadence of Her Generation, even if she is decadent herself. also she hasn’t made the connection that betas need not be shamed. she or more accurately her hotter franz just shame and dump betas. but we’ll see how this show goes, would like to see more from the betas. plus methinks that it’s “Easier” to do a tv show than to do movies, and if dunham does a lot of writing, then we can quicker get a handle on her style and her substance. Much like you only need to print out 10 pages of a 9,000,000 page blog like mine to get a 90% accurate picture of what it is.

Thankfully Dunham does not seem to preach the smug swpl antivirtues and social justice ™, if this pilot is any indication, which it Should* be.

I don’t have to think these characters are COOL or want to hang out with them – QUITE the opposite! – to admire and enjoy and find the show hilarious and very well-done. It was JUST GREAT when the Semi-“Alpha” Slob told Lena to BEND OVER and then GOT THE LUBE and then grabbed her by the hair and whispered in her ear “YOU MODERN CAREER WIMMIN, YOU’RE ALL THE SAME, YOU THINK YOU’RE SO STRONG AND INDEPENDENT, BUT YOU JUST WANT A MAN TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO AND BEND YOU OVER AND REAM YOU UP THE 4SS.” And by Lena’s Submission we can see this is TRUE!

I just want her to suck it up even one step further and show that it’s Mommy State and Cultural Antiwhite Marxists who have contributed so much to the Social Construction (hahaha) of the Feminized Western (Beta) Male that appears is gonna be such a big part of her show, and I don’t mind having a cold white light cast on these, HOWEVER I want Wimmin to share as much blame and shame and fault as the Feminised Western Men themselves. WIMMIN, YOU GET THE MEN YOU DESERVE!!!

So don’t knock the show Firepower hahaha I am sure that You like Me will get Perverse Enjoyment out of it.

See they complain that the men aren’t manly enough, and while this is true, these wimmin don’t deserve Real Men. The lesson Betas learn is: simply PRETEND to Be A Man and you will get all the pvssy you want. And if all you want out of life is pvssy, it doesn’t really matter if you ever become a real man or not. Wimmin are too stupid and decadent to know or care if you’re a Real Man or you’re just faking it.

Ok I just watched 4 episodes in a row, because I, like Lena, have no skills that can get me hired at a Real Job, and I can more safely say that Widdle Wena has a gift for comedy. I was srsly LOLing, and not just in a mock the decadent unmarriageable wimmin way, but that she also is good at writing jokes and funny dialogue and characters and situations. Jewex Jewkovsky with his Harelip and Obnoxiousness is also pretty funny too. Was not expecting show to be THIS funny. Good 4 Leeeeeeeena! “You can’t SUE me, you don’t have the wherewithal to be at WORK by TEN am, you don’t have a Sueing APP on your iPhone!” honestly there’s a good number of quotable jokes, which you rightfully don’t expect out of a Modern Wimmin. Any I will try not to waste any more precious blogink on this show like HALF SIGMA or CHUCK RUDD or something (heh jk) because there are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE GOING ON RIGHT NOW THAT MOST PEOPLE JUST SLEEP THROUGH.

Also, gladly, SPOILER The Beta seems to be growing a sack and putting his b!tchy GF in her place, taming the wild hamster. might not last but nice to see him get even a minute of redemption. Also the Virgin Girl is Cute, it’s too bad she’s ashamed of being a Virgin because all her franz are huge godless wh0res of babylon. I MY show she would stay a virgin until she nonlegally marries a man she’s in totes luv with then she starts having babies. JEwbabies. all the characters are h33bz and antiwhite. I promise I will not sell out and become soft. But Jokes, especially jokes about SWPL Decadent anitwhite hipsters, are my achilles heel.

Moral of the story: don’t watch too much TV, even fun semi-intelligent TV,

BECAUSE EVEN THE BEST TV DOES NOT COMPARE TO A LIFE WELL-LIVED. GET OUT THERE AND HUSTLE, SON! HUSTLE! (in the manly move and shake way, not the scammy scheisty way wimminz “hustle” men)

Was Playing Around with the Provocative Idea (“NOTION” is a F@ggot Word) that maybe THE LORD GOD has it in His Plan for Some Men to BE Lazy Losers where their Life Purpose is just to Watch TEEVEE and BLOG and be Underemployed, hahaha, so instead of feeeeeeeeeling guilty about it, the men should give thanks to GOD and embrace GOD’S PLAN FOR THEM. More later. Insert “Belus” or “Baldr” or “Perun” or some other EuroPagan God if you’re uncommmmmmftrble with the “Jewish” God, VARGIE VARG. But this is PROB the Great Deceiver trying to Rationalize a Life Of Slothful SIN by making the Sinner think he is doing God’s Work. God wants Men to DO SOMETHING. Which is understandable. Valid.

The guy who plays Nick Smith the Arrogant Alpha in “Metropolitan” Chris Eigeman (sp?) has a Role in Girls, I THINK he is Leeeeenaz FATHER. Which got me thinking, Gen Y is the children of Gen X. SWPL Brahminz the children of WASP Optimates. NEw Yawk Internz the chillunz of New Yawk YUPPIES. Leeeeenaz the chillen of Stillman. And this “newfound” commitment to sustainability and social justice and making a difference and work life balance and stop corporate greed and anything but MONEY might be a “reaction” against their parents’ generation where the primary criterion of how Good Your Careeeer was was how much money you made? But it’s still about status 15and New Yawk Jobs.

Also funny how he is a Conservative WASP in Metro but a wimpy ass liberal jew in Girls. In 5 episodes there’s been No Mention of Jewishness. Are we to just ASSUME that Dunham is a Jewess? One of those secular atheist nonreligious jews of course. they wait till 30 to discover their jewishness hahaha and make their birthright trip. no starz of david or synagogues in the show. all we have to go on is What She Looks Like, ie, pretty jewish looking hahaha. And knowing that Dunham herself is and identifies as “VERY CULTURALLY JEWISH” (I’ll never forget that quote!) And that her character’s name is “Hannah Horvath” and that sounds hella jewish.

In Hipster Brooklyn 2012, SWPL WASPs and SWPL Jews COEXIST very nicely together, at that point, the whites might as well be jewish.

OK Chris Eigeman actually plays Leeeeenaz Intern Boss at the gay pubzogging house.

Been appreciating Emotion more, rather than always championing Logic over Emotion like I used to, and now acknowledging that Emotion has Its Place, and that stuff like STORIES or novels or fictions can and should engage the emotions. Logic wins the mind and emotion wins the heart. which is why we need stories and storytellers and writers who write stories and characters. Dunham has proven herself to be prob the best storyteller of and about her generation, but I’m not sure what her Endgame is. I would like to see Girls end with her soundly condemning the hypocrisy, stupidity, immorality, decadence etc of her generation; her saying these characters are f00ked up and unredeemable unless they REPENT for their Careeeerism and Promiscuity and Hamstering and Narcissism and Constant Abortionz and AntiManness and Antiwhiteness.  [tm I recall the Kvlt Lousiana Metal Band Acid Bath / Dax Riggs using the word “ANTIMAN” in 1994 “The Bones of Baby Dolls” but I am seizing and redefining the word now as my own new synonym for misandry haha hmm i wanted to shrink this parenthetical text down to a very small font because it’s not really important or relevant and it’s stupid wordpress does not have that on their toolbar, chr!st you have to go into the html, which i certainly CAN do, but even BLOGGER had a font size option LIKE JUST SAYIN N STUFF note to self: use <span style=”font-size: x-small;”> bla bla </span>] NO, not repent to God necessarily, but just be sincerely sorry for their mistakes. “MISTAKES” seems to be a stated theme of the show according to Dunham. So do you really LEARN from the mistakes, and I argue that involves being Sincerely Sorry for them, rather than saying, this is just what young people DO. Anyway I am starting to appreciate Stories and Storytelling More, I can relate, I have a bit of that in me, I used to write a lot of stories before I switched to blogging and whining hahaha.

I would not mind being my own Guest Character on the show who comes out and totally judges all the girls and says I would rather move back to my parents BASEMENT than leech 2 grand a month off them, “Working” an unpaid job. But the show is notable for pointing out how stupid and retarded and gay and godawful Internzhips are. Good For Jewham for realizing what a stupid racketscam they are.

Also interesting is when Leeeeeena briefly works at the Touchy Feely Niceguy Jewbeard’s Office (In MY show, the Male protagonist would have struggled for the entire season just to get interviewed for such a “crappy” job, it would have gone to a Young Girl, and he would have said “f00k this sh!t” and begged his Good Family to let him move into their basement for 900$ a month and save some money, haha) and her coworkers are 10 years older, Gen X while she is Gen Y, but they are CLEARLY Less Educated and More Prole and thus Stupider and Crasser and Lamer. Not the Careeeeeer-Track gen X’ers. At the end of the Day, Educated SWPL 24-year-old Leeeeeena is not much different than them. Woulda liked to see this play out more, but of course SPOILER Leeeeena quits the job, and will probably easily find another steady FT easy boring office job by the next episode. She “should” have had to go to a Prestigious Grad Skool to get the Boring Easy Secretary Job she FLIPPANTLY QUIT in the first place!

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