Tag Archives: Slavs


Polish National Catholic Church is a Breakaway Catholic Church
something about Polish Immigrants to Murka being frowned upon by other White Roman Catholics? Or Poles not being adequately represented in the administration of the Roman Catholic Church? But obviously millions of Polish Poles have no problem with being Roman Catholic, plus the Polish POPE was Kinda A Big Deal, so, I’z confuuuuuzed.

but not necess an Eastern Catholic Church
well Poland itself is full-blown Roman Catholic anyway
but Eastern Catholic are definitely not Eastern Orthodox (Catholic) Church
which are famously not communed with Rome.

I’m sure I learned all of this in my Roman Catholic Religion class in high school buttiforget alot of the deetz. Bad Catholic! Note: The Super-Catholic Slavic Catholic church I visited IS a Full-Blown Roman Catholic church where I could have received Holy Eucharist had I not been in a state of Moral Mortal Sin due to my Moral Laziness (Sloth), Despair, Wrath, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, and Narcissism. Hahahaha.

Speaking of, before I forget, one of the Great Pickup Lines I came up with a while ago is “GIMME A BL0WJ0B.” You gotta try that one out. Just Three easy words. Especially appropriate when the girl has nice d!ck-suckin Lipps.

Note to self: do some research on “Traditionalist Catholics”, Monsignor Lefevbre and his SSPX (Society of St Pius X), the Liberal Modernizations of Vatican 2, how Rome might have screwed Lefebvre or might not have, depending on how nutty he was. But anything where you alienate Hamstery Churchian “Reformed Slutz” Wimminz and actually Demand A Personal Sacrifice is ok by me!

Will take the risk of personally identifying/”OUTING” myself by Exploring My POLISH Heritage and the Broader Polish-American experience, and of course, The Polish Experience. Still wouldn’t be as butt-spreading as the navel-gazing I did on the Previous Blog, WHICH, by the way, I will prob repost excerpts of The Good Non-Butt-Spreading Stuff every now and then so as not to throw out the baby with the bathwater – there was plenty of good stuff there, AND I intentionally Tried A Little on the actual Writing Quality, like doing Proofreading and Tightening and stuff. Now I obviously do NOT.

POINT: Inspired by Chechar’s talk of Secret WW2 History, and What The Allies Did During Peacetime was actually worse than What The Germans Did during Wartime, and the Rape of Berlin and Hellstorm and such; AND how Russia/Soviets were Allies at that time; AND in the Jewish Nature of Bolshevism and Communism in Russia; AND the evolution of Russia from Jewish Bolshevists to American Allies to Stalin to Krushchev and Cold War with the West, it’s all very complicated of course. ANYWAY, As A POLE, I don’t think there’s any Denial What Hitler’s Germany did to Poland, IE Slaughtered them like Pigs. Whites exterminating Whites. White Polish Gentiles getting sent to Gas Chambers and Human Ovenz just like they were Jewz. So you see I can’t Love Hitler TOO much. Even if I suspect the Numbers of The Jewish Holocaust are a bit EXAGGERATED. Do I think that the number of Jewz killed by Germans is…. small medium or large, if not 6,000,000? FOR ARGUMENT’S SAKE, let’s say the REAL number is 600,000. Can we say that Germans killed 600,000 POLES, and if they DID, I would be P!SSED at Nazi Germany, and should thus QED Allow Jews to get pissed as well, right?? Let them have a little bit of whining about their Holochaust? (Albeit 90% Less whining than currently, hahahaha.)

I just remembered I have “One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich” by Solzenitzyn on my shelf, and that I need to do some more HW on Solzenitsyn BUT I would prefer something a little more provocative than “One Day.”

How did the jewish presence in russian governance change over the course of trotsky to lenin to stalin to kruschev and beyond? To put it crudely it SEEEEEMZ like The Stalin Administration is “Less Jewish” than the Bolsheviks of the initial Russian Revolution, although Stalin was notable for being Brutal and Repressive as Fook in terms of Numbers Of Dead Russians and Gulags and such. Heh. You don’t LEARN this kind of History in High Skool, hahaha. You have to Autodidact it 4Yourself.

One thing’s for certain though: we CAN blame the ELEVEN million dead white ukrainians of the 1932 Holodomor on Jews, hahahahaha.

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IMMIGRATION POST (ie the immed previous one!) CONTINUED:

MY POINT IS, THE COOLING-OFF PERIOD, which was not Invented by Pat Buchanan but brought to my attention by him, as he talks alot about Demographics and Immigration. When Non-Anglo-Saxon – but still blatantly WHITE – immigrants came to the us in the early 20th century, namely POLES, ITALIANS, IRISH; OR, moreso SLAVIC than GERMANIC, then the old americans looked at these immigrants as poor barbarians, much as I do today with Albanianz. However, at least a full generation and then some, until The Big Immigration Act of approx 1965 which REALLY flung the doors open wide, there was a COOLING-OFF PERIOD where the brakes were put on and this new wave of immigrants became successfully ASSIMILATED into the Melting Pot. And Nowadays, Slavic-Americans are considered just as American and as WHITE as Germanic-Americans.

Not so with the New Immigrants, who defiantly refuse to Assimilate, Speak English, Act American, Act White, Obey The Law, etc.

BUT I think Most of the “Albos” in my area ARE Legal: many of the younger ones do not have thick Accents but CERTAINLY speak Albanian at home with the First-Gen Immigrant Families. My point is, even though legal and english-speaking, they absolutely have an Albanian Way about them that sticks out: Loud, Gregarious, Boisterous, Macho, Crude, Emotional, Clannish (ie hanging out with mainly other Albanians), often Violent. Very “Ethnocentric” or at least Ethnic Pride, namely Albanian Tattoos or shirts or Stickers on their heavily-tinted car windows.

Now I don’t mind a little (or a lot!) of Ethnic Pride, HOWEVER I want to see that balanced with Proper White American Decorum.

We were playing a public team game where one of the teams were suspected of cheating. One of the teams, not regulars to my knowledge, were named as “TEAM ALBANIA” and they certainly looked it, hahaha. But they were the ones that were cheating. I shook my head.

However, to the Albanians’ Credit, some of them are very, very NICE and Friendly to me, with an Outgoing Warmth that I don’t often see from Whites, but which is prob just an extension of their general Emotionality. But I hope they are not just Faking It so they can gain my trust and stab me in the back later, hahahaha. No.

Now, to the crux of the matter: do Albanians act so Albanian because they’re NONWHITE, or because they’re UNASSIMILIATED? I can ask this because they’re really on that gray area between white and nonwhite. VERY “MEDITERRANEAN” looking. (Although I HAVE seen a couple BLOND Albanians!)

And THEN I thought Of John and Jim BELUSHI. I was shocked to learn they were Albanian. I just assumed they were ITALIAN. But they were clearly very assimiliated, with their parents coming over well before 1965, or possibly even their GRANDPARENTS. It was only a generation or two later, after the fall of the Communism and the Balkan Conflicts in the 1990s, that a HUGE SURGE of Albanians started coming over.

Bottom Line: If The BELUSHIS can do it, then so can Today’z Vulajajez. And once they start ACTING more white, then they will SEEM more white. Like the Italians, hahaha.

But the idea of “ASSIMILATION” jives well with My Beliefs that Sometimes Diversity Can Work, when intergroup conflicts are subsumed by a National Identity….which is INHERENTLY More White than the Parent Country’s.

And THEN I thought how Old Anglo-Saxon Americans would sneer on the brutish, New Slavic American Immigrants, and THEN I thought about how Anglo-Saxons acted in THEIR Home Countries vs how Slavs acted in THEIR Home Countries. And how each group is either more or less “White.” Because I’m interested in the Groups Of Whites and their similarities and differences. Like for example Scandinavians are “supposedly” superior to Italians or Spanish or Greeks or Slavs. And me not really knowing What Albanians Really ARE. They’re not Slavs, so are they related to Greeks? (And at one time, Greeks were Blond and looked like Scandinavians, hahaha.)

FULL DISCLOSURE: WHILE I’m Killing My Career and Coming Out Of the Closet like an Uncowardly White Man, I guess I should say that A Major Portion of My Own Personal White Heritage is Slavic rather than Germanic, so I have an interest in that.

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Also, remember to check out Harold A. Covington and…. something something Rockwell. George Lincoln Rockwell of the American NAZI Party, hahaha.  Lord there are great debates among White Nationalists and all the “different” writers bashing each other, just like in the Game “community” or the MRA “community.” So by now, I just assume that Each Writer Stands Alone and is Hated by Similar Writers, hated by all except the people who come out and say they like so and so. Not sure if there’s a “rule” that sez if you like Hunter Wallace you’re not allowed to like William Pierce then you’re not allowed to like Harold Covington or Greg Johnson or Kevin Strom or whoever, and there’s a million anti and pro factions I can’t keep straight. Prob bc I’m not intimately familiar with each writer yet. I’m still in the learning process and taking notes. And In my BLOOOOGGGG I offer my NOTES to the world. Real Profound uh?


William Pierce talking about his Rel with GL Rockwell, followed by a notable 1966 speech by Rockwell at Brown Univ.

I used to want to “Build Bridges” in all these splintered “communities”, because it seemed pretty retarded: Like WHITE NATIONALISM isn’t enough of its own unique little isolated niche that it needs all the WNs infighting and saying pick MY WN, no pick MY WN, and HIS WN is FALSE WN, he’s a jew, he’s a traitor, he’s a coward, he’s a fag, he’s a liar etc etc etc. I Don’t Care About All That! But Building Bridges now seems like a Fool’s Errand. Waste of Time. You’d be better off watching 9000 hours of FAMILY GUY on TEEVEE. Can’t We All Just Say We’re ANTIMULTICULTURALISTS and Get Along? I guess it’s not that simple. This is why I don’t allow comments, hahaha.

But sometimes the 455Hole Commenter who gets Banned ends up coming up with a pretty good blog of his own, so that’s good. For people who like reading just for the sake of reading. And that’s just as good as Family Guy, hahaha. Mostly Informative but I won’t Lie, there’s a lil bit of Entertainment in there too.

Now if I were Harold Covington I would record an audiobook of myself reading “The Brigade”. One of my personal pet pleasures In Life is listening to THE AUTHOR read their own writing. Recall I really intended for this to be A Vlog like Bern Chapin but I’m too cowardly to put my voice on the internet, hahaha.

Will now be investigating George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Which I guess became “The Order”. And I think is now the ANP again. IMHO going around with Big Swastikas and referring to yourselves as Nazis and saying Heil Hitler all the time kinda limits your appeal. I am slowly warming up to Hitler but Heiling The Swastika is still a little MUCH for me.

Heh. I think what I’m looking for is VDARE.COM. Peter Brimelow, Derbyshire, Steve Sailer, Kevin MacDonald, Virginia Abernethy (always undeservingly forget about her), Richard Lynn. They are more against Ridiculous Immigration than Pro  White Nationalism Per Se; and might be WN Sympathizers like me. People that are willing to talk about Racial Differences but….aren’t as “extremist.” Moderate Cowards and Traitors, hahaha.

But I was thinking again. My area, as I’ve said before, and hopefully this is not Divulging My Identity and thus making me a Google Felon (tm Mindweapon) Kareeer-DOA, is A Hotbed of Albanians. We know Albanians are High On the List of Europeans with High Birth Rates. They are also Very Balkan. Also Very Non Slavic. And they are divided into Muslims and Catholics, despite looking the same. AND they look vaguely nonwhite. I guess if we can call Arabs “Caucasians” then we should call Albanians Whites, but….


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