Tag Archives: integrity



LONG: 2213 Wds

Been hearing good things about this Danish auteur for quite a while, time to bite. He did the acclaimed American movie “Drive” of course, but I wanna wait on that one. Plus I like Denmark/Danes/ the language. Maybe them being so close to Germany is how they get that real guttural “r” sound that sounds more like a “w”, like in the director’s last name. “Wefn”. Plus they like putting letters like f and n together which “should not” be put next to each other. Intradasting.

Wasn’t sure what to expect out of Refn. There was a VERY GOOD documentary in the bonus of this Pusher disc called “GAMBLER”, (outstanding, arguably better than the actual movie!) which showed a review describing him as “The Danish Scorsese” which seems pretty accurate from view Pusher. It wasn’t too artsy, but it was just artsy enough. He really captured the tone well and added just enough humor. Gritty scumbag drug dealers is all it is. Nothing Fancy, but very fun, very entertaining. Not a high-minded premise, but fleshed out very nicely, very honestly. He knows exactly what he wants to do, and he succeeds in doing it. Dunno if I was expecting von Trieryness just because they’re both Danish, but Refn was way less artsy, way more…Scorseseish. Apparently Refn and LVT do not get along with each other.

The view connects readily with all of the characters, the acting is top-notch, especially from the main character Frank. Really a good job there. Not a slow or boring moment. Refn clearly has a Gift For Storytelling. One of the most memorable movies I’ve seen in months, as far as establishing an Auteur and his Style in my mind. I’d been on a serious Aki Kaurismaki kick, but I think I need something more Danish and less Finnish now, hahahaha. I tried to get into Fassbender but he hasn’t stuck in the same way Refn seems to be sticking. I need ADD entertainment, and Refn delivers this in an Intelligent Film Buff way, without being too artsy or Pointy-Headed. I’m gonna come right out and give Pusher an “A”, even though “A-” might be more appropriate over the long-term. I did front-load my queue with a bunch of Refnz. Except for “Drive,” hahaha.

And about the doc “Gambler”: It was not made BY Refn, although it seemed to be his style; it was 100% ABOUT him and gave a very intimate view of his life, that was not all phony and fake like a reality tv show. You really got to know and like and understand the subject. Refn, or “Jang” as his friends call him, not sure what that means.  But it’s a serious look at Refn’s Rise, Fall, and Rise Again, and gives an interesting look at Making Movies in Denmark. Apparently the State doesn’t give you Million$ to make big-budget filmz willy-nilly; there is a signif amount of personal risk, and this is embodied by Refn “The Gambler”, who went BANKRUPT making his Tryhard Movie “Fear X” after initial success with Pusher. Success and Failure. Plus he’s got a new baby at home. And a Wife. See the young Family dealing with Real Financial Problemz. Working with Banksterz, Attorneyz, and Accountants to get out of bankruptcy and pay back the 5 million danish kroner he owes to…I’m not sure to whom he owes it.

I was unaware of any of this, and did not know Pusher 1 was in 1996 and Pusher 2 was in 2005ish and Pusher 3 was a scant 4 MONTHS or so after p2. See, Pusher2 and 3 were part of his Plan to get out of bankruptcy. So there’s the internal conflict of, he doesn’t want to touch what made him famous just to Make Money, because he has Actual Auterish Integrity, but he HAS to make money, so he’s very concerned about making a GOOD sequel. A Main Motif/”joke” is, he’s popping alka-seltzers ALL THE TIME because he’s so stressed. I have no idea how you can Be Creative and Write a GOOD Movie when you’re under this much pressure. He’s worried, but he Pulls Through, he doesn’t fall apart, his True Believerhood in The Power Of Movies gets him through.

I’m not sure it would work this way in Hollywitz, where he wouldn’t bounce back from his initial commercial failure, and just get gobbled up by Bloodsuckerz, and become another Failed Filmmaker.

It was a decent length, at least an hour, when I was expecting a 20-30 minute “making of,” but no, this was a full-blown documentary, and a very-surprisingly good one at that. Made me even more interested in / sympathetic to Refn. Do NOT skip it.

He has Cannibal Holocaust and Texas Chainsaw Massacre posters in his Nice Danish Apartment, but he is not so much of a Myopic Horror Nut where Horror is his Main Thing. Indeed, Scorsese and Cassavetes seem to be even bigger influences. Capturing Really Real Reality, but not in a Reality TV way, or not in an Artsy way, or not in a Documentary way, but in his own way, and convincing the audience that This Is Reality. I have been Convinced Refn is the Real Deal, and worthy of the hype.

I hope his wife does not Take Him To The Cleaners now that he’s successful again and making money. But According to Wiki they have had a second child. I really liked the Home Life aspect of “Gambler”, that he was a “normal” guy with a wife and child (the child is much more important than the wife, OBVIOUSLY!) and not some virgin neckbeard human lampshade sociopath. Not that it takes anything above AVERAGE Social Skillz to Pull’N’Pound Pvssy, but some Film Types have Way-Below-Average Social Skills and couldn’t Pull Pvssy if their LIVES depended on it, and make up the Lowest Divisions of the Omega Hierarchy, like Comic Book Nerds and Computer Game Nerds and Otaku Nerdz. Not that I have anything particularly good to say about Refn’s WIFE, other than she hasn’t scammed’n’left him yet. But he is Really Cool right now. So Hot. But maybe he has a private reason to Trust Her, and for his sake, I hope he’s right about that. I certainly have no reason to trust her!


I liked it. Good sequel. Didn’t live in the shadow of the first. A-, maybe even A for consistency, in which case, #3 def gets an A, because that one is no worse than 2 or 1. This is not how Hollywitz makes sequels. Refn is exactly what Hollywitz needs. A guy with integrity, a True Believer in the Power of Film, who Goes His Own Way and makes Good, Solid Movies. Even when he’s trying to “milk a cash cow”, in this case, making more Pusher movies because he was desperate and bankrupt, he ended up making two great movies and rising like a phoenix such that right now he’s at the peak of his career.

P2 follows Tonny from Pusher 1. Didn’t know how this was gonna play out. IMHO it worked great. Each Pusher film follows one of the “side” characters from Pusher 1 rather than trying to make a “full-blown sequel” of events tacked onto P1. ALTHOUGH Frank from p1 was great and could have carried another Pusher film, although there’s talk of a Pusher 4, and given the trajectory, I wouldn’t mind it one bit!

If LVT and Kubrick are “Story” guys, then Refn is DEF a “CHARACTER” guy (although LVT has been a Character guy at some points, ie Dancer, Breaking, Dogville, ok a lot of the time haha.) ALL THREE of the main chars in p1 are very strong, thus when Tonny and Milo break off into their own movies, we get two more strong movies.


But I think I may have liked P3 a LITTLE better than P2 because: it was a bit darker, especially over the second half; AND I identify more with Slavs, even Southern/Balkan Slavs, than with Danes, even Trashy Gangster Danes. Just slightly. Reading KMac’s Preface to Culture of Critique avail on Cesar’s Appendix to Downfall of Western World where KMac argues that White Europeans have more individualism and less ingroup/outgroup distinction than more collectivist asian and middle eastern (You Know Who!) races. Meaning Whites are more race-blind, more accomodating, nicer, more trusting, etc. And Refn’s Denmark is a VERY “Multicultural” one. Another thing I liked. The subtext is that Immigrants Bring Crime and Drugs and Divide and Conquer Danes, and the Trashier Danes get involved with the Criminal Underworld, which is what Refn portrays exclusively in the Pusher Trilogy. Kinda “funny” to see White Vikings acting like Jersey Shore Douchebags, violent, stupid, sweatpants and stupid tattoos, years in prison, drug abuse, in P2 there is Welfare Mamas and Babies suckling off the teat of the generous Scandinavian Welfare State, and we ultimately see a society that doesn’t seem “Scandinavian” at all. Lots of Mixing with Balkans, Turks, Arabs, Albanians even! Albanians! This was in P3 and I quite liked that, because I’m obsessed with Albanians.

The guy who plays Milo, Zlatko Buric, is I THINK orig from Croatia; but his character Milo might have been intended to be Serbian or Macedonian. Not sure how different the Serbian and Croatian languages are, I thought they were pretty close. Pusher 3 has really very little spoken Danish in it, except, Ironically, when the Criminal Immigrants are trying often unsuccessfully to communicate with one another. The Serb Milo presumably speaks the best Danish (hard for me to tell, hahaha, in fact, I imagine The Average American Idiot wouldn’t even be able to TELL they’re constantly switching languages, haha), the “Pretty Boy” Albanian doesn’t, has to have the somewhat less pretty albanian translate; Milo speaks Serb or Croatian with his huge family and they are always kissing each other 3  times on the cheek; There’s even a POLISH guy in there trying to sell a young Polish woman to a maybe-Danish female pimp, all brought together by the Albanian scumbags.

Milo gets sucked into serving the Albanian Scumbags out of sense of honor to protecting his family, but ironically has to miss an important family event to be the Albanians’ B!tch, serving them in Milo’s own Serbian Crime Club. (Maybe he is Croatian because I thought Serbs and Albanians hated each other so much re the Kosovo thing, you can’t even have an Albanian and a Serb in the same room together without trying to kill each other.)

Milo has a musical, deep, booming voice which is a pleasure to listen to; and where he was more “villainous” in P1 in that he was the Ethnic Scumbag lording over the Danish Ne’er-Do-Well, at times being the Supernice Friend, but he had a Dark Side and was more than willing to electrocute Frank’s Nipples with Milo’s Co-Ethnic Brute Radovan – who also reappears in P3 in a great side role. Anyway, in P3, Milo is now the Good Guy who’s just trying to do the Right thing (despite being a huge heroin dealer), but he keeps getting screwed. He is 17 years older and looks it, a middle-aged Single Father trying to provide for his Daughter, who is a Huge Spoiled B!tch by the way. He’s still that Friendly Warm guy capable of godawful torture and violence, only now he’s older and more worried, very worried, and you see more of his own drug-using habit. Really fleshed out the Milo Character in a great way.

Indeed, it’s Milo’s sense of Honor (MRA’s might call it Foolish Chivalry and White-Knighting, even) that pushes him over the point of no return, and then the movie takes on its ultra-dark tone.

And Refn looks like a typical Lily-White Scandinavian, but has a nice Boyish Charm that makes him look younger than he is. Watch the extras. Yet he is not afraid to paint a picture of Multiculturalism that is not all Roses. Although I doubt he is even a Race Realist, hahaha. He’s just a “Naturalistic” filmmaker, hahaha. And he’s made a series of 3 films here that Are What Sequels Should Be, no going through the motions, every one fresh, good, unique, memorable, yet enough common ground to tie them in together: the characters, the stylized opening sequences with that catchy fun song and the shadowy faces, the Crime Underworld in Copenhagen, the Multicultis, etc.

I prob shoulda talked more about P2, but I just watched P3 last night hahaha. But P2 was nothing to sneeze at, no chopped liver, it was a fun and good movie too. But Zlatko’s performance in P3 really bowled me over. Refn has a Gift for making Great, Complex Characters, and finding the perfect actors to play them.

Watch any one of the Pushers, it’s better than what your Wimminz will pick for Movie Night. Use “Drive” if you have to with that pvssy f4gg0t b!tch Ryan Gosling who All Wimminz want to TIUTA from, and say it’s from the guy who made “Drive” before he sold out, hahaha.

I look forward to watching “Fear X” (at home right now!) and “Valhalla Rising.” And that other one about the british criminal with tom hardy (“Bronson”) ? Refn keeps busy!

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((Warning: that title has very little to do with THIS post, although I WILL be glorifying Mr. Chapin in future posts, not too surprisingly!)

When Mincing, Hand-Rubbing, Leering French Paedophiles start thinking too obsessively about Little Boys’ B|_|tth0les, they increase their likelihood of getting overly excited, which leads to them licking and smacking their lips excessively. Not too surprising. This Constant Lip-Licking leads to a Nonfatal but Embarrassing Medical Skin Condition called “perleche”, which is French for “Excessive Licking of the Lips Caused by French Paedophiles getting excited over Little Boys’ B|_|tth0les.” In USA we call it “angular cheilitis” and it can unfortunately occur to Straight, Alpha, Non-Boy-Molesting Men such as Your Humbly Narcissistic Narrator.

This has only been happening in the past year of my life or so. I tend to get very chapped lips during the winter which I treat with liberal amts of Chap Stick, sometimes the tingly “Medicated” variety. I assumed that the dry, cracked corners of the mouth were simply how “chappiness” presents in that region of the Lips. Then it persisted after the exit of winter. A little research taught me about the Paedophiles and that it may in fact be caused by a BACTERIA or FUNGUS because either you DROOL while you sleep, or have terrible HYGIENE, or have low Iron, and sh!t starts FESTERING in the corners of your mouth. And here I was making fun of “Cvntfungus” or “Funguscvnt” or what have you, when I have a filthy festering neckbeard no-hygiene MOUTH teeming with FUNGUS. This, like Thinning Head-Hair, is one of the biggest Tests to your Confidence that an Alpha Male can face, but, if endured, will make you a more successful, dividend-reaping Alpha. Separates the Men from the Boys, the Alpha Pv$$y-Pounders from the Omega Virgins.

My diet is not ideal and my Constant Chronic Fatigue leads me to suspect that an Iron Deficiency / Anaemia might be going on; I’ve also heard that B and “B Complex” Vitamins might be similar to Iron in this respect. So I went to Meijer, despite their MISANDRIC COMMERCIAL about “motivating your lazy, useless husband to get off his useless, lazy, loser @55, sleeping like an unemployed, umemployable BUM in the HAMMOCK to actually make himself USEFUL FOR ONCE and do some Yard Work! He’d better shape up because You’re still 39 And Hot & High-Powered and can Get a Younger, Hotter, More Muscular, More Successful, Bigger, Handsomer, Taller, Stronger, Winninger Man!” but since Meijer is Signif Closer than Walmart, and BECAUSE it’s Close and HAS Everything, it’s basically the Only Place I “Shop”, and purchased some QTips, Apple Cider Vinegar, Vaseline, “Extreme Multivitamin”, and B-Complex Vitamins.

And that’s the 417 word story of me Being The Bo55 of an Embarrassing Medical Condition that could have potentially cost a few 18-year-old B4ngs.

I LIKE sitting here and writing narcissistic nonsense. So why didn’t I take my Interest and hone it into a Skill (i.e., something One is GOOD at) and then develop that skill into a Hot Skill, and then make that my Career? This is a perfect example of the type of Navel Gazing which typified the Old Blog and which MUST not Taint the New Blog. Because “majoring” in “journalism” at a “university” would have been only marginally more useful than what I did Major in, and still No Contest to a Good Hard STEM major. And that Journo Programs are more likely to be a huge joke and Permeated By The Left than they are not, and when I was Young, I was unfortunately very susceptible to Leftist Emotion, and not sure I would have Gone My Own Way without my Grateful, LUCKY Discovery of A NonLeftist Male Mentor, and I didn’t discover Bernard Chapin until well after my College Years. And, finally, because the alternative choice to a writing career outside of Journalism, ie, “Creative” Writing, well I could barely muster up the stomach to write the words, without dying of laughter, or Flipping The Table in a Rage. “Creative Writing” ain’t NO kind of Writing, and even LESS of a Life Worth Living!

I’m sure there are Bourgiversity Writing Students out there who do an Independent Study and have a Huge Blog BE their Honours Thesis, and then they coast into a Dream Career Job writing for The Nation or Harpers or Dave Eggers or NYT or CNN or AP or Reuters or wherever Professional Leftist SWPL Careerist Writers Work (With Benefits!). (Yes, I’m aware that the majority of Professional Writers do Freelance Work.) Still, I would rather be a Shop Rat and Work For My Money, and then try to write in my Free Time, non-free-lance. IMHO, making Writing Your Career takes a lot of Integrity out of it, unless you’re one of the Top 1% Writers. You’re MUCH more likely to keep your Integrity AND make a Good Solid Alpha Living being A STEMgineer, so don’t even take the chance – just SHUT DOWN ALL the Humanities and Social Sciences and Journalism and Arts and Poyetry and Non-STEM University Departments, PERIOD. FULL STOP. END OF STORY. FOREVER.

“Sounds like the talk of somebody who just wasn’t GOOD enough to make it as Professional Writer, to cop-out and say they never Wanted to be a ‘sell out pro writer’ anyway!”

Marxist, Feminist Chicoms!

Yes, I enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh, but I don’t think I “mindlessly parrot” his words, even though I do enjoy USING his words, and other “stereotypical tea party / rightist” jargon. Chicoms, Lamestream Media, etc.

How do you measure the WORTH of a Man? A man gets scored 20% for getting Bigboy Benefits (some sort of health care at least) with his Bigboy Job. The Actual 50 hours of Work per week at your Bigboy Job count for the remaining 80%. Therefore, if you’re a OWS Handout-Seeking Socialist Slob who only “works” 30 hours a week at the Coffeehouse with No Health Care Bennies: -20 for no bennies to get 80%, and then 30/50, then times that by 80, and final answer, 48%. You are 48% Of A Real Man. Your opinion counts for 48%, you get 48% of a vote, etc. Note: you DO have to be a 100% Man to Pull Pv$$y that’s at least a 7. The highest a 99% Man could pull is about a 6.9. So the highest a 48% Man could pull is approx 3.44. Do you want to be pulling 3’s and living in your Parents’ Basement the rest of your 48%-Worthwhile Life??! Then go out there and do what your parents and betters did, and get a Bigboy Job, Scumcvnt! Stop WHINING and Start WORKING!

(go to1:29)

Very Important Clarification: Although an unwashed, Lip-Smacking OWS Might Well use the above paragraph as “Satire”, let me clarify my Complex and Nuanced Position that: A Man should NOT be measured solely by his Work or shamed for his Career “deficiencies”, although We MGTOWs and Red Pillers will see this sentiment in The Real World Everyday Everywhere; and though I may share my belief with OWSers, my similarity with them starts and ENDS right there. I mock them as Pathetic, Lazy, Entitled, Spoiled Leftists and Hippies and Communists, and I DO have a SERIOUS appreciation for the Notion of Hard Work. Which I will have to Enlarge later, because this post is now 1169 Words. Have A Nice Day.

Also, this post is worth $30 because I DID do 2 minutes of editing after the initial 1,000-word Dump. Actually lemme bump it up to $35 because although I’ve made at least $90 of Fake Money so far, BUT I would like to expand and increase that revenue stream slowly but constantly. $90 is good, but it’s not good enough.  1234 not bad! 1000 nextime.

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Anger is associated with men moreso than with women. If any emotion were “allowed” to men, it would be anger. Allowed, but not approved. While anger is seen as immature and violent (why does anger NEED to be “violent”?) and ineffectual and unjustified, it’s still more “manly” and “strong” than feeling weak or sad or lonely or afraid. Then you’re just a weak f4gg0t who can’t stand up for himself and get things DONE and Own Your Sh!t and Be Accountable for your actions.

There is “justified” anger – the righteous indignation you feel when you witness true injustice. And then there is “unjustified”, immature, “little boy” rage that you may feel when you don’t get Your Way.

Men who want to be Heterosexual with women – and many men do – but who fail miserably, never really getting what they want, may be initially attracted to Game, as it seems to teach them a skill to fulfill a rather immediate, pressing, serious want.

Full-Blown, Self-Identified MRAs and MGTOWs are GENERALLY more attuned to Structural Injustices and broader societal and historical trends of Misandry, than are some of the more myopic students of Game, who seemed to be obsessed with Young Tail even more than I am, or at least voice little concern over anything BUT Young Tail.

I fully understand and empathize with the “little boy rage” of the Gamers, and would like to remove the shaming and stigma attached to this “lesser” form of anger. While I don’t think being angry about “not being able to get laid” has the same level of seriousness as being angry about men’s LIVES being DESTROYED on the job, on the battlefield, or in the family courts, I think Anger-over-Sexual-Rejection still has significantly more legitimacy than its detractors claim.

There is a ton of shame heaped on Betas. Lots of patronization. Not just from Feminists who think Game is Misogynist, but from Regular Women who think Betas (and Game itself) are creepy (“Creepy” will almost certainly be a future post, hahaha), to male game-deniers who see all Game-Readers as short-sighted Pv$$y-Beggars, to the Alphas the Betas idolize. Shame, like Anger, CAN be a good motivator, but too much of it can be destructive. The “best” is when you get shamed for BEING angry, because you’re “too angry”, and for the “wrong reasons”. Methinks the Shamers have never experienced Intense Anger and how debilitating it can make one. When you are really really Angry, you are no good to no one. You can’t get anything done. Nothing. So yeah I guess I can understand how Anger gets portrayed as a pathology.

Rambling in circles again. Is it because I’m too angry? Maybe. I do often struggle with anger, and I can attest that it can become overwhelming and not productive or motivating or usable.

For example, it’s valid, understandable, and even “reasonable” to feel anger when you are rejected, taken advantage of, or simply don’t get what you want.  I think framing it as “little boy rage over not getting what the little baby wants” is a STRAWMAN, because even a little child is far less angry for far less time when his parent says “no ice cream for you!” than when one person rejects another.  That’s a difference in KIND as well as in degree: The next day the child is no longer mad about the ice cream, probably because he knows he will have ice cream again soon anyway, and it will be sweeeeeeet. Being rejected by another person is a bit like being told you’re just not good enough as a person, and you never will be. That kind of Stings more than the ice cream, especially if your interest was anything more than just purely sexual, for example infatuation, or you’d deluded yourself into thinking you respected them as a person.

I argue men are, on the average, much MUCH more intimately familiar with this kind of rejection and disappointment than are women. If women had to put up with as much rejection and failure and disappointment and loss as did men, they might be killing themselves in equal proportion to men rather than just dramatically attempting suicide for show.

Of course, a moody depressed woman will still have much more access to the potential pleasure of sex than a moody, depressed man! Note: I am NOT suggesting that moody depressed women go out and have lots of sex, because that will still make you a whore. Go to a shrink, preferably one who believes in “right” and “wrong.” Yes, this may very well be a privilege not available to you. In that case, you can still Notpray All Day to some sort of Nogod. That is likely to have a positive effect if you do it enough. Try repeating this mantra to yourself as many times throughout the day as you need: “Lord Nogod, please help me. Please give me strength to get through this day, and have mercy on my nosoul.” Over and over and over again.

So my point before I got angry was, Rejection sucks and can lead to great anger and instead of getting support and compassion, men are shamed for their anger and just pushed deeper into anger, and then if they “snap” and do something violent, then people conclude that anger ALWAYS CAUSES to violence, anger IS violence, and other nonsense. Its one of those Nuanced Arguments where the Nuances can get too easily confused. I can see how and why people confuse Anger and Violence. But I think that’s a grave miscalculation. A Serious Miscorrelation.

Anger for being Rejected by your Wife and separated from your kids and taken to the Cleaners and Living The Rest of your life in Debtor’s Prison is much, much worse than anger for getting rejected by Cute Young Girls for Sex. But I wonder if some of those in the second group don’t eventually become part of the first group. It’s their own damn fault, though, for being Gameless Betas and letting people walk all over them, isn’t it? True, they have SOME responsibility for that, but I’d place at LEAST 70% of the blame upon the person who does the walking-on. They should really know better.

I recall reading a comment thread somewhere – I know Alek Novy was involved – either at Heartiste or AVfM, where someone did a Venn Diagram of MRA and Game proponents. This might have been during the dust-up of MRA “vs” Game when Paul did his “Chateau Bullsh!t” article and related radio show. I was kinda provoked at that time, and I was a little disappointed in Paul, because I, the bridge-builder, enjoy BOTH AVfM AND Heartiste. Was that because I was a YOUNG man, or at least young enough that my Hormones were raging enough for me to be Obsessed with Young Tail? (But: I can feel myself getting Old, and I am STILL obsessed with Young Tail!)

I’m too lazy to go back and find exactly what was said, but I’d place myself in the intersection of that Venn Diagram. I started out on Game, but then I “graduated” to MRA and MGTOW, however I never fully abandoned Game either. Right now I’m trying to do a synthesis of the entire thing. I want Young Tail AND I want fairness for men in the courts, in society, in the media, and I’ll throw a Mantrum if I don’t get what I want!!!

The good news is that we can Bounce Back from rejection, dust ourselves off and try again as the saying goes; what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, etc etc. I’ve never been a big fan of platitudes but sometimes they’re true. Except when they’re false, except when what doesn’t kill you just makes you weaker and weaker and then eventually the straw breaks the camel’s back, you get a flat tire and then you fall into a psychotic crying weak beta heap in the middle of the street like Crazy Old Nietzsche defending the poor abused horse hahahahaha. But seriously folks. Facing Adversity and Rejection and Just Keeping Living can be a great character-builder, I firmly believe. It makes you a better person, and that’s better than the Hottest Young Tail!

Or is it?

Game, as I view it, isn’t some complicated, esoteric set of routines, and it’s certainly nothing new that was invented as a solution to the “new problem” of Feminism-Empowered Entitled “Average Modern Western Women”. It’s simply charisma and confidence. Good social skills. No big “Mystery” there, hahahahaha. However, it is surprising How MANY Men have Such Below Average Social Skills. Unless, of course, the True Average is NOT to mate. The Real Average is to Have Social Skills So Crappy you’re Unable To Pull Tail. And it may be true (heh, “weasel words”) that, in the Environment of Evolution, 80% of Males died without leaving heirs, and 20% of males – the true alphas – spread their seed among harems of many, many women, and we are the legacy of those very few men combined with those multifarious women. The vast majority of men died alone, angry, afraid, and absolutely Young Tail-less, and so too will they today. Alone and afraid often go hand-in-hand with angry. And Tail-less.

“Mmm-hmm! That just goes to show you WHY anger is sooooo BAD! You push others away with your insecurity!”

I admit  I do have a Pet Peeve for Women who Give Advice. 100% of the time – even more of the time than Most Women ARE “Like That” – even when A Woman gives WELL-INTENDED advice – it comes across as Patronizing and is ultimately less than useless – it’s insulting and angering. Especially when it’s Women advising you on Anger, or How To Change Yourself To Be More Attractive to Women. How about you just STFU because you have NO idea and your opinion is Stupid and Naive and Immature and Insecure and Deluded. The person who does NO Work telling the person who does ALL the work how they should Work Better. Give me a break. How about not being such an Obnoxious B!tch.

Times like that, I will get angry enough to use the B Word!

If Bouncing back from Rejection builds character, and women get rejected far, far less than men, does it follow that women on average have much less “character” than men? I wouldn’t necessarily say that. You can be privileged and Unrejected and still not be an a55 about it! For example, I am the textbook definition of a Privileged White Male, and I try never to forget it. (Yes, I’m aware that much of MRA is about pointing out how Male Privilege is not much of a Privilege. I’m just speaking in terms of personally having a Good Family and Opportunities for College and Career Success. I take full blame/accountability for all the mistakes I’ve made in my life which have brought me to the lowly status I’m at now.)

Men generally place higher value on Honor and Respectability and Morality and Ethics than Average Modern Western Women (AMWW). You can Respect your biological privilege/power of being able to choose your desired mate exactly by not choosing every possible mate and sampling the Schlongasbord during your halcyon days. This is just as “creepy” as George Sodini in a Trenchcoat walking down the street and whipping his Dong out and jerking-off with a big leer to every woman he sees.

Violence is Inherently Wrong. Anger is NOT inherently wrong. Anger does not CAUSE violence or even necessarily LEAD to violence. I argue a very specific combination of anger, ignorance, and evil/immorality leads to violence.  (Yeah I WILL break out the “E” word!) Shaming the Angry as Potentially Violent is just a way to make their legitimate concerns appear illegitimate. This is very low-down, dishonest, dishonorable and disrespectful, and We Don’t Like It.

Those men who do have individual Sexual Frustration IN ADDITION TO “More Valid Anger” about The Broader Issues are in a particularly precarious Shame Triangle, because their opponents will say they’re JUST/MERELY Little Boys Angry That They Can’t Get Laid but they’re too Stubborn and Arrogant to Think “Gee The Common Denominator Here Is Me, Maybe It’s ME who needs to change”, etc etc ad nauseum.

So should those who DO have Sexual Frustration Go Out Of Their Way to DENY they have ANY Anger over that?

I don’t think so.

But I am currently wrestling RIGHT NOW with the notion that the tasteless “jokes” I sometimes make on Twitter wrongly make MRA’s Look Like Women Haters and Women-Violencers. And I do not want to do that to My Brothers. It could be like handing Our Heads to Feminists on a silver platter, and I definitely don’t want to do that, no matter how much I personally enjoy and laugh at Horrible, Evil Jokes about everything from Raeping Women to Gassing J3ws to Eating Babies to Molesting Children to Enslaving and Lynching Blacks, etc.

The best I can PROMISE you right now is that I will try not to make “hateful”, evil jokes every single day, or without a great deal of Thought behind them. Serious, Blogworthy Thought.

But I will NOT promise to not say crude things like “I’ll only b4ng a fat girl if she’s 23 or younger and has a young-looking face and skin.”

I’m honestly flexible on this. I suppose if an MRA I really respected, like Uncle Bern or Barbarossaaaa, messaged me “Stop making childish jokes, it makes us all look bad, it paints us all as violent idiots and sets the whole MRM back”, then I probably would stop.

I’m not gonna lie, when I was listening to the April 2012 AVfM show “All MRAs Are Privileged, Angry White Cis Men”  (not exact title; but great show as always!) I was thunderstruck when they announced the next caller was Barbarossaaaa. I cheered like my favourite sports team made a huge win. He’s one of my favourite MRAs and I’d not-so-secretly hoped he’d be a guest on AVfM one day, and I was/am really happy when I learned he was on a May Episode of AVfM’s new News/Activism show with James Huff & Robert O’Hara. I just didn’t know he had called in to one of AVfM’s other episodes at an earlier time. But it only makes SENSE. All of AVfM’s radio shows are great. I had taken a little hiatus from listening for a few months and I’m glad I stopped that hiatus.

While I do enjoy the Diversity of Opinion and Fierce Independence of MGTOWs, I also enjoy seeing a group of the strongest voices get together and talk. There was a very nice Espirit De Corps when I heard John, Girl, Typhon, and Barb conversing. Naturally in my Fantasy MRA All-Star Radio Show I add Bern and Heartiste to the conversation.

I realize this is pretty far from my starting topic of Anger, but honestly this post got off to a rough start, hahahahaha.

(I will NOT stop saying “hahahahahahaha” even if it sounds “Unprofessional” or “Unserious”, because even though We Are A Serious Movement, I and probably most other men appreciate a sense of humor, and it can be hard to convey a light tone through Sarcasm, or if your Jokes are bad, so I simply say “hahahahahahaha” not as a way to say “don’t take us seriously” but as a way to say “don’t take LIFE so seriously, have a sense of humor sometimes, or you’ll turn into a famously frumpy humorless feminist.” Hopefully everyone has had the experience of having at least one Friend in their lives (usually male!) who always comes across as cheerful, who always puts you in a better mood just by being around them, who is often laughing at their own jokes even if they’re not particularly funny, but not in an arrogant “I’m smarter than you” way, because he always laughs at everybody’s jokes, and improves the lives of everyone around him. I would like to be That Guy. A Real Good Guy Greg. At least with this blog. Since I naturally have a habit of being Debbie Downer in Real Life.)

This blog is a work in progress. Right now I see myself as “practicing” writing, so I don’t – and “The Readership” SHOULDN’T – expect it to be real good at the moment. I haven’t written blogs in a long time. I’m not entirely sure where this one is going to end up, but I know that I DON’T want it to turn into me whining Too Much like an Emotional Beta about my Personal Failures. However I DO feel a need to address my personal emotions to SOME extent, and it’s challenging finding the ideal balance there. But I will TRY to tie them in with Men/Manosphere/MRM. Because I do think it would be short-sighted to claim that powerful emotions such as Infatuation and Anger have NO RELEVANCE to Men. These emotions can be Bad if we don’t Manage them, but they’re not INHERENTLY bad and should NOT be ignored, denied, or shamed.

And regarding SHAMING, I just wanted to say that Slut-Shaming is FAR more appropriate and effective than Beta-Shaming. Betas are inherently more respectable and honorable than Sluts. Betas are not going around with the trenchcoat exposing themselves to every woman they see. Betas are simply trying and repeatedly failing to get a little action for once in their foreveralone lives. Betas need support, encouragement, help, and yes platonic LOVE from other men who have been there, not scorn and shame from Alphas Who Now Pound Piggish Pv$$y but were once whining, pathetic Beta Virgins themselves.

I’m all for Tough Love and Trial By Fire, but I think a little more Soft Love and a lot less Scorn and Shame from MEN towards OTHER MEN would be pretty damn helpful.

And, Sexual Frustration is Valid Frustration and, in generally, Women should just STFU about it and stop trying to give “advice” or commentary because it’s just obnoxious and annoying. Far more so than my tasteless joke tweets.

Things are gonna be a little disorganized and focused and scattershot around here in the start, so just expect that. However I DO expect my writing/this blog to Get Better in the Medium-Term future. Just Gimme 3 Months, hahahaha.

I was listening to AVfM Radio “Telling the truth about boys” show and the show closed with a very relevant and powerful remark from Typhon Blue: LISTEN to your anger. When Paul asked her what advice she would give to boys on how to educate and train them for The World Of Women, for which Media and School and Society and even well-meaning Families do not fully prepare them. Listen To Your Anger. Your anger is an alert system telling you that something’s WRONG, and you would be smart to believe it. Use your anger to help you find what’s wrong and then try to solve that problem or protect yourself from it. Don’t ignore it, don’t think it’s a false flag. More likely that not, your anger is your Gut telling you that something IS wrong and unjust and potentially harmful. So don’t get harmed. Protect yourself and know that you are WORTH protecting. Don’t let your Hormones steer you into sacrificing your self-respect, integrity, and safety.

Very often we think of Logic Versus Emotion, as if they are Enemies, and Logic must Conquer Emotion every time (Well, I often leap to that conclusion!) but the bottom line is that both Logic AND Emotion can serve us well when balanced properly. A little Anger can save our lives. A little Infatuation can bond us to a mating partner and help us stay Faithful. But you have to have Logic to know when you’re getting a Raw Deal. Like Barbarossaaaa says, men are pretty good at knowing when they’re getting a deal and when they’re getting screwed. The problem is when men keep going back to get screwed, even when deep down they KNOW they’re getting screwed, because their emotions overcome their logic.

I do think the current “rift” in which people are taking issue with Rocking Mr E’s MRA+ is a little bit overblown and it will blow over. I agree partially with RME that Love Between Men and Women CAN exist and can be a beautiful, positive emotion, but I also agree with Barbarossaaaa and Stardusk that Women are predisposed to be more selfish than men and that the odds are stacked against men and to Bet On Love is a Fool’s Errand and that even if you have it good, things could go very bad overnight and you could be permanently screwed, so Know The Risks, and most of the time, the Risk Isn’t Worth The Reward. But RME is a great guy so let’s not pile-on him, hahahahaha.

I find it amusing and somewhat discouraging that MRA/MGTOW YouTube videos are filled with comments with MRA’s arguing viciously with each other over religion, politics, race, how selfish are women naturally, game, relationships, and people become Internet Tuff Guys even worse than I do. I could understand if they were ridiculing a Feminist Troll, but I think, in general, MRAs should give other MRAs a little more slack & be more civil and laugh away any personal disagreements because, at the end of the day, as MRAs, as Men, we have a LOT more in common than we don’t.



Attractive Women have a Moral Obligation to know they are Attractive and to act respectfully with that power, and their Parents have a Moral Obligation to Teach them how to do that.

Leonard Cohen is a tremendous, inspiring, beautiful, transformative, transcendent man.

Black MRAs are Powerful!

PS: I’ve always been wary of Comments, because I hate being criticized! It sounds too much like the Wimminly Advice I described above. When I leave comments, it’s not usually to troll, and usually to give support to the writer. If I disagree with anything they said, then I will say it as nicely as possible. If my disagreement is really significant, then I just won’t say anything at all, as more likely than not, our ideological differences will not be settled by any amount of arguing. If the difference of opinion annoys me enough, I’ll just stop reading the blog.

Basically this me saying that if I get a comment I don’t like, I’ll delete it.  Especially if it’s a Wimminz saying something annoying and pedantic and advicey.

Not that I anticipate a lot of comments. I don’t WANT a lot of comments!

What if anger-as-an-alert-system is just trying to tell us that our Anger Itself is misplaced? That our alert system is Broken, like a Little Boy who doesn’t get his Ice Cream and then gets really really angry for days and weeks and months and years? Well then you can get a whole lotta Xanax and just say “OKAY” passively whenever women withdraw their S3x from you so they can give it to More Alpha men.


LATER EDIT: just ignore this, I’m rambling about Caffeine and Leonard Cohen and no MRA stuff, hahahahahaha. I may end up deleting this because Being A Big Leonard Cohen Fan is something that I am easily Real-Life-Identifiable as.

I enjoy writing every day but sometimes the stuff does not really warrant a new post as it is not really on any topic. Or it may be related to the last topic. Or I just don’t want to have a new post. Like today, where I simply wanted to express Thanks and Gratitude to The Cosmos (hehehe) for having a day off and doing absolutely nothing but sleeping, drinking a nice mix of Iced Tea + Diet Mt Dew, a little modification of The Arnold Palmer which I do not have a name for yet. Normally I get up early and drink a lot of coffee all day long. With the sudden blessing of being able to sleep, I have indeed slept, and avoided Coffee for about 30 hours, unheard of. Took a Tylenol to assuage a small headache, but nothing excruciating. Still a sense of being tired and having no energy though. This is nothing new, so usually I Chug An Ocean of Coffee to make myself do what I need to do during the day. But with nothing to do, a First World Privilege if there ever was one, I decided to “detox” from Coffee for a few days while I had that luxury. I did not find a wave of energy in its place, rather, I just slept ALL DAY and went to bed at 6pm. On This, Day 2 of “vacation”, I still felt tired after a full night of sleep. So I “broke down” and got a little caffeine in the form of the “Super Arnold Palmer.”

And this has absolutely nothing to do with Men’s Rights. I was thinking about making a Second Blog for non-Men’s Rights things.

I have always been a big Tom Waits fan and also a big Leonard Cohen Fan. To me, these Singer-Songwriters deserve just as much recognition as “the mainstream” gives Bob Dylan. I don’t hate Bob Dylan, he just comes in at – at most – third place here. Usually I had always ranked Waits above Cohen, but these days I’m finding I’m ranking Cohen above Waits. Going back and listening to all the Cohen albums I’d not given enough attention: “Recent Songs,” “Death of a Ladies Man”, “Various Positions”, “New Skin for the Old Ceremony”, actually, a good 40% of Cohen’s Oeuvre I’m not as familiar with as I should be. All this is probably brought on by Cohen’s new 2012 album “Old Ideas”, which may just be Classic Cohen. The big problem with Bob Dylan is his inconsistency. If every album he made was as good as “Blonde on Blonde” or his first 4 or 5 albums, then he wouldn’t be at such a distant third place for me. Not that I’m crapping on Dylan’s newer albums either. His old-man voice sounds great. I guess Cohen just speaks to me more personally, and even his “inconsistent” albums are growers. Maybe it has to do with him taking at least 4 years between each album.

And I’ve never been a fan of Lyrics for some reason, I just rarely pay attention to lyrics. Maybe it’s my pessimistic view of musicians, and I don’t think they should try to be “poets” too. Pick one or the other because you can’t possibly be good at both. Obviously I don’t feel this way about Cohen. What I really like is how the first verse of lyrics starts off real simple and straightforward and even banal, but then as the song unfolds, he blows that theme wide open and says something spine-chillingly profound, but still related to the foundation he sets in the beginning. The first song on “Old Ideas” def does this.  Maybe even “Hallelujah” or “Suzanne” arguably.

So I’m thankful I “discovered” that new album “Old Ideas”, it got me back on a pretty serious Cohen kick. I’d like him to live forever and keep making new albums, but really we’re fortunate to get this one, it was uncertain whether he would ever make an album of new songs after “Ten New Songs.” And he’s 75 or 76.  Anyway I hope he lives to 120 and makes a dozen more albums. I was also clued into a recent live album called “Songs From The Road” (classic Cohen album title eh?) which was released after the magnificent “Live In London” and features that same Hot Band. (Many of which have been playing with Cohen since the 70s!)  But included some songs which were noticeably missing from LiL, namely, “Avalanche”, “Famous Blue Raincoat”, “Chelsea Hotel”, “The Partisan”, and, possibly my favourite, “Waiting for the Miracle.” I’ve never disliked that song but until I heard this live version I wouldn’t think of putting it on the same level as those previous songs. This Version gives the song the treatment it deserves, really breathes new life into it.

Back in the Day I preferred Old Cohen to New Cohen because it sounded more Organic and I thought he sounded better with the Old Bob Dylan style production of just a man and a guitar. When he incorporated a band, it was often overproduced, to my ears, in a “Cheesy 80s” sense, and was a bit off-putting. Live In London and Songs From The Road present a full-band approach to the material that is much more timeless, giving me a new appreciation for the stuff that may have “suffered” with a “dated” production on the studio versions. Of course now I can go back & listen to those albums and they sound fine. But it’s also amazing how a guy with a reputation for being an “intimate singer-sognwriter” can put on such a great live show with band.

And now I’m reminded of the semi-recent “Isle of Wight” live album which was pulled out of the vaults, and that was Solid too. That was no more recent than about 1974 (checked: 1970), close to his “Live Songs”, his first official Live Album, early 70s. Those sounded great too. I guess the man can do absolutely no wrong in my opinion.

Heh. So my “underrated” Cohen Songs Of The Moment Are:

“Waiting For The Miracle” (live 2010ish)

“Tennessee Waltz” (included on 2004ish album “Dear Heather”, but a live track recorded in 1990s I THINK)

“Sing Another Song, Boys” (included on Songs Of Love And Hate but clearly a Live recording from early 70s, proving, as on “Live Cohen”, he still put on a Sick Show back then)

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