Tag Archives: moral decay is social decay


[ dec 2012: gotta do “flashbacks” every 2 OR 3 days just to clear these out. Long Term Strategy. I’ve concluded 600 words is best length for average post.  will “pretty much” have to post one every day then. now some of these flashbacks are longer bc I wrote them well before making the 600 word rule. like this one from oct 04 2012. note to self, should do a Previous Blog Grecycle Post again, hahaha. ]

[april 2013: and i will be doing april 2013 commentary too, because alot of this Time Machine Sh!tpost is very representative of the MORAL K CANCER I was SUFFERING from at the time, and gratefully since have been cured of.

this is one part of a three-part series I had done back then glorifying Betas. Kinda presenting My Own Positive Definition of Beta. But everybody has their own definition of “Beta”, so You can spin it whatever way you want, good or bad.

Whenever a Time Machine Post like this slips out, I will TRY to do some quick Real-Time Live Commentary to show what has changed since then. Heh. Things have gotten a Lot Better All Around since my Racial Awakening!

so just assume everything and anything with these Square Brackets around it is Real Time Live Commentary from whatever month it actually is.]

I Will always have great sympathy for Betas because I used to be the world’s WORST Beta. No Fake. I can top them all. Supplicating, Needy, Orbiting, etc. I’ve been there. Manny lifetimes ago, I once almost BEGGED a (Brahmizog K!ke) Whore for a HUG because I was upset about her cutting me off, which it only took the slightest whiff of Action to get me to Fall In Pedestalizing Luv.

[this is why Betas need to hammer out an Early Termination Penalty of X0 Bangs, so the Decadent HamsterWimmin knows there are Consequences to Actions, hahahahaha. Back in the Good Old Days, a Wimmin would be severely frowned upon if she Dumped A Guy shortly after starting S’ual Relations with him. This only makes sense! And when then Converse happens with Today’s Betas, it’s troubling. But easily fixable with this Early Termination Bangs Negotiation!]

There’s a “GAPING WOUND” for a Little While after that (not really! that is an overstatement by Your Haters and Shamers), but just because you can objectively, coolly say that someone is a Whore doesn’t mean you STILL have a Gaping Wound, despite what Feminist Marxist Whores say! Don’t ever LISTEN to what they SAY.

I drill it into YOUR head, because I needed it drilled into MY head to overcome Beta, and I still benefit from the drilling. Red Pill Drilling.

Not 100% sure where betas get their disney fairy tale white knight princess pedestalizing from. Disney cartoons? Mainstream TV/Movies usually portray Whores riding the c0k carousel as without consequences, and betas as comedy relief. Maybe it’s the occasional movie where The Nerd

Gets The Girl in the End, but aren’t these movies not so frequent anymore? (see later [way earlier!] post; I argue Modern SWPL MUSIC is totally faggy; and I got my betaness from Blaq Jewish ZOG Sentimental – though genuinely beautiful & nonfaggy-

Motown Balladz like “My Girl”.) Maybe Betas don’t even NEED any outside influence to teach them to pedestalize wimminz, because Young Men have a Natural Beta Urge to Commit To One Special Wimminz, IF, when they were an adolescent, they didn’t have access to unlimited teen pvssy. So they’re “coming from a place of” (now there’s a great fag phrase along with “pretty much” and “kinda” [i personally coined the term Fagspeak(tm BKC)] ) PVSSY SCARCITY. SCARCITY.

So when they spend 5 minutes with a wimminz who they can’t tell within 5 minutes how big of a whore she is & how EASY she gives it up for Alphas, of COURSE they NATURALLY want to Pedestalize her.

[on music: even rather MASCULINE musicians eg Tom Waits offer a pretty tender, Beta, PEdestalized, Idealized, Beautiful, Pure version of True MOnogamous Love in some songs.  therefore The Ideal Man is a Blend of Alpha and Beta, striking a balance, a ratio, i’ve said this before. IE Manly Alpha men should not be Scawed Of Wuv for the dumb reason that it might make them

more faggy, less manly, then they will pull less of their precious pvssy, all because of Bad Beta Wuv makes you faggy and feminized. That is some K SpergHamster Neckbeard Kissless Virgin “logic” there. Don’t be Scawed Of Wuv, but don’t give it away FO FREE like a Betaboy or a Spreader Neither.]

Whores like Echzmma Watzon. Because they don’t LOOK like whores, they still have that innocent teen face that looks like it’s never even SEEN a c0k before, let-alone been BLASTED-ON by MANY with photo evidence to prove it. Looks can be VERY deceiving.

“OMG you’re such a HATER! You HATE WIMMINZ! You’re a Wimminz-Hater!”

Wrong! I have great DISGUST for Avg Wimminz and the immorality they promote. We HAVE to Take A Stand and Speak Truth To This Disgusting Normalization of Immorality! We Have to say “NOT OK!” when increasingly Our Leaders and Betters and Teachers and Friends and Otherwise Well-Meaning People are saying “yes that’s fine! nothing wrong with that!”

[april 2013 : yep, not very cool how The K had turned me against MY OWN women here. But that’s what the K DOES. the objective factual truth about women, though, is that they are gullible and easily influenced, so you just have to get to them and influence them BEFORE the Immoral International Plutocrats do!]

. [ok go take a break, the Live Commentary added in has made this post Too Long for One Post…..











aaaaaand here’s yer fun picture of the post…







. PART 2: ]

But Prob one day as I get older and Wiser, I will stop getting so Emo about Individual Wimminz doing Whore Things, just say “Cest La Vie,” Enjoy The Decline Poolside, while still of course condemning the Widespread Moral Decay that promotes this Whory.

[WRONG. you can’t enjoy something while morally condemning it. you fight to save those worth saving. But I HAVE become less Emo McGee, Thank You!]

ANNNDDD My Hot-Blooded Slavic Libido Requires A LOT to satisfy. Until I have A Rotation of At LEAST 30 Solid 8’s, I will be Getting Mad about Whores Being Whores. All the more incentive to work on that HUGE Harem of Quantity AND Quality. Then the sooner I can do IMPORTANT things for The Future. It’s pretty hard to get mad about one wh0re refusing your d!ck when you’ve got another hotter, younger wh0re on your d!ck.

[april 2013: slavic=white libido does NOT require such a decadent, excessive, pornographic number to satisfy it. see, in oct 2012 i was still infected by The Poison. i would think 2 or 3 prime-of-youth women at any given time would be MORE than enough for any healthy white man. No need to go OVERBOARD, don’t let your interest in sex KAHNTROL your mind, don’t let it HARM your relz with the potential mothers of your children]

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. That’s enough for today, time to read some blogs, Brocrastinate on Hoework and CareeeeeeeeeerSearch. HAVE A NICE DAY.

Betas: HELL YEAH You’re ENTITLED to be ANGRY! The Whore you’re in LOVE with & would change your LIFE for, but who keeps coming up with dumb excuses not to hang-out with YOU, despite you being in LOVE with her for a YEAR, has DRUNKENLY TAKEN IT UP THE 4SS FROM A GUY SHE ONLY KNEW FOR A FEW MINUTES.

Note: That doesn’t mean you’re entitled to use VIOLENCE against her, but it DOES mean you ARE entitled to Sex from her, just as is basically every/any man, and so thus you’re well within your rights to be a little frustrated and say wtf when she DOESN’T give you that sex within a few minutes.

[apr2013: at that time i was not fully on “my race thing”, AND I was much more obsessed with Sex, and failed to recognize the rel between Sex and Race, namely, don’t hate on women of your race even if they have been corrupted by the bolshevik khazar christkiller. try, within reason, to convert them back, grieve within reason for their lost soul, but don’t let the hate distract YOU from YOUR missions. leave the dead weight at the side of the road.]

ALWAYS hold Whores to that standard: the SHORTEST length of time / SMALLEST amount of Effort it took for them to Get F00ked. So men with better GAME are entitled to MUCH, MUCH shorter/smaller periods? I’d argue they are entitled to Relatively shorter/smaller, but that this should be adjusted along a CURVE: say your game is 50 times worse than the guy who banged her in 5 minutes. So then YOU get to bang her

in 250 minutes, between 4 and 5 hours, NOT never. NOT BAD UH? Besides, Game isn’t even the only factor: there’s alcohol and her HAMSTER and Social Setting to consider, and EACH of those are at LEAST as important as Game: 25/25/25/25. And it’s not likely that Beta Game

is over FIFTY Times worse than Alpha game, or whatever it would take to “justify” languishing in the gayzone for a YEAR: your game would then have to be like 9,000,000,000 times worse than Alpha, and that just does not compute.

[remember betas: friends don’t put friends in the friendzone, because the friendzone crushes souls, and friends don’t crush friends souls. and although betas are being faggy by “falling into” the friendzone by not sacking up and having bad game, the wimmin are MORE to blame for being so blind OR narcissistic such as to not shut down this pathetic, faggy beta supplication. it doesn’t take a she-genius to recognize

when even the biggest Gameless Kissless Virgin is Interested in them. But then some Jified Elite She-Journalists go out of their way to mischaracterize the KV’s as Not Really Liking Them, which does a grave disservice to the KV’s and their feeeeelz. Don’t Let Liars Lie About You. And Don’t Be Faggy and Weak and Scawed of Goils.]

As long as there are Men Marrying Whores, or even voluntarily entering into what they think are monogamous longterm rels with whores, or men TRUSTING whores, I will be talking about how immoral whores are. So as to SAVE Men from them. Moral Decay = Social And Societal Decay.

[that is, i had a big game, mra, manosphere, and sex angle Way Back Then 7 months ago hahahaha, now, NOT SO MUCH. There are much, much, much more important things in life than YO D!CK and B4NGIN B!TCHEZ & HO3Z. Like finding someone you can Trust and Get Along With to be a Good Mother to Your Children.]

[nowadays I might even be backing off of Strict Monogamy Being Best for Whites, and considering the theory that PERHAPS a SMALL, Nondecadent number of wives would work best for A Sizeable Minority of whites.]

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LONG POST. feb 1 2013.

Ryu. What a guy. Answer for everything. I like his confidence, boldness, Leadership, & Vision. Maybe A WIDDLE SCAWY, but now I dig that.  def loves his race, &if you’re white, you have every reason to like Ryu, and if you’re not, you have every reason not to. Heh. Prime Specimen of a White; guys like him make You Proud To Be White. Ifn yer white that is. If you’re not, you have plenty of reasons &cheerleaders for being proud about not being white. Meanwhile, everyone who tries to make you Proud To Be White is labeled a hatemonger &neonazi &aryan nations etc. While it IS Right to Monger a Little Hate, especially against The Tribe, hahahaha, how do you make Average Everyday Joe White Proud to be White? Or is he part of the Chaff that’s bringing the white race down?

Thinkin. because Ryu mentioned there are some Blacks &Nonwhites who are apparently betraying their own races &trying to court white racial realists – nonwhites saying white is right, &they prefer company of whites. Exactly the type of nonwhites I might* be willing to ally* with, in other words.

Ryu argues that in situations of life &death, these Nonwhites WILL ultimately “go to the mat for” their OWN race and NOT the whites they claim to love. So they are good for nothing, and so are the whites that allow these “friendlies” into their ranks, &this is a way of separating the white wheat from the white chaff, and it’s happening right now. It might be happening to ME. Say I, as I listen to “Leonard COHEN Live at Isle Of Wight 1970”, hahaha. Whose side am I really ON anyway? Would I be willing to Throw My Whole Race under the bus, just so I can be a fan of Leonard COHEN? But I honestly do love Leonard COHEN, and don’t want to give him up. 90% of other jews I could do without though. Ha, Ha, Ha.

was watching MSNBC or HLN or some Televitz, did story on guy assoc with AryanNations who shot up  Jewish CommunityCenter in LA, killed Filipino-American mailman. Ihad never heard of this guy, Buford Furrow or something. Biff Farrell. Big Balding guy with big glasses & stache who looks like child molester, hahaha. but they brought out some of the jews who said some OMG stuff like “you can’t JUST get over this, you have to have time to Embrace Being A Victim, because you ARE a victim!” then they talked about how aryan nations never recovered. ishould* look it up, happened late 1990s. this is how prowhites are character-assassinated! WWDrWLPD???

Good Leadership is hard to find, especially with White Racialists/Racists, &I wonder if there’s been a “Leadership Void” since Dr Pierce passed in 2002. Who will take his place? Kevin Strom? Greg Johnson? Alex Linder? Chechar? Varg Vikernes? David Duke? Kevin MacDonald? Carolyn Yeager? Don/Derek Black? Hunter Wallace? Harold Covington? The American Nazi Party President who I’ve only seen one video of? IMHO I think Ryu would be pretty good candidate. Mindweapon too! Men under 50 (I assume) who still have lotta fight &energy.

Conchobar, “ERADICASPHERE”  guy big on White stuff, &I was surprised to learn he was such a YOUNG man, early twenties. makes me haaaaappy and hooooopeful!

So I def hate blacks less than A Good White Nationalist should*, &have even suggested WORKING WITH Race-Awakened Blacks. Maybe I was just being IDEALISTIC &looking at a VERY remote possibility. For as unlikely as it is, Whites would be better off not pursuing it. The rewards could never exceed the risks, even if it DID work out.

atm I’m more concerned about The Forces that’ve ALLOWED Blacks &Nonwhites to BECOME the destructive forces they are. I don’t need to tell you, YKW!!!

I agree OmegaVirginRevolt should try to distance himself from that name. Black Pill is nice, go with that instead, not both.

Feminized Western Male so Feminized &Crushed by Sexual Frustration, because he can’t get Any, BECAUSE he’s so feminized, that he becomes OBSESSED with sex as be-all end-all. Sex with any Pretty Young Thing, no regard to race, so that your Main Goal in Life is to be Sex Addict, “Negroid Playboy” to quote commenter on My Favourite Blog, hahaha. FeminizedWhiteMen aspiring to nothing more than being a Groid Playboy is Not Good.

Would problem be solved by Game &White Men actually GETTING laid? NO, because many men DO learn game and DO get the Sex they so desperately want, &successfully transform themselves….but how many graduate beyond that, beyond Just Sex As Their God? Some, but not all.

like OmegaVirgin, I’m IN SOME WAYS a BIT of omega. I don’t think he is PROUD of it, just as I am not PROUD of it… but should* I even MENTION it, even in the case of being HONEST? I can see being Honest with your allies, but why should you be honest with your enemies, or people who haven’t proven themselves as your allies? I know I’ve said Honesty Is The Best Thing Ever, but is it really? Why be honest with enemies or NonAllies? THEY don’t need to know I’m an Omega Loser! F00k no!

Me being Omega Loser is not Society’s fault, not Women or Wimmin or Blacks or Alphas or Family or Skools or Gummint or even You Know WHO, it’s ALL on ME, and just in case you forgot, 20% of this Blog’s Mission Statement is Helping People Improve Themselves, including my Self.

Ok enough WEAKNESS!

Conclusion: Ryu should* start a Youtube channel and give Electrifying Speeches. Including Practical Advice for Men.

Well it’s’not Calc2 haha: Get up early, work out until you’re muscular, strong& athletic, eat well, read read read, don’t be LAZY, learn practical skillz, work on projects, hone yourself into the strongest warrior you can possibly be, journey that never ends. Constantly Hone Yourself.  simple to describe, hard as f00k to DO.

I am inspired by Ryu saying positive things about Hate – atm I’m becoming convinced A Little Hate Is A Great Thing. Thank the j-wg-d for this serendipity.

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More On Race. Was listening again to Dr Pierce.  (“Doctor! William! Luther! PIERCE.!” ) I sorta agreed with him that Short-Sighted Materialism that’s infected us all is a Jewish thing, but it’s more of a Morality thing IMHO, and Jews needn’t be Inherent Amoral or Immoral. They just overlap a LOT with Materialistic, Godless, Soulless, SWPL Amorality. But they can beat that if they want to! [Important Update: It might even be a Christian US-Colonial Calvininst Protestant Work Ethic thing!! see future post]

But it was smart of Pierce to recognize that this is also partially an Egotistic (Egoistic?) HUMAN thing. We’re all animals who want creature comforts to an extent. But I also agree with him that it’s important to keep focus on The Eternal, although we might disagree slightly on what The Eternal is.

At the moment [update: heh just wait a week!], I am probably more “comfortable” (not that COMFORT should be one’s main goal!), or a better “fit” with Christianity than White Nationalism, although I do think Race is important and very interesting and all people should investigate their own race and ethnicity and background and heritage and ancestry and genealogy.

But this leads me to the next dilemma of, Christianity is really nothing more than another form of Jewish Mind Control. It’s not White at all. It’s Judaism For Whites. You want White Religion, you go back to the pagan gods or asatru or whatnot. Don’t worship the Jewgod! That’s how they’ll REALLY getchya In Eternity!

But as I don’t really dislike Jews for being Jewish, but for being scheming society-ruining materialistic amoral marxist usuring greedy leftists!

It’s about Damn Time I have a discussion of MONEY in here; So I was listening to Wm Pierce and agreeing in parts but also disagreeing in parts; then I went to some Counter Currents Podcasts, including a nice interview with Jack Donovan on “The Way Of Men” and Manly Virtues (wish list!) and a piece by Greg Johnson on Money. Namely, the creation of money out of Thin Air, with no work-value behind it, by interest-charging bankers; and how the whole system of banking and loans and interest is just an ungodly poisonous thing. At least the way The Banks are doing it now. And Jews have this reputation as Bankers, and how it was Immoral to ever charge interest, but NOT for the Jews, so if you wanted a loan, you had to go to a jew and then get jewed up the 4ss with interest.

I guess you could consider it the price for the service of getting a loan, but what I’m really talking about here is probably fractional reserves and what banks actually do with the money you deposit. How they loan out more money than they actually have and are honestly Magically Creating Money like Johnson says. I remember we actually talked about it in my Banking Lesson in Econ, and it surprised me and blew my mind, and I still don’t understand it, and I SHOULD Understand it, cause it sounds fishy as f00k. I’m not sure that Banking Or Loaning NEEDS to be Like This. Not even sure the term for it. I should read my mises.org, that’s what it’s THERE for. To EDUCATE.


Just came across this recent Vox Day article on “Debased money, debased marriages” where he talks about “CREDIT DOLLARS”. And mentions everybody’s favourite Philistine Dalrock. Yes I still like Vox Day and Dalrock. I guess I just don’t see how they’re NOT on The Right Side!

“Fractional Reserve Banking” and the Creation Of Money, I think that’s the term I need to use.


I think Murray Rothbard is PROB a Jew I can Trust, hahaha! See, You can trust individual jews if they’re trustworthy and on The Right Side!

And this Magic Money is not going back into the economy even, it’s just making Banks and Bankerz richer. Johnson started talking about possible solutions, some involving An Ethical, Accountable-To-The-People-Who-Elected-Them Government Creating Magic Money and just giving it to people to let them spend as they wish in a Free Market. That sounded kinda funny and I’m sure he had other solutions, but I was tired and it was my Paleo Bedtime so I had to stop there.

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions, that’s what I believe. Even a lot of these Marxist Sickos are actually WELL-MEANING, they think they are Saving The World and True Believers in Social Justice and Helping The Downtrodden. It’s what I believed when I was a Marxist Drone: I believed that Marxist Social Justice was the best way of showing COMPASSION to those who need it the most, and that Conservatives and Rightists and Anti-Marxists were Rich Greedy Scumbags just genociding the poor as fodder. So if you were a Kind, Moral person, you chose Marxism. I had the best of intentions, but was embarrassingly Naive and Young.

Good Intentions, combined with Stubborn Blind True Believerness in the Corrupt Cause Using those Intentions, combined with the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES that led to the Corruption of that cause and the Moral Decay of Society – that’s how it works IMHO. Maybe some of them are evil, but a lot of them are just brainwashed as f00k, and don’t see their good intentions are causing more harm than good.

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